


更新时间:2024-06-24 12:18:06

  • 1、Principle 11dramatize your ideas.(使你的意念戏剧化。)
  • 2、So we have come here today todramatize an appalling condition.(所以,我们今天来到这里,要把这骇人听闻的情况公诸于众。)
  • 3、Some of the poems in this bookdramatize, and describe the stylistic changes I'm talking about.(这本书里的一些诗歌生动表现,描述了我所讲的这种风格变化。)
  • 4、It is a delicate moment but I am not going to overdramatize things. We must get back to winning.(这一切都很复杂,现在是一个微妙的时刻,但是有些事情我不会再去描述了。)
  • 5、The problem is how todramatize a nonevent.(如何描述一个并未发生的事件实为困难。)
  • 6、And so we've come here today todramatize a shameful condition.(所以,我们已经来到这里,今天的戏剧一个可耻的条件。)
  • 7、Todramatize the threat of global warming, a number of "Live Earth" 24-hour concerts are being held Saturday, July 7, across seven continents.(为了凸显全球变暖的威胁,七个国家将在7月7日举行若干24小时的LiveEarth(拯救地球)现场演唱会。)
  • 8、If the Haiyan can be the writer anddramatize two kinds of roles to appear, so he can become the classic create new style in the generation public.(如果说海岩可以作为作家和编剧两种角色出现的话,那么他可以成为一代人心中独树一帜的经典。)
  • 9、It is because of various drama elements contained in the original that he was able todramatize Capital.(而他之所以能够把《资本论》戏剧化,是因为原著本身就具有诸多戏剧元素。)
  • 10、The Harvard Business Review printed a lively, fictional exchange of letters todramatize complaints about business degree holders.(《哈佛商业评论》发表了一篇生动的、虚构的信件交流,戏剧化地表达了对商学学位持有者的抱怨。)
  • 11、What I did notdramatize, or what seemed to enter into the dialogue quite without my agency, was the Duke's reply to my proud speech.(什么没有戏剧化的或者没有经过允许的插话,就是公爵对我自豪演讲的回应。)
  • 12、"No one woulddramatize the real experience" of a platoon in Afghanistan "because it's too boring," he added.(“没有人会大书特书”一个排在阿富汗的真实经历,“因为太无聊了,”他说。)
  • 13、Todramatize the necessity of clandestine warfare, instructors objectively recited case histories and their import.(为了说明秘密战的必要性,教官们客观地讲述了案例及其意义。)
  • 14、"We shouldn'tdramatize the situation," Sarkozy said in a briefing for reporters ahead of the meeting.(“我们不应该夸大这种情况”,萨科齐在会面举行前的新闻发布会上对记者说。)
  • 15、They maydramatize the day-to-day stresses they face together.(他们会夸大双方每天面对的压力。)
  • 16、Don't worry too much about what she said—she tends todramatize things.(别太在意她说的话—她往往言过其实。)
  • 17、They have a tendency to show off, todramatize almost every situation.(他们有一种炫耀的倾向,几乎任何情况都要大肆渲染一番。)
  • 18、Don'tdramatize the affair so much, just give us the facts.(不要戏剧性的讲述这个事情,我们要知道事实。)
  • 19、Cagliari coach Marco Giampaolo said: 'We aren't going to overdramatize this loss.(卡利亚里主教练詹保罗说:“我们不会让这次失败显得过于引人注目。”)
  • 20、So we have come here today todramatize the shameful condition.(所以,我们今天到这里来,把这骇人听闻的事实公诸于众。)
  • 21、Adramatize more B nowhere than in the west.(比起西部,在任何地方,A都不能更戏剧化的表现B。)
  • 22、The film attempts neither todramatize nor sermonize.(这部电影既不企图使用戏剧化的手法也不企图进行说教。)


英 [ˈdræmətaɪz] 美 [ˈdræməˌtaɪz, ˈdrɑmə-] 

过去式: dramatized 过去分词: dramatized 现在分词: dramatizing 第三人称单数: dramatizes

