- 1、It includes an ability to accept new and sometimes evendisagreeable ideas.(它包括接受新的观点,有时甚至是不愿接受的观点的能力。)
- 2、You saw what a shy, gentle girl Miss Darcy is, but he had described her as proud,disagreeable and disdainful.(你们看到了,达西小姐多么腼腆、温柔,可他硬说人家傲慢、难以相处、目中无人。)
- 3、He seemed to take a perverse pleasure in beingdisagreeable.(他似乎在招人厌恶中得到一种反常的乐趣。)
- 4、It may seize up and spatter and generally bedisagreeable.(糖浆会结块并且飞溅起来,这通常让人恼火。)
- 5、Many of the facts aredisagreeable.(里面的许多事实,非常令人不快。)
- 6、She possessed affections, too, though hitherto acrid anddisagreeable, as are the richest flavours of unripe fruit.(她还具有丰富的情感,尽管至今还象末熟的果子那样酸涩得难以入口。)
- 7、After all, that was a very unpleasant,disagreeable dream that haunted me!(毕竟那是一个非常讨厌的梦,还一直困扰着我。)
- 8、Then Tiny wept, and said she would not marry thedisagreeable mole.(但是拇指姑娘哭了起来,说她不愿意和这讨厌的鼹鼠结婚。)
- 9、Skillful disagreement without beingdisagreeable is a skill worth learning for the knowledge worker consultant.(有技巧地表达不同意见而不体现出不友好的态度,对咨询师这样的知识工作者来说,是一种非常值得学习的技能。)
- 10、I don't understand him, said the Snow Man to himself, but I have a feeling that he is talking of something verydisagreeable.(我真听不懂他在说些什么啊,雪人心想,不过,我觉得他讲的事情对我可没什么好处。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 11、No company can afford to be associated with anything the public findsdisagreeable, whether it is legal or not.(没有一个公司会提供一些公众认为不合时宜的内容,不管是非法的还是合法的。)
- 12、One of my moredisagreeable faults is my irritability.(我的易怒是我最不爽的缺点之一。)
- 13、That was one of her unhappy,disagreeable ways.(那正是她不讨人喜欢的习惯之一。)
- 14、"Be silent! I'll go out of doors, or anywhere, rather than have yourdisagreeable voice in my ear!" said my lady.(‘住口吧!我宁可走出门外,或者去任何地方,也比听你那讨厌的声音在我耳边响好!’我的夫人说。)
- 15、It exposes us and our friends todisagreeable spying.(它使我们和我们的朋友暴露在令人不快的监视之下。)
- 16、I am quite sorry, Lizzy, that you should be forced to have thatdisagreeable man all to yourself.(丽萃,我很对不起你,逼你去跟那个讨厌的人在一起,你可不要计较。)
- 17、This is adisagreeable state to a woman.(这种状况对女人来说是不愉快的。)
- 18、He's a shallow,disagreeable man.(他是个浅薄、不友好的人。)
- 19、This afternoon he did not give any medicine or leave any new orders and he was spared anydisagreeable scenes.(今天下午,他没有给我开什么药,也没有留下新的医嘱,也没有什么不愉快的场面。)
- 20、This medicine has a verydisagreeable smell.(那药有一股很易闻的气味。)
- 21、But how came you to tell us that he was sodisagreeable?(可是你怎么会跟我们说他十分讨厌呢?)
- 22、You learn how to disagree without beingdisagreeable.(你学会怎么去反对别人而不会引起不愉快。)
- 23、This captain took a fancy to my conversation, which was not at alldisagreeable at that time.(这位船长喜欢同我交谈,因为当时那一点也不会感到不愉快。)
- 24、I'll go out of doors, or anywhere, rather than have yourdisagreeable voice in my ear! "said my lady."(我宁可走出门外,或者去任何地方,也比听你那讨厌的声音在我耳边响好!我的夫人说。)