好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的double quotation marks的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条double quotation marks的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了double quotation marks的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、When working with string data, you can use eitherdouble quotation marks or single quotation marks to delimit them.(在处理字符串数据时,可以使用双引号或单引号分隔。)
- 2、Any values containing a semicolon, single quotation marks, ordouble quotation marks must be enclosed indouble quotation marks.(任何包含分号、单引号或双引号的值必须用双引号引起来。)
- 3、By default, SGML requires that all attribute values be delimited using eitherdouble quotation marks (ASCII decimal 34) or single quotation marks (ASCII decimal 39).(默认情况下,SGML要求所有的属性值用双引号(十进制ascii值34)或者单引号(十进制ascii值39)来分隔。)
- 4、It's worth noting that strings are encoded using single ordouble quotation marks.(另外一点值得注意的是字符串是通过单引号或双引号被编码的。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 5、If you need quotation marks inside the alias, usedouble quotation marks.(如果您需要在别名中使用引号,那么可以使用双引号。)
- 6、Within in the string, you can use as many single anddouble quotation marks as you like (see Listing 4).(在该字符串中,您可以使用任意多的单引号和双引号(参见清单4)。)
- 7、It is recommended that you enclose the trace mask withdouble quotation marks to avoid possible misinterpretation of the asterisk character by the operating-system shell.(建议您用双引号将跟踪屏蔽括起来,以免操作系统shell对星号发生错误判断。)
- 8、Values are enclosed by single ordouble quotation marks.(值用单引号或双引号括起来。)
- 9、Doing this, however, is generally a bad practice: It requires the name to always be enclosed indouble quotation marks and can easily confuse someone else who may be maintaining your code.(但是,这么做通常是不好的做法:它要求名称总被括在双引号中,很容易把维护代码的其他人弄糊涂。)
- 10、If a variable contains whitespace, thedouble quotation marks keep the variable expansion intact as a single argument.(如果一个变量包含空格,双引号会按原样把变量展开为一个参数。)
- 11、You can usedouble quotation marks (") to include Spaces within an argument."(可以使用双引号(“)在参数中包含空格。”)
- 12、However, the use ofdouble quotation marks allows evaluation of Velocity references, directives, or even Velocimacros inside the delimited string.(但是使用双引号允许在分隔的字符串内部对Velocity引用、指示符甚至Velocimacros求值。)
- 13、You can choose single ordouble quotation marks according to the place you work.(你可以选择用单引号或者双引号,看你处于什么地方。)
- 14、To correct the error, adddouble quotation marks to the end of line 9.(要想纠正这个错误,应该在第9行末尾添加双引号。)
- 15、Be careful about your choice of single versusdouble quotation marks, as well.(在选择单引号和双引号时要小心。)
- 16、If it contains other characters, it must be enclosed indouble quotation marks.(假如还包含其它的字符,那么这段字符必须用双引号引起来。)
- 17、Even though the variable is not surrounded bydouble quotation marks in command 12, fish maintains the whitespace set in command 11.(尽管在命令12中变量没有放在双引号中,但是fish在命令11中保留空格。)
- 18、Attribute value delimiters are set to quotation marks (double quotes).(属性值分隔符设为引号(双引号)。)
- 19、First, you can mix single anddouble quotation marks when creating a string, as long as the string USES the same type of quotation mark at the beginning and end.(第一,在创建字符串时,您可以混合使用单引号和双引号,只要字符串在开始位置和结束位置使用同一类型的引号。)
- 20、In Windows, each inner double quotation mark must be cancelled with a backslash that is within the brace surrounded bydouble quotation marks in the JSON form.(在Windows中,每一个内部双引号都必须由一个斜划线取消,该斜划线由JSON格式的双引号所包围。)
- 21、Enclose strings that include Spaces indouble quotation marks.(以双引号括住包含空白的字串。)
- 22、Look closely at command 6: Because the value is not placed in quotation marks (either single or double), whitespace is not protected.(仔细看一下命令6:因为值没有放在引号(单引号或双引号)中,所以不保留空格。)
- 23、You can include string literals in your programs by enclosing them in matching pairs of single ordouble quotation marks.(程序中的字符串直接量是包含在单引号或双引号中的。)
- 24、Quotations within short quotations takedouble quotation marks.(引用之中再引用使用双引号。)
- 25、Certainly, all three operators-the single, double, and back quotation marks-serve a valid purpose, but like exceptions in English, memorizing and mastering the variations can be maddening.(当然,这三种操作符(单引号、双引号和反撇号)都有合法的用途,但是与英语中的例外一样,记住和掌握这些细微差异很令人头疼。)
- 26、You can escape these rules by placing the name indouble quotation marks, which allows names to be case sensitive and to include additional characters (including spaces).(通过把名称放在双引号中,可以避开这些规则,使用双引号允许名称区分大小写以及包含附加字符(包括空格)。)
- 27、All generated elements use explicit opening and closing tags (or self-closing tags), and attribute values are included indouble quotation marks.(生成的所有元素都使用显式的开始标记和结束标记(或自结束标记),且属性值括在双引号中。)
- 28、Either single ordouble quotation marks can enclose strings, which permits quotes that contain quote marks or apostrophes.(单引号或双引号都可以包围字符串,这就允许引文中再包含引号或撇号。)