好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的few and far between的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了22条few and far between的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了few and far between的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、My mother always tells me that good men arefew and far between (rare).(我母亲常告诉我,好人很少。)
- 2、Before the nineteen century, scientists with an interest in the sea werefew and far between.(在十九世纪以前,对海洋感兴趣的科学家寥寥无几。)
- 3、The applications that need to know much, if anything, about their host hardware arefew and far between.(如果说其他方面的东西,需要了解主机硬件的应用程序十分罕见。)
- 4、The reason behind this is that similarities in the two models arefew and far between.(这是因为这两个模型相似的地方很少。)
- 5、Why are online solutions to help us with our real-world social needs sofew and far between?(在线解决方案为何能弥补现实世界中的那些不足呢?)
- 6、Charging stations arefew and far between, repair shops are hard to find and the cars are costly.(充电站的数量少、彼此间距离太远,修理车间难以寻觅,并且车辆的价格都不菲。)
- 7、Arctic voyages arelucrative, in demand, and relatively safe (pirates arefew and far between in Baffin Bay).(北极游的优势在于获利丰厚,需求量大同时较为安全——在巴芬湾很难看到海盗的踪迹。)
- 8、If you wait for inspiration to slap you in the face, your work sessions will befew and far between.(如果你等着灵感在你的脸上扇一巴掌,你的工作进展将稀少而漫长。)
- 9、Good roles arefew and far between, and their paychecks are usually smaller than their male co-stars'.(好的角色少之又少,而他们的收入相对于男星也通常要少。)
- 10、Holidays arefew and far between.(假期总是很短,而且间隔很长。)
- 11、My house used to be crowded with visitors, but now visitors arefew and far between.(从前,我家总是门庭若市,现在却是门可罗雀了。) Hao86.com
- 12、He sure is. Friends like him arefew and far between.(的确是的,像他那样的朋友实在是少见。)
- 13、Unfortunately, opportunities to listen to a great speaker arefew and far between.(可惜,能够聆听到优秀的演讲的机会凤毛麟角。)
- 14、That didn't matter so much 20 years ago when personal computers werefew and far between, but times have changed.(20年前个人计算机还相当稀少的时候,这件事并没有那么重要,但是时代不同了。)
- 15、But such projects arefew and far between.(但是这样的外援项目屈指可数。)
- 16、Commercial games on Linux are veryfew and far between.(Linux下的商业游戏极少。)
- 17、Settlements, like this twinkling village built between the mountains and the sea, arefew and far between in Patagonia.(定居点,像这些闪烁的乡村建筑在山脉和海洋之间,是很少和远离的在巴塔哥尼亚。)
- 18、Really exciting games arefew and far between.(真正令人刺激的比赛很少能遇到。)
- 19、Good listeners arefew and far between and they will be remembered.(好的倾听者是不常遇到的,他们将会被记住。)
- 20、But such opportunities arefew and far between.(但是这样的机会并不常碰到。)
- 21、Football has always been a simple, intuitively understood game, with exceptions to thatfew and far between.(足球一直是一种项简单的、可以直观理解的比赛,但是有零星的例外。)
- 22、Such refuges arefew and far between.(这样的避难所寥寥可数。)