
fall over

fall over造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:21:51

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的fall over的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条fall over的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了fall over的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Look out that she does notfall over the rocks!(当心别让她从岩石上掉下去!)
  • 2、That wall leans so much that it mightfall over.(那堵墙倾斜得很厉害,可能会倒。)
  • 3、All of which seems to have led to a bottoming out of Mr Sarkozy's approval ratings, which had been in freefall over the past two years.(所有这些看起来似乎都能使得萨科齐在过去两年中一直自由落体的支持率走出谷底。)
  • 4、They "will take some time tofall over, but they are dead," says the professor emeritus.(他们“虽然还要一些时间倒下,但已经死了”,这位退休教授表示。)
  • 5、Mountains rise andfall over tens of millions of years; oceans open and close at rates even slower than that.(山脉起起落落需要数千万年;而海洋出现与消失的速度甚至远比山脉起落要缓慢。)
  • 6、The grandfather has told me to look out for you, and you must notfall over the rocks.(爷爷让我看着你,你千万不要从岩石上掉下去。)
  • 7、I had no idea that when I stood, the desk wouldfall over and hurt her leg.(我不知道当我站起来的时候,桌子会翻掉,伤了她的腿。)
  • 8、What we did is we measured The Times for these ball bearings tofall over a distance of four centimeters.(我们测量了,这些滚珠下降,4cm所用的时间。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 9、Their legs lock in place so they don'tfall over.(它们的腿固定在原地,这样它们就不会摔倒。)
  • 10、They might bump into things orfall over objects.(他们可能撞到物体上或跌倒。)
  • 11、Despite some Internet rumors, turkeys aren't so breast-heavy that theyfall over in a stiff wind.(尽管有一些网络谣言,但火鸡还至于因为胸脯太重,遇风就倒。)
  • 12、It didn'tfall over; it was almost like an explosion.(它不是倒了,而是像被爆破一样塌了。)
  • 13、And if you think too hard about how you walk, you may wellfall over!(而且如果你思考如何行走想得太过辛苦的话,你很可能会摔倒!)
  • 14、I let my hairfall over my right shoulder, making a dark curtain between us, and tried to pay attention to the teacher.(我让头发从我的右肩垂下来,像一袭黑帘隔在我们之间,然后努力把注意力集中在老师身上。)
  • 15、No. Peoplefall over all the time and it is not a particularly big deal.(不是的,随时都有人摔倒,而且这并不是一个特别重大的事件。)
  • 16、The price of gold saw its biggestfall over two days for three decades, as investors beat a sharp retreat from the recent bull market.(经过近期牛市之后,黄金价格在2天内出现30年内最大跌幅。)
  • 17、He'dfall over his own shadow, or box it into a pulp behind the sofa; he'dfall over his own feet, and saunter on singing.(他会被他自己的影子绊倒,甚至,他把自己的影子装进沙发后的纸桨盒;他也会被自己的双脚绊倒,随后又唱着歌儿闲逛。)
  • 18、Falling prices and rising rents meant that 23% more surveyors have seen yields rise thanfall over the same period.(房价下跌和房租上涨意味着又有23%的调查员认为同期收益增加而不是降低。)
  • 19、He'dfall over his own feet, and saunter on singing.(他也会被自己的双脚绊倒,随后又唱着歌儿闲逛。)
  • 20、The number of young people - those most desired for factory work - is also expected tofall over the next decade.(年轻人的数量在未来的十年预计会下降,尤其是在工厂里工作的年轻人。)
  • 21、Live shopper sessions (remember in this scenario the site is under load)fall over to the other JVMs.(实时顾客会话(在该场景中站点是低负荷的)将被转移到另一个JVM。)
  • 22、Though we have seen wheat pricesfall over the last few days, rice and corn prices are likely to remain high, and wheat relatively so.(虽然我们看到小麦价格过去几天出现下降,但大米和玉米价格很有可能继续居高不下,小麦价格也会保持相对高位。)
  • 23、Also, while styling you must be sure that your hair look neat and do notfall over the face.(要使头发不分开发胶是必须的,否则你会看上去散乱不堪。同时,剔出来的锐利的发型最近也很流行。)
  • 24、When you first learn to ride your bike you mayfall over and over.(当你第一次学习骑自行车时你可能摔倒一次又一次。)
  • 25、The power of him saying this knocks them all over, and they get up and do it again,and they allfall over again.(光他说出这句话的力量,就让他们都倒下了,然后他们爬起来,又问了一遍,然后又倒下。)
fall over基本释义

fall over

英 [fɔ:l ˈəuvə] 美 [fɔl ˈovɚ] 

跌倒; 从 ... 掉下来;落在…上;叛变,颠覆
