


更新时间:2024-08-28 12:37:11

  • 1、A lock reading with details of the entry toguestroom is made for the Security Manager for investigation.(读取门锁开启纪录给保安部经理作为调查依据。)
  • 2、Guests can enjoy in-room spa services upon request, allowing for rejuvenation in the comfort of one's ownguestroom.(客人可以享受水疗服务要求的房间,可以在自己的客房舒适的复兴。)
  • 3、George showed me to theguestroom which, he said, was rarely used.(乔治把我领进客房,说这间很少使用。)
  • 4、Take in the jaw-dropping skyline or river views from a spaciousguestroom or suite, or recline in a private serviced apartment.(以令人瞠目结舌的天际线或河流从宽敞的客房或套房的观点,或斜倚在一个私人公寓。)
  • 5、First, some hotels don't provide photos ofguestrooms, let alone each type ofguestroom.(第一,一些酒店并未提供客房的图片,更不用说还分酒店客房的类型提供图片。)
  • 6、If the accident occurred in theguestroom and the victim is accompanied by a friend or relative, a change of room should be offered.(如果事故发生在客房,受害者有朋友或亲戚陪同,则可以允许其对房间内设施的变更。)
  • 7、How many complimentary bottles of mineral water in theguestroom? How shall we handle if the guest requests more bottles?(客房内提供几瓶免费矿泉水?当客人要求更多的免费矿泉水时,我们可以提供多少?)
  • 8、For a quiet night in, enjoy Dain's fine cuisine in the comfort of your own boutiqueguestroom.(一个宁静的夜晚,享受美妙的美食在自己的精品客房的舒适。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 9、Eachguestroom features an LCD flat-screen television, wireless Internet access, and more.(每个客房都设有一个液晶平板电视,无线上网,和更多。)
  • 10、The core concept of theguestroom design is a contrast of light and dark.(客房设计的核心概念是明暗对比。)
  • 11、Clean the glasses of theguestroom and disinfection.(清洁及消毒客房杯具。)
  • 12、In the spring-cleaning Mother forgot about the threeguestroom upstairs.(大扫除时妈妈忘了楼上的三间客房。)
  • 13、Eachguestroom is equipped with air conditioning, electronic safe, available wake-up service, mini bar, and television.(每个客房配有空调、电子保险箱、提供叫醒服务,迷你酒吧,电视。)
  • 14、Oddly enough the family preferred to live in theguestroom.(奇怪的是,这家人宁可住在客房里。)
  • 15、Lau Laura: ra: This is a niceguestroom, and the bathroom looks really elegant. so be careful when you take a shower.(萝拉:这间客房很舒服,浴室看起来也很雅致,所以你冲澡的时候要小心一点儿。)
  • 16、Eachguestroom features 47-inch flat-screen televisions, a microwave, safe, wireless Internet access, and eco-friendly bath products.(每间客房配备了47英寸的平板电视,微波炉,安全,无线互联网接入,以及环保卫浴产品。)
  • 17、Carries out and supervises the regularguestroom Servicing Programme according to the established schedule.(根据进度表开展有序的客房维修程序并监督之。)
  • 18、Open theguestroom door when the room attendant canconfirm the guest identity.(楼层服务员能确定客人是此房住客,可开门。)
  • 19、Supplying high-qualified customers' cloth andguestroom linen washing services for five-star hotel.(为五星级酒店提供高品质的客衣、布草洗涤服务。)
  • 20、Living room divides into tearoom andguestroom.(起居室则划分为茶室与客房。)
  • 21、Eachguestroom features a Jacuzzi, balcony, and views of the ocean.(酒店每间客房均配有按摩浴缸,阳台,和海洋的意见。)
  • 22、Responsible for maintenance toguestroom facilities i. e. Television, Radio and Telephone.(负责客房内设施的维修保养。例如电视,广播以及电话。)
  • 23、Eachguestroom was designed to cater to a traveler's every need, ensuring relaxation and rejuvenation.(每间客房的设计迎合了旅客的需要,确保放松和振兴。)
  • 24、If the accident occurred in aguestroom, security team member is to be positioned to prevent unauthorized persons from entering.(如果事故发生在客房,安全部成员应该被设置在合理的位置,从而防止非相关人员进入现场。)
  • 25、George showed me to theguestroom which, he said, was rarely used. He told me to unpack my things and then come down to dinner.(乔治把我领进客房,说这间房间很少使用,他让我打开行装后下楼吃饭。)
  • 26、Inspect regularlyguestroom corridors and public areas.(对客房的走廊和公共区域进行常规检查。)
  • 27、Eachguestroom features marble baths and tubs, robes and slippers, Hermes bath products, soothing color schemes, and much more.(每个客房功能大理石浴室和浴缸,长袍和拖鞋,赫尔墨斯的沐浴产品,柔和的配色方案,以及更多。)
  • 28、Everyday make up 11guestrooms up to the standard set up by the hotel and supplyguestroom with consumed articles in time.(按照标准每天整理11间客房,及时补充消费物品及易耗品。)


英 ['gestrʊm] 美 ['gestrʊm] 

