
floppy disk

floppy disk造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:21:10

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的floppy disk的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条floppy disk的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了floppy disk的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、On another computer (such as the one you have set up for PXE booting), mount thefloppy disk containing the BIOS update.(在另一台计算机上(例如设置了PXE启动的计算机),装入包含BIOS更新的软盘。)
  • 2、Flash upgradeable BIOS can be upgraded through thefloppy disk to ensure future compatibility with new chips, add-on CARDS etc.(可以升级的快擦写BIOS可以通过软盘进行升级,从而可以确保将来与信的芯片、扩充卡等相兼容。)
  • 3、A: Anybody still usingfloppy disk?(A:现在还有人使用软盘吗?)
  • 4、And, the data would go, well not onto afloppy disk or hard disk or whatever because you didn't have those at the time.(资料不会传进软盘或硬盘,因为那时还没有。) 【好工具】
  • 5、Please tell me how to format afloppy disk.(请告诉我如何把磁盘格式化。)
  • 6、Download the latest BIOS update DOS image, and follow the instructions to create afloppy disk boot image.(请下载最新的BIOS更新dos镜像,并按说明创建软盘启动镜像。)
  • 7、The end result is a fully functional virtualfloppy disk, floppy.img, that is attached to the virtual machine.(该操作的最终结果是得到一个附加到虚拟机的全功能虚拟软盘floppy.img。)
  • 8、An alternative is to boot from afloppy disk that recognizes the CD-ROM and passes off boot control to the latter.(另一种方案是从一张可识别CD-ROM的软盘进行引导,然后把引导控制交给CD-ROM。)
  • 9、The script copies the activation profile XML file onto the new v-floppy disk.(该脚本将激活概要XML文件复制到新的v-floppy磁盘中。)
  • 10、What you'll notice very delicately is that there's not all that much to this so-calledfloppy disk.(你会很细微地注意到所谓的软盘其实并没有那么多。)
  • 11、In contast, Sony had previously announced that they will be ceasing allfloppy disk production come March 2011 due to the lack of demand.(相比之下,索尼公司则不久前表示由于产品需求量极低,因此他们将于2011年三月份停产软盘。)
  • 12、A boot device can be afloppy disk, a CD-ROM, a partition on a hard disk, a device on the network, or even a USB flash memory stick.(引导设备可以是软盘、CD-ROM、硬盘上的某个分区、网络上的某个设备,甚至是usb闪存。)
  • 13、Baby, you make myfloppy disk turn into a hard drive.(宝贝,你让我的软盘变成了硬盘驱动。)
  • 14、Download the Broadcom firmware (see Resources), and follow the instructions to create afloppy disk boot image.(下载Broadcom固件(请参阅参考资料),并按说明创建软盘启动镜像。)
  • 15、Well, what really happens is that each block device, such as a hard drive partition, CD-ROM, orfloppy disk, actually has a filesystem on it.(实际上,每一个区块设备(如硬盘驱动器分区、CD-ROM或者软盘)上都有一个文件系统。)
  • 16、Good question, so what happens when you format afloppy disk or format a hard drive?(好问题,当你格式化一个软盘,或者硬盘时会发生什么呢?)
  • 17、If you just run your fingers again and again over thisfloppy disk, you are disorienting those particles or knocking them off perhaps altogether.(如果你把手指一次次地在这张软盘上滑动,你就会使这些粒子失去方向,或者可能会把它们全部敲掉。)
  • 18、Download the latest BMC firmware update DOS image and follow the instructions to create afloppy disk boot image.(下载最新的BMC固件更新dos镜像,按照说明创建软盘启动镜像。)
  • 19、This file is copied onto the virtualfloppy disk.(将这个文件复制到虚拟软盘中。)
  • 20、Creating a virtualfloppy disk (or v-floppy) containing the XML data file.(创建包含这个XML数据文件的虚拟软盘(或者v-floppy)。)
  • 21、To run Windows 1.0, you needed a minimum of 256 kilobytes, two double-sidedfloppy disk drives, and a graphics adaptor card.(运行Windows1.0,要求最低256千字节、两个双面软盘驱动器和一个显卡。)
  • 22、That allows you to save the configuration of the BIOS to disk. Run this program to save the BIOS Settings tofloppy disk as follows.(在软盘上有个程序叫做cmosram.exe,用它可以把BIOS的配置保存到磁盘。)
  • 23、Or you might need to load a driver from afloppy disk prior to booting from the CD.(或者您可能需要在从CD引导之前先从软盘装入某个驱动程序。)
  • 24、Insert the disk back into the computer where the updated and configured BIOS options are set, and boot from your modifiedfloppy disk image.(把磁盘插回刚才更新完并设置好BIOS配置选项的计算机,从修改后的软盘镜像启动。)
  • 25、A singlefloppy disk can hold around 1.4-1.7mb, so there's not much room available for the Linux kernel and associated user applications.(一张软盘可以保存大约1.4-1.7MB的内容,因此这里没有多少空间留给Linux内核以及相关的用户应用程序使用。)
  • 26、Boot a computer with thefloppy disk image (use a USB floppy drive if the computer does not have one).(用软盘镜像启动一台计算机(如果计算机没有软驱,可以使用usb软驱)。)
  • 27、You may normally boot from a hard drive, but you may sometimes need to boot from afloppy disk, a USB memory key, a CD or DVD, or a network.(您可能通常从硬盘驱动器引导,但有时可能需要从软盘、usb内存密匙、CD或DVD,或者网络引导。)
floppy disk基本释义

floppy disk

英 [ˈflɔpi: disk] 美 [ˈflɑpi dɪsk] 

第三人称复数:floppy disks

