
go ice-skating

go ice-skating造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 12:13:54

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的go ice-skating的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条go ice-skating的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了go ice-skating的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、I can go skating on the ice.(我能在冰上溜冰。)
  • 2、It was crazy of you to go skating on such thin ice.(到这样薄的冰上溜冰,你真是疯了。)
  • 3、Don't go skating today - there are dangerous cracks in the ice.(今天不能去溜冰,冰上有危险的裂纹。) (好工具
  • 4、I only like to go ice skating and chat with friends in the library.(我只喜欢跟我的朋友在图书馆聊天,也去滑冰。)
  • 5、Jack, thirty-three, agreed to host her at the end of her trip for three nights, and bought tickets for the two of them to go ice skating.(33岁,答应在她旅行的末尾接待她三个晚上,还买了两张滑冰的票。)
  • 6、Today, people there can go shopping at the neighboring Walmart, skate at a nearby indoor ice skating rink and catch up the latest movie hits at their local 3-D cinema, she added.(今天,那里的居民已经可以在社区附近的沃尔玛购物,在室内溜冰场溜冰而且可以在附近的3D影院观看最新的电影。)
  • 7、In the winter, lots of young people go ice skating.(到冬天,许多年轻人都来滑冰。)
  • 8、Kids can't go ice skating in Vancouver.(在温哥华,孩子们不能去滑冰。)
  • 9、Theygo ice-skating on a nearby pond in winter and swimming in summer; they teach one another horse-riding and yoga and tai chi; they put on plays and concerts and seminars.(村子附近有一个池塘,冬季可以滑冰,夏季可以游泳,他们相互教授骑马、瑜珈和太极;他们自己举办戏剧、音乐会和研讨会。)
  • 10、Go ice skating. It's winter and cold in most of the country right now, and a picnic may not be an option at the moment. Instead, pack a thermos of hot chocolate and hit the rink.(去溜冰。正值隆冬,国内大多数地区还很寒冷,或许目前不能选择去野餐了。但是可以带上一壶热巧克力去溜冰。)
  • 11、I would like to go ice skating.(我想去溜冰。)
  • 12、Go sledding. If you're too klutzy to manage ice skating (like me!) sledding can be equally fun and romantic. Just be sure to pack that thermos of hot chocolate!(滑雪橇。ꪛ如果你太笨拙,不会溜冰(就像我一样!),滑雪橇也同样充满了乐趣和浪漫。别忘了带上那壶热巧克力哦!)
  • 13、You can drive forty-five minutes away and go skiing andgo ice-skating or stay in little auberge, little lodges, on the ski hills or close to the ski hills.(你还可以开四五十分钟的车去滑雪或是滑冰,可以住在滑雪场附近的小旅馆里。)
  • 14、We warned him not to go skating on such thin ice.(我们警告他不要在这样薄的冰上溜冰。)
  • 15、In the winter, you cango ice-skating in Beihai park.(北海公园冬天可以滑冰。)
  • 16、Next I like winter because it is snowing and I can go ice skating.(其次我喜爱冬天,是因为冬天会下雪,我可以去滑冰。)
  • 17、We can'tgo ice-skating now.(现在我们不能去滑冰。)
  • 18、Go somewhere fun like an ice skating rink or a great museum and then at the end of the night give a gift to commemorate the event.(去其他有趣的地方,像一个滑冰场,要么成为一位伟大的博物馆,又看了看那晚的最后给礼品、纪念活动。)
  • 19、Would you like to go ice skating with me tonight?(今晚你想和我一道去溜冰吗?)
  • 20、Can we go ice skating?(我们可以去溜冰吗?)
  • 21、Go ice skating together.(一起去溜冰。)
  • 22、In my memory can never forget, that classmate go ice skating, looking for me I'm a little hesitant, but was they drag.(在我的记忆中永不能忘记,那天同学找我一起去滑冰,我有些犹豫,但还是被他们拽去了。)
  • 23、If it gets cold enough, the lake will freeze, and we cango ice-skating!(如果天气够冷,湖会结冰,我们可以去溜冰。)
  • 24、Let's go ice skating!(我们去溜冰刀吧!)
go ice-skating基本释义