


更新时间:2024-08-28 12:36:23

  • 1、This feather was picked up from theheath, the bird was not shot: we saw its nest in the winter, full of little skeletons.(这根毛是从石南丛生的荒地里拾的,这只鸟儿没打中:我们在冬天看见过它的窝的,满是小骨头。)
  • 2、Developing strong commitment from publicheath authorities.(加强公共卫生当局的强有力承诺。)
  • 3、Likewiseheath and safety inspectors ensure restaurants don't cut corners in the kitchen.(同样,健康与安全监督员确保餐厅厨房不会缩减规模。)
  • 4、Additives are not harmful toheath if people don't eat too many.(如果人们不吃太多食品添加剂,就不会对健康有害。)
  • 5、Before Humphrey, the best known was Wilberforce who lived at No. 10 during the Edwardheath years, and who died in 1988.(在汉弗莱之前,最著名的“第一猫”是爱德华•希斯时代的威尔伯福斯,它于1988年去世。)
  • 6、It mainly be suited for these industries:rolling shear, cut grain, package, gum elastic,heath, matter, food, timber, etc.(它主要适用于以下行业:滚剪,切粒,包装,松紧胶,健康,物质,食品,木材等。)
  • 7、Prime Minister Tedheath takes Britain into the European Community(1973年希思首相把英国带入欧洲共同体。)
  • 8、Theheath service in Tanzania improved vastly between 1999 and 2004, they say.(他们说,坦桑尼亚的卫生服务在1999年到2004年间得到了很大的改善。)
  • 9、And there's even a talk about a posthumous Oscar forheath Ledger, who plays the villain Joker.(甚至还有关于扮演villainJoker的heathLedger评选奥斯卡奖的言论。)
  • 10、It's easy to forget you're just four miles from the hustle and bustle of central London on Hampsteadheath.(在汉普特斯西斯公园,你很容易就会忘记你距离繁华的伦敦市中心有四英里。)
  • 11、Nick Clegg and Davidheath are trying to push it to give it a bit of momentum.(尼克·克莱格和大卫·希斯正在努力推动这项工作。)
  • 12、Newtonheath in green and gold became Manchester United, and the legend of the Reds was born.(牛顿希斯的绿金色后来也成为了曼彻斯特联队,红色的传奇自那时开始正式上演。)
  • 13、The boy's family and friends had trumpeted his claim hoping it would get him funds for his education andheath care.(男孩的家人和朋友竭力帮助他申请世界纪录,他们希望能以此能为他筹集到学费和医疗费。)
  • 14、heath information technology vendors can respond to the RFI to see whose system matches those requirements.(医疗信息技术开发商可以回应这些需求,然后看看谁可以提供满足那些需求的系统。)
  • 15、In a recent post,heath Stewart discusses some of the new features for Windows Installer 4.5.(在最近的一篇帖子当中,heathStewart讨论了一些关于WindowsInstaller4.5的新特性。)
  • 16、Daniel Radcliffe goofs around withheath Ledger at the AFI Awards, Australia's most prestigious film-industry event, in 2006.(2006年,丹尼尔和希斯·莱杰在澳大利亚最富盛名的AFI颁奖会场中像是老朋友。)
  • 17、Unfortunately, this inability to say "no" may be hurting women'sheath as well as their career.(不幸的是,这种不能说“不”的能力可能会损害到女性的健康和她们的事业。)
  • 18、Boeing will complete the work at itsheath, Ohio, facility.(波音公司将在俄亥俄州的heath完成此项工作。) (好工具
  • 19、AS PRIME MINISTERS, Edwardheath and Gordon Brown had quite a lot in common.(作为首相,爱德华·希斯和戈登·布朗有诸多共同点。)
  • 20、I don't have enough time to do as much of it as I would like, but my wife and I go round Hampsteadheath every weekend.(我没有那么多时间想走多久就走多久,但是我和我的妻子每周末都会去汉普·斯德特·希思走走。)
  • 21、Edwardheath (Conservative, 1970-74).(爱德华·希斯(保守党,1970-74)。)
  • 22、The place where Macbeth met the witches was a desolateheath.(麦克白遇见女巫的地方是一片荒原。)
  • 23、heath Ledger won best supporting actor for his performance as the Joker in "the Dark Knight."(希斯·莱杰因在《蝙蝠侠-黑夜之神》饰演小丑而赢得最佳男配角。)
  • 24、The child's mother herself stepped out of their small apartment on Wednesday to take her baby to the localheath clinic.(星期三,这个孩子的妈妈自己带着孩子走出她的小公寓去当地的健康诊所。)
  • 25、That would be the Joker, of course, a demonic creation and the three-ring circus of one wholly inhabited byheath Ledger.(当然,那将是小丑,一个恶魔般的三环马戏团人物,被希斯·莱杰完全地发挥出来。)
  • 26、Most people would rather stay up late than get up early to finish their work, which definitely would do harm to theirheath.(多数人比起早前工作更喜欢熬夜工作,这必然会损害健康。)
  • 27、He served under Edwardheath in the 1970s.(他曾于20世纪70年代在爱德华•希思手下任职。)


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