


更新时间:2024-06-24 12:18:47

  • 1、Performs short-circuiting inclusive logicaldisjunction on two expressions.(对两个表达式执行短路包含逻辑析取。)
  • 2、Conceptually, adisjunction should involve two or more things, but no error is currently raised if there are fewer disjoins.(从概念上说,分离应涉及两个或更多事物,但如果当前几乎没有分离,那么就不会产生错误。)
  • 3、Thisdisjunction of price from value is the core phenomenon of contemporary economic life.(价格与价值背离,是当代经济生活的基本现象。)
  • 4、Stylist: I'm an expert at matching hairstyles to personalities, if I may say. Believe me, you're suffering a "disjunction".(匹配的发型的个性,我是一个专家如果我可以说。相信我,你遭受“脱节”。)
  • 5、Thermopsis is one of the few genera within Fabaceae with the distribution pattern of the East Asia North Americandisjunction.(黄华属是豆科少数几个东亚北美间断分布属之一。)
  • 6、In the process of English language learning, the forming of "icy period" is put down todisjunction of the knowledge of English language and its application.(英语学习过程中“冰冻期”的产生是由于长期语言知识与语言运用脱节而致。)
  • 7、Thedisjunction type that is assembled into a collection does not itself have an XML tag.(装配到集合中的分离类型本身没有XML标记。)
  • 8、But it's just adisjunction.(但这只是一个偏差。)
  • 9、OK, let me see what you can do about the... uh...disjunction, as you call it.(好吧,让我看看你能做什么析取,当你调用它。)
  • 10、Performs a logicaldisjunction on two expressions.(对两个表达式执行逻辑析取操作。)
  • 11、Boolean operations for conjunction (and),disjunction (or), and exclusion (NOT) of search terms.(布尔操作用于搜索词的合并(AND)、分离(OR)和排斥(NOT)。)
  • 12、Noise, perceived control, perceived freshness and misunderstanding are all discussed as possible causes for the apparentdisjunction.(对于这样明显的差距,噪音、可察觉的控制、可察觉的新鲜度以及误解作为可能的原因都进行了讨论。)
  • 13、By the theory of metallographic analysis and SEM, it is a new means to appraise the metaldisjunction of identity of judicature evidence.(利用金相分析理论,结合扫描电子显微镜,对司法物证中金属分物的同一性鉴定,是一种简便、快速、准确的新方法。)
  • 14、The low rate of success is due to congelation, non-shorteneddisjunction or mecism ofdisjunction time.(而冻伤断离时间过长.不缩短断离面再植成功率低。)
  • 15、There are some repetition anddisjunction in this poem; I suspected there might be some errors in it.(诗中重复脱节,疑有错误。)
  • 16、The THOG problem is a paradigm to study the exclusivedisjunction.(THOG问题是研究不相容选言推理的一个实验范式。)
  • 17、A logic element that performs the Boolean operation ofdisjunction.(布尔量或逻辑变量可占用一个字。)
  • 18、It is the result of incompletedisjunction of the cutaneous ectoderm from neural ectoderm during the process of neurulation.(这是在神经胚形成期,皮肤外胚层从神经外胚层分离不完全所致。)
  • 19、Logicaldisjunction, as we define it here, is the inclusive OR operation.(我的翻译是:我们在这里定义的逻辑析取是包涵或。)
  • 20、This text will talk about some new methods about the limit ofdisjunction function in the boundary and the operation of lead number and definite integral.(分段函数是函数问题中难点,本文就分段函数在分界点的极限,导数、定积分的运算问题探讨一些新方法。)
  • 21、In fact, Aerts has shown that many results demonstrating thedisjunction effect fit naturally within a model in which quantum interference can play a role.(实际上,Aerts已经展示了很多经过证明的隔离效应的结果可以很自然的与一个在量子干涉中起作用的模型相匹配。)
  • 22、Cera is a superhero for an indecisive generation, which might work if thedisjunction were played for satire.(Cera是优柔寡断的一代人的超级英雄,而这种偏差如果以讽刺来处理会更好。)


英 [dɪsˈdʒʌŋkʃn] 美 [dɪsˈdʒʌŋkʃən] 

