好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的for the taking的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条for the taking的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了for the taking的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Once data exist in the game client, they are yoursfor the taking (and yours for manipulating) -even data you're not supposed to see.(一旦数据存在于客户端,它们就是你的囊中之物(供你处理和操纵)---甚至包括一些你本不应该看到的数据。)
- 2、Between working full-time and taking care of the kids, he didn't have much time for hobbies.(他一边全职工作一边又要照顾孩子,所以抽不出很多时间搞业余爱好。)
- 3、Was she taking part of the blame for her own gullibility?(她因为自己的轻信而承担部分责任了吗?)
- 4、I'm taking my girlfriend to the fancy new restaurant for her birthday tonight.(我今晚要带我女朋友去那家新开的高级餐厅过生日。)
- 5、'We have frankly easy pickings; the quality is therefor the taking,' Chief Executive Daryl Dulaney said.(该公司首席执行长杜兰尼(DarylDulaney)说,坦白地讲,我们很容易选到人,质量是不愁没有的。)
- 6、His admiration for the athlete did not extend to the point where he would follow his example in taking drugs.(他对这名运动员的崇拜还不至于到效仿他吸毒的程度。)
- 7、I didn't hesitate for a moment about taking the job.(我毫不犹豫地接受了那份工作。)
- 8、The notions of coupling and cohesion, structured analysis and design, encapsulations, the use of patterns, it's all therefor the taking [5], [6], [7].(耦合和内聚的概念、结构化分析和设计、封装、模式的使用,全都在那儿供我们差遣[5]、[6]、[7]。)
- 9、Success is yoursfor the taking! Cheers!(成功就是你的了!干杯!)
- 10、The pasture was fertile, and there were easy revenuesfor the taking from Russian cities and Caspian caravans.(这里草原肥沃,从俄罗斯城市及里海商队中获得收益较为容易。)
- 11、I'd expected that the people who worked for the Association would be really keen on taking part.(我原以为在协会工作的人会很乐意参加。)
- 12、He would leave the trailer unlocked. If there was something inside that someone wanted, it would be theirsfor the taking.(他不会锁活动房屋。如果屋里有别人想要的东西,他们就可以拿走。)
- 13、He says he's really sorry for taking the car without asking.(他没打招呼就用了车,他说他为此感到非常抱歉。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 14、In Europe, more than 140,000 students participate in the Erasmus program each year, taking courses for credit in one of 2,200 participating institutions across the continent.(在欧洲,每年有超过14万名学生参加伊拉斯谟项目,并在欧洲大陆的2200所参与机构之一修读了学分课程。)
- 15、As an EU-funded effort, the search for salt-tolerant varieties of rice is taking place in all three countries.(在欧盟的资助下,这三个国家都在寻找耐盐的水稻品种。)
- 16、The hospital staff held off taking Rosenbaum in for an X-ray.(医院工作人员推迟了让罗森鲍姆做X光检查的时间。)
- 17、You will be your own best competitor and victory will be yoursfor the taking.(你将成为你最好的竞争对手,胜利触手可及。)
- 18、That should be therefor the taking for Microsoft.(这应该是微软所要好好考虑的了。)
- 19、It's always worth considering what the motives might be for such extraordinary literary risk taking.(这种非凡的文学冒险的动机是什么,总是值得考虑的。)
- 20、The original BSD-licensed software is always still there, freefor the taking, no matter what some derived projects are doing.(BSD许可下的原始软件总是存在的,可自由使用,而不管从其派生的项目是何状况。)
- 21、Note: this isn’t part of ReputationDefender’s service; they did the search—and accompanying graphic— exclusively for NEWSWEEK, to show how much about a person is out therefor the taking.(附:ReputationDefender公司平时并不提供此类服务;他们此次检索——包括文中包含的图表——完全是为新闻周刊做的,以了解通过这些渠道能够取得的个人信息的多少。)
- 22、While she is taking one load of hatchlings, the others wait for her to come back.(她载着其中一批幼崽,而其它的在等她回来。)
- 23、For years, doctors advised their patients that the only thing taking multivitamins does is to give them expensive urine.(多年来,医生建议他们的病人服用复合维生素的唯一后果就是给他们带来昂贵的尿液。)
- 24、She didn't know that, thanks to our open justice system, her name was therefor the taking.(她不知道,多亏我们公开公正的系统,她的名字是放在那谁都可以拿去用的。)
- 25、There are more votes right now upfor the taking for politicians who go after the oil industry than there are dollars in the industry's campaign and lobbying budgets.(现在的石油行业正处于风口浪尖,相比之下他们已投入的献金和游说预算显然已经不够。)
- 26、The government has been criticized for not taking the problem seriously.(政府因没有认真对待这个问题而受到指责。)
- 27、The desire for peaceful reunification of the mother and is taking hold in the hearts of the entire Chinese nation.(祖国和平统一的愿望,正在全中华民族的心中生根。)
- 28、Japan's critical shortcoming was its inability to use its newly acquired global influence as a springboard to new industries ripefor the taking.(日本最大的不足在于它不能将自己逐渐增长的全球影响力作为带来新兴成熟产业的跳板。)