
fall in between

fall in between造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 12:16:16

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的fall in between的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了22条fall in between的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了fall in between的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、It proved accurate enough to make predictions between 50% and 65% of the time, in part because individual executives have unique ways of speaking that don't fall neatly into a pattern of deception.(事实证明,模型预测在50%到65%的时间里是准确的,部分原因是个别一把手们的独特的讲话方式,不容易落入一般的诈骗模式。)
  • 2、Their earlier recovery meant, however, that Britain’s 6.0% fall in output between early 2008 and the third quarter of 2009 was surpassed only by Japan (7.7%)(see daily chart).(他们的早期复苏意味着,从2008年早期至2009年第三季度,英国产出上6.0%的跌幅,只被日本(7.7%)超过。)
  • 3、Global warming also seems to be speeding up the earth’s hydrologic cycle, causing both floods and droughts (more rains fall in shorter periods, with longer gaps between).(全球变暖似乎也加速了全球水循环,带来洪水和干旱(更多的降雨集中在短时间内,两个时间段内相隔时间变长)。)
  • 4、The European Commission expects the country’s pensions spending as a proportion of GDP to fall by 0.4% between 2009 and 2060, whereas expenditure in the euro area as a whole will rise by 2.7% of GDP.(欧盟委员会预期2009到2060间该国的养老金支出占GDP的比例会下降0.4%,而其他欧盟国家的整体水平则是上升2.7%。)
  • 5、When adding new actions into the table, the acaction_id values must fall between the highest acaction_id used in the acaction table and the current key table value.(当在表中添加新的动作时,acaction_id值在acaction表中使用的最大acaction_id值和当前关键表值之间。)
  • 6、Some love it. Some hate it. Most do both orfall in between.(有人爱,有人恨,但大多数人是又爱又恨,或者说是既不爱也不恨。)
  • 7、Fixed: Fall through effect between grid in Looting Menu.(修正:通过在抢劫菜单网格之间的效果。)
  • 8、No matter which way to go, every woman between age 18 and 50 during his travel in history will fall for him.(不管是哪种方式,他在穿越历史过程中遇到的18岁至50岁的女子都会爱上他。)
  • 9、Borrowing from this source rose by 3.8% between March and June, despite a big fall in overall bank credit.(尽管银行信贷量整体下滑,但由此来源的借贷,在三月至六月间却上涨3.8%。)
  • 10、Some XML dialects, moreover, fall somewhere between these categories, or outside of them altogether (MathML or vector graphic formats are neither prose nor data in the usual ways).(此外,还有一些XML方言处于这些类别之间,或者完全不属于这些类别(MathML或向量图形格式就既不是散文,也不是常规意义上的数据)。)
  • 11、And 14 percent of women fall somewhere in-between these two groups.(14%的女性处于这两种类型之间。)
  • 12、Having metrics is good, but professionals know which metrics are important, which are simply noise, and which fall somewhere in between.(有度量标准是好事,不过专业人士懂得哪些标准重要,哪些只会分散注意力,哪些介于二者之间。)
  • 13、According to him, Prison Break will be introducing two new characters this fall who will become major players in the war between Michael and the Company.(据他说,《越狱》将在今秋在迈克和公司双方各加入一个新角色。)
  • 14、The company gave third quarter guidance anticipating it expects sales tofall in between $10.3 and $11.1 billion (up 36% to 47% from Q3 2010).(该公司还公布了对第三季度业绩的指导性预期,预计销售收入增速将略有放缓,介于103亿美元至111亿美元之间(对应的同比增幅介于36%至47%之间)。)
  • 15、The majority of Chinese now fall in the 'mid middle class' category that can spend $5 to $10, a group whose numbers appear to have quadrupled between 1995 and 2007.(大多数中国人目前属于日开支在5美元至10美元的“中间中产阶层”,1995年至2007年间,这个阶层的中国人口增加了三倍。)
  • 16、The season of the year between summer and winter lasting from the autumnal equinox to the winter solstice and from september to december in the northern hemisphere; fall.(秋季指一年中介于夏季和冬季之间的一个季节,自秋分起到冬至止,在北半球是九月至十二月;秋天。)
  • 17、To overcome that feeling, she has been testing “Sister Circles, ” discussion groups that fall somewhere between group therapy and encounters in social settings familiar to the black community.(为了克服那种感情,Neal-Barnett一直在试验“姐妹圈”的活动。或在团体治疗中,或在黑人社群熟悉的社会环境中形成了讨论小组。)
  • 18、Between 2005 and 2007, their number did indeed fall, by about 10% in 33 countries.(2005年到2007年间,这些机制的数量明显下降,在33个国家下降了10%。)
  • 19、Most of us fall somewhere in between.(而大多数人则介于两者之间。)
  • 20、You may have read in SIMPLE Health & Fitness that I don’t see myself as a professional or as a novice. I fall somewhere in between.(你也许在《简单的健康和健身》中读到过我既不把自己当做健身专家也不是菜鸟,我认为我是个中不溜。)
  • 21、If you don't make your choice in time, you are likely to fall between two stools.(如果你不及时作出决定,就会两头落空。)
  • 22、The association estimates that generation of nuclear power would rise by 20% between now and 2030, but the share of nuclear in electricity generation would fall from 14% to 11% during the same period.(国际能源署预计从现在到2030年,核电发电量将增长20%,但同期核电占发电总量的比重将从14%降至11%。)
fall in between基本释义