


更新时间:2024-08-28 12:36:24

  • 1、The accident also causedheated discussions on the Internet.(这起事故也在网上引起了热烈的讨论。)
  • 2、Whenheated, ice can turn into water.(加热时,冰可以变成水。)
  • 3、One house isheated and cooled with geothermal energy.(一所房子是由地热能源供暖和制冷的。)
  • 4、The substance does not dissolve in water whetherheated or not.(无论加热与否,这种物质都不溶于水。)
  • 5、Theheated gas is piped through a coil surrounded by water.(受热气体通过水中的一根螺旋管输送。)
  • 6、Thisheated air, drawn down from the roof, then mixes with the greenhouse air as it reaches a second sea-water-moistened cardboard wall at the back of the greenhouse.(从屋顶吸出的这种热空气,在到达温室后部第二个被海水润湿的纸板壁时,便与温室空气混合。)
  • 7、Aheated debate has enlivened recent studies of evolution.(一场激烈的辩论使最近的进化论研究领域开始活跃起来。)
  • 8、The race to find intelligent life, or any life at all, beyond Earth has been aheated space scramble for decades.(几十年来,在地球之外寻找智慧生命或任何生命的竞争一直是一场激烈的空间争夺战。)
  • 9、The water there is naturallyheated under the ground.(那里的水在地下自然加热。)
  • 10、It was a veryheated argument and they were shouting at each other.(这是一场非常激烈的争论,他们彼此冲着对方大喊大叫。)
  • 11、Metals expand when they areheated.(金属受热会膨胀。)
  • 12、After years ofheated debate, gray wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park.(经过多年的激烈争论,灰狼被重新引入黄石国家公园。)
  • 13、The house isheated by gas.(这房子是煤气供暖的。)
  • 14、Fredaheated up a pie for me but I couldn't eat it.(弗雷达为我热了一块馅饼,可我不能吃。)
  • 15、Explosive impactsheated and liquefied the ice, resulting in the fluid appearance of the ejecta.(爆炸性的撞击使冰加热并液化,导致喷出物呈流体状。)
  • 16、When gases areheated, they expand.(气体受热会膨胀。)
  • 17、Objects expand whenheated and contract when cooled.(物体热则涨,冷则缩。)
  • 18、She became veryheated.(她不禁怒火中烧。)
  • 19、The hotel has a sauna, solarium andheated indoor swimming pool.(这家旅馆有一个桑拿浴室、日光浴室和室内温水游泳池。)
  • 20、In addition, waterheated geothermally can contain salts and toxic materials dissolved from the hot rock.(此外,地热加热的水可能含有从热岩石中溶解出来的盐和有毒物质。)
  • 21、The roasted sweet potatoes are kept in aheated "box" outside the shop.(烤过的红薯放在店外一个加热的“盒子”里。)
  • 22、These vents on the ocean floor, they release this incredibly hot water, 3 to 4 times the temperature that you boil water at, because this water has beenheated deep within the Earth.(海底的这些喷口会释放出温度高得难以置信的热水,温度比开水还要高3到4倍,因为这些水是在地球深处加热的。)
  • 23、In the winter, ECC can beheated by passing an electric current through it, thereby preventing ice buildup.(在冬天,ECC可以通过电流加热,从而防止结冰。)
  • 24、It says water is added and then the mixture isheated and made into pulp.(这里说,要加水,然后加热混合物制成纸浆。)
  • 25、Engineers like ceramics because they can beheated without melting, unlike metals and plastics, though, they are brittle.(工程师们喜欢陶瓷,因为陶瓷在加热时不会熔化,但与金属和塑料不同的是,陶瓷易碎。) 【好工具】
  • 26、Recently, there has been aheated debate about whether universities should charge high tuition fees.(最近,人们一直热烈争论大学是否应收取高额学费。)
  • 27、After someheated argument a decision was finally taken.(激烈辩论以后终于作出了决定。)
  • 28、It seems very unlikely that large portions of the nebula wereheated to such extreme temperatures, and huge nebula areas could not possibly have lost heat so fast.(星云的大部分都被加热到如此极端的温度似乎是不太可能的,而巨大的星云区域不可能这么快就失去热量。)
  • 29、AI, a popular topic recently, has causedheated debate.(人工智能是近来的热门话题,引发了热烈的讨论。)


英 [ˈhi:tɪd] 美 [ˈhitɪd] 

副词: heatedly

