


更新时间:2024-08-28 12:36:23

  • 1、If you're still cold, then bring a personal spaceheater.(如果你仍然觉得冷,那么就带上取暖器。)
  • 2、Water drained from the waterheater faucet, if the waterheater has not been damaged.(从热水器旋塞排出的水,如果热水器没有损坏。)
  • 3、And there's no air-conditioning and noheater.(那里没有空调也没有暖气。)
  • 4、Marcy lights a propane campheater inside the stand, but it's still cold.(玛西在驻地里面点燃了一个露营的丙烷加热器,但还是很冷。)
  • 5、"Theheater works."—"Whatheater?"(“加热器可以用。”—“什么加热器?”)
  • 6、Recently, she bought a gasheater online!(最近,她网购了一个气体加热器!)
  • 7、Then open the “hot out” valve at the electric waterheater and turn the breaker on.(然后我们关闭热水器的电力加热器的开关并将断路器打开。)
  • 8、Do you own a hot-waterheater?(你家有热水器吗?)
  • 9、Myheater is not getting any power and weatherman says the temperature is to fall below zero tonight.(我的加热器没有电了,而天气预报员说今晚气温将降到零度以下。)
  • 10、Run the engine andheater only 10 minutes every hour.(每小时仅发动引擎和暖风装置10分钟。)
  • 11、The gravity feed batch solarheater is very simple to use.(重力供水太阳能热水器的操作方法很简单。)
  • 12、Use aheater if your company allows it.(公司允许的话,你可以用一个电热器。)
  • 13、This solar waterheater is easy to build and operate.(这种太阳能热水器易于建造和操作。)
  • 14、So, once you have the glass door, you will know what size to make your batchheater.(好,选好了玻璃门,你就知道自己可以造多大尺码的热水器了。)
  • 15、It has aheater.(它有一个加热器。)
  • 16、An initial investigation showed a gas waterheater could have caused the accident.(经警方初步调查,死亡原因疑为热水器煤气中毒。)
  • 17、Run the hose to the waterheater.(把软管接到热水器上。)
  • 18、Maybe you don't believe me, but try to go without a waterheater for just one day.(也许你不相信我,但试试看没有热水器过一天。)
  • 19、People get cold feet. They get a spaceheater.(人们会手脚冰凉,于是买了小型供暖器,把它插在双交叉的延长线上。)
  • 20、Never place your tree near a heat source, such as a fireplace or portableheater.(让树远离热源,比如壁炉或便携式加热器。)
  • 21、Also, the existing waterheater will act as a pre-heater for the entire system.(同样,现有的热水器将会当做整个系统的预热部分。)
  • 22、This type ofheater uses a lot of electricity.(这种加热器耗电量很大。)
  • 23、The second part of the solar waterheater holds the water for the system.(太阳能热水器的另一部分为储水系统。)
  • 24、We just repaired the walls and replaced the waterheater.(我们刚把所有的墙壁粉刷过了,还换了新热水器。)
  • 25、Tom said he would come to repair our solarheater when he has time.(汤姆说他一有时间就来修理我们的太阳能热水器。)
  • 26、One component looks like a six-foot waterheater.(这个部件看起来就像一台六英尺热水器。)
  • 27、Run the engine andheater once in a while.(每隔一段时间启动引擎和加热器。)
  • 28、There's an electricheater in the bedroom.(卧室里有一台电暖器。)
  • 29、Turn theheater on if you feel cold!(若是觉得冷就把暖气打开!)


英 [ˈhi:tə(r)] 美 [ˈhitɚ] 


