好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的ferry pier的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条ferry pier的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了ferry pier的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Resurrection of the old Starferry pier!(旧中环天星码头复活!)
- 2、Passengers for stops from Ngan Wai toferry pier, please change there to the opposite platform for route 610.(前往银围至屯门码头各站之乘客,请于该站对面月台转乘610线路之列车。)
- 3、The reprovisioned Starferry pier is designed with a historical heritage approach similar to the year 1912 design to add a little history to the new waterfront promenade.(将要重置的天星码头会采用仿古设计,参照其1912年的设计特色,为新的海滨长廊平添一点历史色彩。)
- 4、Save Central Starferry pier!(请救救天星码头!)
- 5、Take ferry from Sai Wan Hoferry pier. It takes about 20 minutes.(“西湾河码头”乘搭街渡前往,船程大约20分钟。)
- 6、The automobile ferry between Hyde Park Pier and Sausalito took about 20 minutes and cost $1.(海德公园码头和索萨利托之间的汽车渡轮需时约20分钟,价格1美元。)
- 7、This year is the fifth consecutive year that First ferry provides ferry service from North Point West Pier to Joss House Bay during Tin Hau Festival.(新渡轮今年已是连续第五年于天后宝诞期间,提供往来北角码头及大庙湾的特别渡轮服务。)
- 8、You'll see theferry pier in front of you.(你可以看到渡船码头就在你前面。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 9、Hon choy so-yuk raised a question on demolition project for the old starferry pier clock tower.(蔡素玉议员就旧天星码头钟楼拆卸工程提出一项质询。)
- 10、There's an oil tanker and a tugboat over there, a ferry over there, and a cruise ship docked at the pier.(那里有一艘油轮和一艘拖轮,那里有一艘渡轮,还有一艘游轮停在码头。)
- 11、Though Cheung Chau is tiny, the winding trails can seem surprisingly long - but you're never really far from the main village andferry pier.(长洲虽然是弹丸之地,道路看似出奇的曲折,但其实无论怎么的走,你也从未真正远离主村和码头。)
- 12、You'll see theferry pier on your right.(你可以看到渡船码头在你右边。)
- 13、The train on route 615P to Tuen Munferry pier is arriving, please wait behind the yellow line and mind the platform gap when boarding.(往屯门码头嘅615P线列车即将到站,乘客请勿超越黄线,上车时,请小心月台间之空隙。)
- 14、Video: Resurrection of the old Starferry pier!(影片:旧中环天星码头复活!)
- 15、The Pier provide vehicular and passenger ferry to Central and passenger ferry to Wanchai.(此码头提供往中环的载客及汽车渡轮航线,亦提供往湾仔的载客渡轮。)
- 16、The Hotel faces pier and beach to the north is railway station and shopping center to the west is the Huangdao Ferry Eight-Gorge scenery. It is the best Hotel for you to choose when come to Qingdao.(酒店南面大海,东靠栈桥,北倚火车站和中山路商业街区,西邻八大峡风景区和黄岛轮渡码头,是您的最佳旅居选择。)
- 17、The old Starferry pier and chiming clocktower were recently demolished but the ferry remains the cheapest and best ride in town.(陈旧的天星小轮码头和钟塔最近遭到拆毁,但天星小轮仍然算是城里最便宜又最好的交通工具。)
- 18、The Starferry pier is a ferry crossing in central.(天星码头是在中环的一个渡口。)
- 19、Tou'll see theferry pier across the street on you left.(你可以看到渡船码头在对面街道的左边。)
- 20、This year is the fourth consecutive year that First ferry provides ferry service from North Point West Pier to Joss House Bay during Tin Hau Festival.(新渡轮今年已是连续第四年于天后宝诞期间,提供往来北角码头及大庙湾的特别渡轮服务。)
- 21、Tsim Sha Tsuiferry pier is not only 15 minutes walk.(从这里到尖沙咀码头步行的话,只要15分钟就到了。)
- 22、Wan pier everybody knows it, is a frozen dumpling name, but today I see many ferry across the sea, can go to Tsim Sha Tsui.(湾仔码头大家知道吗,是一个速冻水饺的名字,但是,今天我看到很多渡轮,可以过海去尖沙咀。)
- 23、Landing in the Central Starferry pier, the night completely enveloped the harbour, her makeup look more luxurious.(在中环的天星码头登岸,夜色完全笼罩了维港,她的妆容逾显华贵。)
- 24、How do I get to theferry pier?(我怎样才能达到渡轮码头?)