- 1、It was in object with twodifferently colored sides.(它有两个不同颜色的边。)
- 2、I've often wondered if we're to read thisdifferently: Who am I?(我常常在想,我们是否应该以不同的方式来解读这个问题:我是谁?)
- 3、Another study found that children playdifferently in a natural environment.(另一项研究发现,儿童在自然环境中玩耍的方式有所不同。)
- 4、With hindsight, we'd all do thingsdifferently.(事后想来,我们可能都会以不同的方式做事。)
- 5、If I had written the letter, I might have worded itdifferently.(如果是我写这封信,我可能会措辞不同。)
- 6、Different people converse with the textdifferently.(不同的人与文本的转换方式不同。)
- 7、Multiple genes behaveddifferently, depending on whether someone had eaten or not before walking.(多种基因表现不同,这取决于一个人在行走前是否吃过东西。)
- 8、The next hearings will be structureddifferently in order to minimize the inquisitorial atmosphere.(以后的听证会将有不同安排,以便尽可能地缓和审判似的气氛。)
- 9、I see thingsdifferently now.(现在,我看问题的方法不一样了。)
- 10、But Stokoe noticed something odd: among themselves, students signeddifferently from his classroom teacher.(但斯托科注意到一些奇怪的现象:在他们中间,学生们的手势与老师的不同。)
- 11、It is important to remember that each person reactsdifferently.(重要的是要记住每个人的反应不同。)
- 12、In many cases though, the same idea is expresseddifferently.(然而,在许多情况下,思想相同却表达不同。)
- 13、Every individual learnsdifferently.(每个人的学习方式都不一样。) haO86.com
- 14、We know the French order thingsdifferently.(我们知道法国人处理事情的方式是不同的。)
- 15、I agree with what he says, but I'd have phrased itdifferently.(我赞同他说的,但我会以不同的方式表述。)
- 16、Easterners and Westerners perceive the worlddifferently.(东方人和西方人对世界的看法不同。)
- 17、The male bird has adifferently shaped head.(雄鸟的头形有点特别。)
- 18、They behavedifferently when you're not around.(你不在时他们就是另一副面孔。)
- 19、But later, people of the Victorian era thoughtdifferently.(但后来,维多利亚时代的人们有了不同的想法。)
- 20、Research shows that present-day women thinkdifferently and behavedifferently from men.(研究表明,现代女性的思维方式和行为方式都与男性不同。)
- 21、I would have phrased it quitedifferently.(我则会用完全不同的话来表达它。)
- 22、It's helpful to put children in a situation where they can see themselvesdifferently.(让孩子们处在一个他们能以不同的方式看待自己的环境中,这是很有帮助的。)
- 23、If I was in charge, I'd do thingsdifferently.(假若由我负责,我不会这样办事的。)
- 24、Children were not always raised sodifferently.(孩子们的成长环境并非总是如此不同。)
- 25、Studies have shown that the right and left ear process sounddifferently.(研究表明左耳和右耳处理声音是不同的。)
- 26、Iconoclasts see thingsdifferently to other people.(反传统者看待事物的方式与其他人不同。)
- 27、Boys and girls may behavedifferently.(男孩儿和女孩儿的表现可能不同。)
- 28、We may learndifferently during different sleep stages.(在不同的睡眠阶段,我们的学习方式可能会有所不同。)
- 29、To put it simply, charging tourists from home and abroaddifferently is far from fair.(简单地说,对国内外游客收取不同的费用是不公平的。)