


更新时间:2025-03-03 06:51:22

  • 1、Such mice provide the best way todelineate the function of a gene.(这样的老鼠提供了最好的描素基因功能的方法。)
  • 2、A few additional explanations may carry the reader back in imagination to the precise condition of society that the authors desire todelineate.(另外我还要附带说明几句,好让读者能回忆作者所要描写的那个社会实况。)
  • 3、Using nonprintable characters todelineate the objects stored in view state serves two purposes.(使用非打印字符分割ViewState中存储的对象有两个目的。)
  • 4、Across time and space, food has always been used todelineate social distinctions, whether in Roman dining rooms or modern gourmet supermarkets.(穿越时间和空间,饮食一直以来都被用来描绘社会的区别,不论是在古罗马的饭厅里还是在现代的美食超级市场上。)
  • 5、The first step is for an analyst to engage the business subject matter experts to clearlydelineate the business process requirements.(第一步是分析师组织业务领域相关的专家来准确描述业务需求。)
  • 6、The specification for the component view shoulddelineate which of those properties and actions are valid for that component.(组件视图规范应该说明哪些属性和操作对于组件是有效的。) 【好工具】
  • 7、So wedelineate the whole of limitation and transcendence as ontological structure of being-for-self.(从而勾画出作为自为之本体论结构的有限性与超越性之整体。)
  • 8、Many species have evolved clear signals todelineate playfulness.(很多动物进化出了明确表述玩耍的信号。)
  • 9、If there are negotiations thatdelineate borders, questions of where anybody builds are settled.(她说:“假如通过谈判划定了边界的话,那么,谁在哪儿盖房子就不是问题了。)
  • 10、delineate the type of data being described by the data name.(描述数据名称代表的数据的类型。)
  • 11、They define the organization of your page anddelineate different sections of content.(它们定义页面的组织,并划分内容的不同部分。)
  • 12、Lingbi rockery art is purely natural, non skilled craftsmen can, is one of the most difficult todelineate the price of the goods.(灵璧假山石纯属天然艺术品,非能工巧匠所能为,是一种最难划定价格的商品。)
  • 13、White linesdelineate city limits.(白线是城市边界。)
  • 14、When you want to find files that match a certain range, make two dummy files whose timestampsdelineate the range.(当您需要查找匹配某个范围的文件时,建立两个虚拟文件,它们的时间戳可以描述这个范围。)
  • 15、First, I used comments todelineate sections of the code.(首先,我使用了注释来描绘代码的各个部分。)
  • 16、The study is an example of the problems that modern biologists face when trying todelineate species boundaries.(这项研究就是现代生物学家试图勾划物种分界线时面对的问题的一个例子。)
  • 17、Areas outlined in yellowdelineate close-up views on the right.(对黄框内区域的景观特写则呈现为右面的两张图片。)
  • 18、Their analysis of these extreme cases of envy was seen to help todelineate the phenomenon.(对这些嫉羡的极端案例的分析有助于勾画出这些现象。)
  • 19、Or you might want to clearlydelineate sections of content so that you can easily repurpose them using a technology like DITA.(或者您可能希望清晰地描述部分内容,从而可以使用DITA之类的技术重新构建内容。)
  • 20、I must help the two warring factions todelineate their territories and to establish a fair demarcation line between their realms.(我必须帮助那里两个交战的派别划分领地范围,确定双方公正的边界线。)
  • 21、Neutron activation analysis for uranium in soild maydelineate structures.(用中子活化分析测定土壤中的铀以圈定构造。)
  • 22、Women are aways bedelineate not as good as men.(女人常常被描写成不如男人。)
  • 23、You can use semicolons todelineate multiple filter patterns within a filter option.(您可以使用分号来描绘一个筛选选项中的多个筛选模式。)
  • 24、Dennehy and three others had built what they called their "box castle" using cardboard mailing boxes todelineate their space on the plaza.(丹尼希和三个同伙建立了“盒子城堡”,将邮寄用纸板盒搭建出他们在广场上的活动空间。)
  • 25、Road studsdelineate the edges of a carriageway or the division of traffic lanes.(行车道上镶嵌反光路钉,用以划分行车道的边缘或行车。)
  • 26、Alternating cove and spot lights accentuate the geometric angles used todelineate the interior and exterior Spaces.(建筑的凹处和点光源强调了区分室内、外的几何形态。)
  • 27、Biography must to some extentdelineate characters.(在某种程度上,传记一定要描述人物。)
  • 28、Finally, we turn to the central nervous system, where EEG research has helpeddelineate the neural mechanisms underlying emotion.(最后我们回到了中枢神经系统,在这里我们提到过,EEG(脑电图)的研究方式可以描绘出情感背后的神经机制。)


英 [dɪˈlɪnieɪt] 美 [dɪˈlɪniˌet] 

形容词: delineative 名词: delineation 过去式: delineated 过去分词: delineated 现在分词: delineating 第三人称单数: delineates

