- 1、So why do we invariably connect higher temperatures with droughts anddesertification?(然而,为什么我们总是抓住温度升高与干旱和荒漠化联系不放呢?)
- 2、There is little doubt, however, thatdesertification in most areas results primarily from human activities rather than natural processes.(然而,几乎毫无疑问,大多数地区的沙漠化主要是由于人类活动而不是自然过程造成的。)
- 3、The expansion of desert-like conditions into areas where they did not previously exist is calleddesertification.(沙漠化是指类似沙漠的生态环境扩张到原本并没有沙漠的区域。)
- 4、During the dry periods that are common phenomena along the desert margins, the pressure on the land is often far in excess of its diminished capacity, anddesertification results.(在沙漠边缘地区常有的旱季,土地所受的压力往往远超其被削弱的承受能力,沙漠化因此发生。)
- 5、Land degradation anddesertification can affect human health through complex pathways.(土地退化和荒漠化可通过复杂的途径影响人类健康。)
- 6、A third of Africa is under threat ofdesertification.(三分之一的非洲大陆面临着荒漠化的威胁。)
- 7、Q: What isdesertification, and how does it impact health?(问:什么是荒漠化?如何对健康产生影响?)
- 8、There is perhaps no country in the world more at risk fordesertification.(也许世界上没有哪一个国家面临如此大的沙漠化风险。)
- 9、But in places already prone to drought things will by and large get drier, sometimes to the point ofdesertification.(但在已趋于干旱的地区,大体来说,会变得更加干燥,有时甚至会导致荒漠化。)
- 10、Known or probable damage includes ocean acidification, loss of rain forests, degradation of ecosystems, anddesertification.(已知或可能的损害包括海洋酸化、热带雨林消失、生态系统退化还有沙漠化。)
- 11、Four specific activities have been identified as major contributors to thedesertification processes: overcultivation, overgrazing, firewood gathering, and overirrigation.(导致沙漠化的主要因素有四个:过度种植、过度放牧、过度砍伐、过度灌溉。)
- 12、Instead of being sucked downward into the spiral ofdesertification, they have kick-started a new, virtuous cycle of life.(这些土地不仅没有被吞进沙漠化的漩涡中,反倒摇身一变成全了一段新生命的良性循环。)
- 13、desertification, is a form of land degradation, by which fertile land becomes desert.(荒漠化这一形式的土地退化,使肥沃的土地变成了沙漠。)
- 14、If we continue to destroy forests, landdesertification will be an inevitable result.(如果我们继续破坏森林的话,土地沙漠化将会是必然的结果。)
- 15、A:desertification is the process by which fertile land becomes desert.(答:荒漠化是肥沃的土地变成沙漠的过程。)
- 16、The potential impacts ofdesertification on health include.(荒漠化对健康的潜在影响包括。)
- 17、Think Sudan. People forget that extreme poverty as a result ofdesertification explains much of that country's travails.(想想苏丹吧,人们都已经忘了那里极度的贫穷是由荒漠化造成的。)
- 18、Much like the Sahara in Africa,desertification also threatens South Australia.(正如撒哈拉沙漠之于非洲,荒漠化同样威胁着南澳大利亚。)
- 19、Niger: The Race Against Hunger anddesertification.(尼日尔:与饥饿和沙漠化赛跑。)
- 20、Climate change is inter-linked with other global environmental problems such as deforestation,desertification and freshwater degradation.(气候变化与森林砍伐、荒漠化和淡水退化等其他全球环境问题相互关联。)
- 21、Experts warn burgeoning populations, climate change are acceleratingdesertification in region.(专家警告说迅速增长的人口、气候变化将加速地区沙漠化。)
- 22、What isdesertification, and how does it impact health?(什么是荒漠化?如何对健康产生影响?)
- 23、desertification is accomplished primarily through the loss of stabilizing natural vegetation and the subsequent accelerated erosion of the soil by wind and water.(起到稳定作用的自然植被不断减少,随后土壤受风雨的侵蚀加速,就成为了沙漠化的主要成因。)
- 24、Besidesdesertification and grassland shrinkage, the region's lakes and wetlands are also drying up, experts say.(专家表示,除了沙漠化和草地退化,本地区的湿地和湖泊也在逐渐干枯。) hAo86.com