
get in touch with

get in touch with造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:38:16

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的get in touch with的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条get in touch with的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了get in touch with的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、I'm definitely going toget in touch with these people.(我一定要联系上这些人。)
  • 2、Can Iget in touch with a guest to resolve a problem?(我可以联系客人来解决问题吗?)
  • 3、You couldget in touch with them immediately if there's anything suspicious happening next door.(如果隔壁发生任何可疑的事情,你可以立即联系他们。)
  • 4、I tried toget in touch with you yesterday evening, but I think you were out.(我昨晚联系过你,但你那时可能不在家。)
  • 5、I want to explore andget in touch with my inner self.(我想认真探索,了解我内在的个性。)
  • 6、We willget in touch with you by the end of next week.(我们会在下周末之前联系你的。)
  • 7、I mayget in touch with you to find out more.(我可能会联系你,一起揭发更多的骗局。)
  • 8、Nowadays, phone calls and messages help usget in touch with others.(现在,电话和信息帮助我们与他人联系。)
  • 9、To make it easier toget in touch with us, you'd better keep this card at hand.(为了方便跟我们联系,你最好留着这张卡片。)
  • 10、You canget in touch with a number of regrets.(你可能会有许多的后悔。)
  • 11、get in touch with your empathetic side.(找到你内心的同理面。)
  • 12、I willget in touch with my lawyer about this.(我会就此与我的律师联系。)
  • 13、He wondered how toget in touch with that factory.(他想知道怎样与那家工厂取得联系。)
  • 14、You maybeget in touch with your dreamlife.(你可能会步入你梦想中的生活。)
  • 15、You canget in touch with the school by telephone or by e-mail.(你可以通过电话或电子邮件与学校取得联系。)
  • 16、Maybe someone couldget in touch with her.(也许有人能联系上她。)
  • 17、I'llget in touch with him and call you back later.(我会与他联系,过一会儿给您回电话。)
  • 18、get in touch with the feeling or emotion first.(先让自己与这种感觉或情绪来个亲密接触。)
  • 19、get in touch with nature.(与大自然接触。)
  • 20、I'm trying toget in touch with Jane. Do you have her number?(我正在设法和简取得联系。你有她的电话号码吗?)
  • 21、We are now sending Comrade Zhang along toget in touch with you.(现派张同志前往你处接洽。)
  • 22、Here they are learning toget in touch with their true feelings.(在这里,他们学会了接触自己的真实感受。)
  • 23、You canget in touch with him there.(你可以打那里的电话联系到他。)
  • 24、The trouble is how toget in touch with the airport.(麻烦是怎样与机场联系。)
  • 25、And who better toget in touch with than an old flame?(还有谁比旧情人或老朋友更让人想联系呢?)
  • 26、You mightget in touch with him.(你不妨同他联系一下。)
  • 27、How can weget in touch with you?(我们怎样才能和你取得联系呢?)
get in touch with基本释义

get in touch with

英 [ɡet in tʌtʃ wið] 美 [ɡɛt ɪn tʌtʃ wɪð] 

与 ... 接触; 与 ... 联系
