
dry out

dry out造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:41:51

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的dry out的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条dry out的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了dry out的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Tip: Direct sunlight is needed for this technique to work, as weeds in the shade won'tdry out.(小贴士:这套工序需要在阳光直射下进行,因为在阴凉地方杂草没法完全风干。)
  • 2、People who work on computers or do a lot of reading are likely todry out the eyes and experience strain and tiredness.(长期在电脑前工作或者大量阅读的人们往往眼睛非常干燥并且觉得眼睛紧张和疲劳。)
  • 3、Many medications (including antidepressants and heart or pain meds) candry out your mouth, which ups the risk of tooth decay.(许多药物(包括抗抑郁药,心脏病和止痛药)会使口干,这就大大增加了蛀牙的风险。)
  • 4、He continued to watch the butterfly, hoping that the wings woulddry out, enlarge and expand to support the huge body.(他继续对蝴蝶进行观察,希望她的羽翼能变干、变大并张开来支撑它庞大的身躯。)
  • 5、'They even excavate pools to ensure their brood doesn'tdry out.'(它们甚至会挖掘池塘以确保自己的一窝卵不会干瘪。)
  • 6、The pond they live in Maydry out, but the eggs can survive in the mud for many years.(它们生活的池塘也许快要干涸,但它们的卵却依旧能够在淤泥中存活数年。)
  • 7、As the sheetsdry out, overlapping edges "felt" together to become fused seams.(当薄片干掉以后,重叠的部分接合在一起。)
  • 8、Everything willdry out if it doesn't rain.(如果不下雨,所有东西都会干枯。)
  • 9、He checked into Cedars Sinai Hospital todry out.(他住进了雪松西奈医院去戒酒。)
  • 10、Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table anddry out wells.(环保主义者称引流河水将导致地下水位下降和水井干枯。)
  • 11、The theory goes that dry air willdry out the corks, which would let air into the bottle and spoil the wine.(这个理论认为干燥的空气会使橡木塞变干燥,从而使空气进入酒瓶并破坏葡萄酒。)
  • 12、Hot sun and cold winds can soondry out your skin.(火辣辣的太阳和寒风可使你的皮肤很快变干燥。)
  • 13、If the soil is allowed todry out the tree could die.(如果让土壤干硬,树就会死掉。)
  • 14、But the electrolyte can evaporate, causing the muscle todry out when exposed to the air.(但是电解液会挥发,因此当这种肌肉暴露在空气中时就会干涸。)
  • 15、And if you've been affected recently, your first goal should be todry out and restore normalcy.(如果你最近正受此影响,你的第一个目标应该是干燥和恢复常态。)
  • 16、The findings, reported in the journal Neuron, could set the stage for new ways to block cravings—and help addictsdry out.(在《神经元》(Neuron)期刊上报道的这些发现,很可能搭建了发现阻止心瘾——并帮助成瘾者解毒——新方法的舞台。)
  • 17、Add some coconut milk if it starts todry out.(如果水干了就再加一点椰浆。)
  • 18、You can also use newspaper to helpdry out wet boots and shoes by crumpling some of it up and stuffing it inside.(你可以使用报纸来让靴子或鞋子内保持干燥,通过弄皱一些报纸放进靴子(鞋子)里面。)
  • 19、He went to an expensive clinic todry out.(他到一家费用昂贵的诊所戒酒瘾。)
  • 20、While tasty, such seeds are delicate-they cannot bud and grow if theydry out.(虽然很美味,但这种种子很脆弱——如果干枯,它们就不能发芽和生长。)
  • 21、Bread willdry out quickly in the refrigerator, but it can be kept well for up to six months if wrapped in plastic, then foil.(面包放在冷藏室中很快就会干掉,但如果先用塑料、再用金属箔包好,就能完好的保存长达六个月。)
  • 22、It's natural, gentle, and alcohol-free, and won'tdry out skin like chemical-based formulas.(金缕梅纯露天然温和,无酒精刺激,不会如像化学配方爽肤水一样造成肌肤干燥。)
  • 23、In the tropics, the valleys appear to be more favorable because they are less prone todry out, they have less frost, and they have deeper soils.(在热带地区中,山谷似乎更有利于树木生长,因为山谷更加不容易干涸、较少结霜,并且拥有更深的土壤。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 24、Furthermore, while they are powerful degreasers and candry out hair and skin, they are not caustic.(况且,它的去污能力很强,虽然会让头发和皮肤变干,但不刺鼻。)
  • 25、Water the plant regularly, never letting the soildry out.(经常给植物浇水,别让土壤干透了。)
  • 26、The preservative used is usually ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, as alcohol will evaporate quickly and the traps willdry out.(常用防腐剂是乙二醇或丙二醇,因为随着酒精快速挥发,捕集器也随之恢复干燥。)
  • 27、The boss asked the drinker todry out.(老板要求那个酒鬼戒酒。)
dry out基本释义

dry out

英 [drai aut] 美 [draɪ aʊt] 

(使)干透; 戒酒
