


更新时间:2025-03-10 09:23:47

  • 1、The third one isdocking.(第三是对接。)
  • 2、Rendezvous anddocking is what is being experimented with.(交会和对接还处在试验期。)
  • 3、In this illustration, the final habitat closes in ondocking with the Bigelow space station.(在这幅示意图中,最后一个生活舱正在靠近毕格罗空间站并与之对接。)
  • 4、This new tablet will additionally offer support for Adobe Flash, stylus pens anddocking stations.(这款新的平板电脑还会支持AdobeFlash、手写笔而且拥有扩展坞。)
  • 5、Patented EZ Port is the simple drive on, push-off method of drydocking.(获得专利的EZPort是进干船坞简捷上墩、下水的解决办法。)
  • 6、Users can pay at one of the 400docking stations, or use a key with a chip.(用户可以在400个停靠站付款交易,或者使用代码锁。)
  • 7、Coming soon: adocking station for a free download of popular titles.(即将到来的是:一个可以免费下载热门书的系统。)
  • 8、It only enablesdocking to a screen's region.(它只是支持停靠到某个屏幕区域。)
  • 9、Next year, two or three astronauts will be sent into space for the first manneddocking.(明年还将有2到3名宇航员进入太空执行载人对接任务。)
  • 10、Fyodor took this picture from the window of the Russiandocking Compartment (Airlock).(Fyodor从俄罗斯对接舱(气锁)的窗户拍下了这张照片。)
  • 11、The Shenzhoudocking missions are seen as key milestones along the path to building a space station in orbit.(神舟对接任务被视作建设在轨空间站道路上的一座关键里程碑。)
  • 12、On April 4, coverage of thedocking of Skvortsov, Caldwell Dyson and Kornienko will begin on NASA Television at 1 a.m.(NASA电视台将在4月4日凌晨1点开始对斯克沃尔佐夫、考德威尔.戴森和科尔尼杨科与空间站的对接进行直播。)
  • 13、It can find itsdocking station, recognize its owner's face, and respond to voice commands.(它能找到自己的充电底座,能认出主人的脸,能分辨声音而接受命令。)
  • 14、Valuable time is lost indocking and in starting the loading.(宝贵的时间只浪费在船只入坞和开始装船的时间。)
  • 15、We weredocking there so that another group could disembark.(我们的游船停靠在那里,有另外一个旅游团正准备下船。)
  • 16、OmegaT+.wksp:docking desktop configuration XML file.(OmegaT+.wksp:对接桌面配置XML文件。)
  • 17、Another major test is how to consume the least possible propellant while achieving rendezvous anddocking.(如何消耗最少的推进剂完成交会对接,也是重大考验。)
  • 18、After this seconddocking, the two vessels will remain joined for just two days.(第二次对接后,两个航空器将在随后的两天里保持对接状态。)
  • 19、A space station can only be built after the success of rendezvous anddocking.(交会对接成功才能建空间站。)
  • 20、Nicotine hooks onto a variety of receptors, ordocking sites, on the surface of cells.(尼古丁会粘附于多种感受器,或者是细胞表面的停靠点。)
  • 21、Press the “Clean” button and the robot glides out of itsdocking station and sets off across the floor.(只需按一下“清扫”按钮,机器人就会滑出基座,向地板出发了。)
  • 22、The toolbar supports floating,docking, and a label or non-label mode.(工具栏支持漂浮,固定,以及标签或者非标签的模式。)
  • 23、docking stations: Thedocking stations add value, but also take up room.(扩展坞:扩展坞可以为团队添加价值,但是也会占用空间。)
  • 24、The "In-Depth Understanding" will open up adocking window displaying the following information.(“快速了解”将不是在一个可停靠的窗口,而是在一个内嵌的窗口里展示,可让开发人员查看代码的上下文。)
  • 25、A cycle hiredocking station beside the Thames in London.(伦敦泰晤士河旁边的一处租赁自行车停放处。)
  • 26、You can even buy adocking stand and external keyboard for it as well.(你甚至能买到支架和外接键盘。)
  • 27、Dhowsdocking at Shabab-controlled ports pay $5 a sack and sell it in Dubai for $15.(进入由沙巴布控制的港口的帆船花上五美元就可以买上一麻袋,然后再以十五美元的价格卖到迪拜。)
  • 28、The spacecraft will return to Earth after twodocking operations.(神舟八号将在完成两次对接任务后返回地球。)


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