好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的hail from的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了20条hail from的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了hail from的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Where does the shiphail from?(这艘船是从哪里开来的?)
- 2、The Mercshail from a town in southern Germany called Affalterbach, where Mercedes’s AMG performance division is based.(奔驰车厂来自德国南方一个叫阿法尔特巴赫的小镇,它的AMG高性能分部也驻扎在那。)
- 3、The advance party is often led by Spanish banks, particularly the two biggest, which originallyhail from the Atlantic coast.(昔日大西洋海岸不起眼的西班牙银行已成为今天世界银行业的领头羊,其中又尤以两家最大的公司为甚。)
- 4、You don't have tohail from the big city and be dripping in diamonds to work in fashion.(在时尚界工作不是非得要求你来自大城市且全身珠光宝气。)
- 5、Nearly two of three crayfish eaten in Europehail from the small town of Qianjiang in Hubei Province.(出口到欧洲的龙虾,约有三分之二来自于湖北省潜江这个小城市。)
- 6、These tall, gentle herbivoreshail from the planet Ithor.(这个高大而温和的食草类种族来自伊索星球。)
- 7、The Mercshail from a town in southern Germany called Affalterbach.(奔驰车厂位于德国南方一个叫阿法尔特巴赫的小镇。)
- 8、One of the most popular games for smartphones, for instance, does nothail from the Valley but from Finland.(例如,智能手机上最热门的一款游戏就来自芬兰,而非硅谷。)
- 9、Tulips actuallyhail from an area that Chinese call the Celestial Mountains in Central Asia.(郁金香实际上来自位于中亚、中国人称为“天山”的地区。)
- 10、The other sixhail from the Oort Cloud more than 5, 000 times farther out.(其他六个产生于又远出5000多倍的奥尔特星云。)
- 11、Tsunami Solutions offer a full range of multimedia and web design services andhail from England.(海啸解决方案提供了多媒体及网页设计服务,以及从英国冰雹的全部范围。)
- 12、For that reason alone it makes sense for the head of the institution tohail from the 'emerging' world.(仅凭这个原因,让来自新兴市场的代表出任该机构总裁就意义重大。) hAo86.com
- 13、These appleshail from Xinjiang, they taste delicious.(这些苹果产自新疆,味道很美。)
- 14、This argument has attracted a lot of attention, via the success of the book Race Against the Machine, by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, who bothhail from MIT's Center for Digital Business.(来自麻省理工学院的数字商业中心埃里克·布林约夫松和安德鲁·麦卡菲合著的《与机器的较量》一书获得了成功,这让这个观点得到了极大的关注。)
- 15、Brazil's star striker would normallyhail from one of the greatest clubs on the planet, but not Fabiano.(巴西的锋线明星通常都出自这个星球上最好的俱乐部,法比亚诺是个特例。)
- 16、What part of Germany do youhail from?(你从德国的什么地方来?)
- 17、A few writers of contemporary renown alsohail from this area, as do some sports figures.(当代一些著名的作家就来自这个地区,一些运动界名人亦然。)
- 18、Wehail from all corners of the country.(我们都是来自五湖四海。)
- 19、Eg. Where does the shiphail from?(这条船是从哪里开出来的?)
- 20、Theyhail from all parts of the country.(他们来自全国各地。)