好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的gather in的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条gather in的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了gather in的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Theygather in the evenings to slurp down junk food and peep at a woman in the neighboring apartment tower.(晚上,他们聚集在一起大吃垃圾食品,偷看隔壁公寓里的女人。)
- 2、EVERY weekday, 300 boysgather in a gym on Chicago's South Side.(在芝加哥南赛德的一所学校里,300名男孩周一至周五集合在校体育馆内。)
- 3、More bad news on climate change is expected as more than 2, 000 climate scientistsgather in Copenhagen.(两千多名气候学家正聚集在哥本哈根参加会议,关于气候变化的问题,会议上很可能得出一些不利的研究结论。)
- 4、There's a picturesque garden where guestsgather in warmer weather, or heated, mosaic-tiled lounging areas for cooler days.(酒店还有风景如画的花园供游客在好天气纳凉,也有温暖、用马赛克拼成的休息区供游客在冷天休息。)
- 5、Representatives of different nationalitiesgather in the same hall to discuss affairs of state.(各族人民的代表聚集一堂,共商国是。)
- 6、In many countries these tend togather in business "clusters", as in Silicon Valley.(在许多国家这些人倾向于聚在一起形成产业“集群”,例如硅谷。)
- 7、Hordes of beesgather in the rose bush.(一群群的蜜蜂在玫瑰丛中聚集。)
- 8、Chongqing residentsgather in a car park after fleeing their buildings.(重庆居民逃离建筑物后聚集在停车场。)
- 9、On the third Wednesday of every month, the nine members of an elite Wall Street societygather in Midtown Manhattan.(每个月的第三个星期三,华尔街大鳄的九个成员在曼哈顿中城聚会。)
- 10、Videos will fly across the world in seconds, not days, and a global audience of a million willgather in moments.(视频会在数秒(而不是数天)之内就飞遍整个世界;全球一百万观众瞬间就能聚集到一起。)
- 11、If the roots are strong and the leavesgather in enough light, the tree will bear fruit.(如果树根强壮,并且叶子吸收到充足的阳光,这棵树就会开花结果。)
- 12、A group of Common Cranesgather in dawn light, on a lake in the German state of Brandenburg, close to Berlin September 26, 2009.(聚集在曙光中的灰鹤。德国在柏林附近的勃兰登堡州湖,2009年9月26日。)
- 13、The migratory birdsgather in flocks along the coast and gradually drift southward.(候鸟沿着海岸成群聚集,并逐渐南移;)
- 14、The elderly survivors whogather in Changchun’s Labor Park most days are not eager to tell their tales.(老人们在长春劳动公园聚在一起,这些幸存者不愿说出他们的故事。)
- 15、Heads of government from more than 100 countriesgather in Geneva tomorrow.(来自一百多个国家的政府首脑明天将聚集在日内瓦。)
- 16、Camera shy? The localsgather in this residential street in Prejmer, Romania.(镜头恐惧?罗马尼亚,普罗日梅尔,当地人聚在了这条住宅街上。)
- 17、On festival days theygather in the plaza to dance to the sound of wooden pipes and drums.(每逢节庆他们欢聚广场,在木笛和木鼓声中起舞。)
- 18、Aircruise passengers couldgather in their own open-view kitchens for breakfast.(Aircruise的乘客们可以欢聚在他们自己的全景式厨房里享用早餐。)
- 19、On the other hand, usersgather in this community and have fun.(而另一方面,用户们也快乐的扎堆在这个社区里。)
- 20、All, except the kitchen staff, wouldgather in the chapel for Psalm readings, hymns, and prayers until one PM.(全部人,除了厨房人员,都有集聚在礼拜堂听那圣歌诵读,唱赞美诗,并祈祷直到下午一点。)
- 21、Revellersgather in London’s Notting Hill for Europe’s biggest street carnival.(狂欢客聚集伦敦诺丁山庆欧洲最大街头狂欢节)
- 22、They came inside and closed the door after them and beckoned the family togather in the bathroom.(他们进屋,关门,把全家人召唤到浴室。)
- 23、In February 2012, experts from the world's most developed countries willgather in Paris for a key summit on the issue.(2012年二月,世界上最发达的国家的专家将齐聚巴黎参加峰会来讨论这个问题。)
- 24、Those in a binary star system may have a strong enough gravitational pull togather in material from a neighboring star.(那些双星系统中的白矮星可能有足够强大的引力,能从伴星上吸聚物质。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 25、I am glad to see people from all walks of lifegather in Nagano to welcome the torch there.(各界人士聚集长野欢迎火炬,对此我感到高兴。)