好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的feed into的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条feed into的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了feed into的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Even Kellogg's decided tofeed into the swine flu myth and hysteria.(甚至家乐氏公司都决定将猪流感编进神话和歇斯底里。)
- 2、Himalayan glaciers alsofeed into major Asian river systems including the Ganges, Indus, Mekong and Yangtze.(喜马拉雅山脉冰川也是亚洲主要河流的发源地,包括恒河、印度河、湄公河和长江。)
- 3、Next, awk reduces the output to the process ID, which youfeed into xargs.(接下来,awk只显示输出结果中的进程ID,并将它传递给xargs。)
- 4、Initially it might seem a little complex to set up the operators to transform thefeed into a combined feed with filters.(一开始,通过设置操作符将feed转换成一个带有过滤器的合并的feed似乎有点复杂。)
- 5、The bullets will soonfeed into the machine gun.(这些子弹马上要装入机枪。)
- 6、These site instances of TADDM canfeed into an organization-wide CCMDB instance to provide an enterprise view of lab resources.(这些TADDM的站点实例可以集成到公司端的ccmdb实例,以提供实验室资源的企业视图。)
- 7、It shows how these estimates canfeed into the project managers' overall project plan, and offers best practices for portal project planning.(这一部分演示了如何将这些评估反馈到项目经理的总体项目计划中,并且提供了门户项目计划的最佳实践。)
- 8、They also need to increase the speed with which traders receive market data tofeed into their algorithms.(他们还需提高交易员接收市场数据的速度,这些数据反馈到他们的算法里。)
- 9、Suppose you want a PHP page that converts an RSSfeed into HTML.(假设需要一个php页面将rss提要(feed)转化成HTML。)
- 10、Minoru Freund believes other earthquake "precursors" couldfeed into this system.(明纳路弗洛伊德相信别的地震“先驱”对这个系统会有补充作用。)
- 11、To everyone who says you can't turn a Twitterfeed into a TV series, of course you can't.(那些认为一个Twitterfeed无法拍成一部电视剧的人当然拍不成。)
- 12、To turn thisfeed into HTML, you can process it using XSL transformations.(要把这个提示转化成HTML,可以使用XSL转换来处理它。)
- 13、Conversely, rising real estate pricesfeed into consumer inflation through what economists call “real wealth effect.”(反过来,房地产价格的上涨又拉动了消费物价上涨,这就是经济学家所说的“房地产财富效应”。)
- 14、These team-specific integration environmentsfeed into the common integration environment which then flows onward as normal.(这些团队特定的集成环境向通用集成环境导入代码,然后就走正常流程了。)
- 15、Make a script that USES ipmitool tofeed into gmetric.(创建使用ipmitool的脚本以提供给gmetric。)
- 16、Wireless devices, too, will increasingly become sensors thatfeed into the cloud and adapt to new information.(无线设备也会很快成为可以提供给云新信息的传感器。)
- 17、The form can be used tofeed into design as well as to track the progress of the team.(此表格可用于进行设计以及跟踪团队的进度。)
- 18、The basic idea is that you will read an existing Atom feed, then translate thatfeed into RDF.(基本的思路是:先读取一个现有的Atom提要,然后将这个提要转换为rdf。)
- 19、Similarly, national averagesfeed into calculations of whether a product or its packaging are recycled, incinerated or put into landfill.(同样通过分析国民平均值就能知道某种产品或其包装是否进行了重复使用,被烧尽或是被填入垃圾场。)
- 20、Otherwise a manually created mapping file may make sense, which can thenfeed into a process that updates as many specifications as needed.(否则,应当使用手动创建的映射文件,该文件可以被提供给流程,更新尽可能多的规范。)
- 21、The source language to target language is specified by use of the String variable language, which youfeed into the getTranslation method.(源语言与目标语言通过使用传入getTranslation方法的字符串变量language指定。)
- 22、"We have also launched an SMS campaign in order to generate revenue which willfeed into the offset program," said Modise.(“我们还推出了短信活动,以获得收入来补给碳抵消项目。”Modise说。)
- 23、The experience willfeed into new banking regulations.(这些经验将融入到新的银行业监管条例。) Hao86.com
- 24、In other cases, abundant data are generated, but neverfeed into the decision-making process.(在其他情况下,有大量的数据产生,但从未用于决策过程。)
- 25、Ample credit also tends tofeed into spending and asset prices. That makes people feel richer.(信誉充足往往带动消费和资产价格上涨,于是,人们又觉得自己变富了。)
- 26、Many of the devices thatfeed into it, such as sensors and cameras, will be intrusive.(许多接入云的设备(如传感器和摄相机)都具有侵犯性。)
- 27、"If you had an interesting location data set, you couldfeed into our system and resell it," says Stump.(“如果你拥有一个有趣的地点信息,你可以应用到我们的系统中并转售它,”Stump说。)
- 28、The riversfeed into the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska — cold, nutrient-rich waters which support tens of millions of seabirds, and over 400 species of fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and mollusks.(这些河流汇入白令海和阿拉斯加湾这片寒冷而又营养丰富的水域,在这片水域里生活着数千万只海鸟、400多种鱼类、贝类、甲壳类和软体动物。)