好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的go on a diet的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条go on a diet的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了go on a diet的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、go on a diet, save money, don't spend.(节食、攒钱、不花钱。)
- 2、When Igo on a diet, I eat only fruit, and that takes off weight quickly.(当我节食的时候,我只吃水果,这样可以快速减重。)
- 3、Recent health problems worse, she decided togo on a diet.(近来健康情况变得更糟糕了,她决定节食。)
- 4、He has gained so much weight that he decides togo on a diet.(他体重增加得太多了,便决定节食。) Hao86.com
- 5、Tina: I'm not kidding. I weight much more this month. I have togo on a diet.(我没有开玩笑。我这个月重了好多。我得减肥了。)
- 6、I decided togo on a diet before my holiday.(我决定在休假前开始节食。)
- 7、Things got so bad recently that he decided togo on a diet.(事情变得如此糟糕以至于他决定节食。)
- 8、It seems to me you shouldgo on a diet.(好像你该节食了。)
- 9、I’m supposed togo on a diet / get a raise.(我应该节食/涨工资。)
- 10、If you are praying to lose weight, thengo on a diet and workout.(如果你为了减肥而祷告,那么请控制饮食和锻炼。)
- 11、You can lose weight when yougo on a diet, but most of the time you will gain it back.(节食的时候是可以减肥,但是大多数时候都会反弹回来。)
- 12、I'm supposed togo on a diet.(我应该节食。)
- 13、Many people also decide togo on a diet.(很多人还决定要节食。)
- 14、Dad didn't want my little sister togo on a diet though she was very heavy then.(爸爸不想让我的小妹妹减肥尽管她那时很胖。)
- 15、Many peoplego on a diet because they are overweight.(许多人都因为过胖而节食。)
- 16、Peter is gaining weight; he shouldgo on a diet.(彼得变胖了,他应该节食。)
- 17、To make myself look pretty again, I decide togo on a diet.(为了让自己更漂亮,我决定减肥。)
- 18、Mary's supposed togo on a diet.(汤姆和玛丽应该节食。)
- 19、He suggested the kinggo on a diet to reduce some weight.(他建议国王。节食来减轻一些体重。)
- 20、The doctor says I have togo on a diet.(医生告诉我不要再继续做这件工作了。)
- 21、Don'tgo on a diet.(不要节食。)
- 22、She would take more exercise rather thango on a diet.(她宁愿多做运动也不愿节食。)
- 23、If you want to lose weight, you shouldgo on a diet.(如果你想减重,你应该要开始节食。)