
elective system

elective system造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:22:57

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的elective system的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了21条elective system的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了elective system的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、The credit system which comes from theelective system has been widely adopted as an essential practice in reforming the teaching management in colleges in the world.(学分制肇始于选课制,是许多国家高校普遍实行的一种教学管理制度。)
  • 2、Compared with traditional teaching pattern,elective system has more advantages, but there exist some problems in reality.(同传统教学模式相比,选听制教学具有较大的优越性,但在实际运行中还存在一些问题。)
  • 3、elective system can be installed on the campus of the existing network of servers, students in any school within networks of terminals on course to complete the task.(选课系统只需安装在现有校园网络的服务器上,学生在任何一台校园网内的终端上即可完成选课任务。)
  • 4、Student elective course work system enables standardized, modular , systematic, can solve the imbalance of enrollment information, improve school of information processing speed.(学生选课系统能够使选课工作标准化,模块化、系统化,能够解决选课信息的紊乱性,提高学校对信息的处理速度。)
  • 5、A goodelective system category Yung very detailed, it is very suitable for beginners.(一个很好的选课系统类容很详细,很适合初学者。)
  • 6、Elective a simple system, the basic functions have been achieved!(一个简单的选课系统,基本功能都已实现!)
  • 7、The president of Harvard pioneered theelective system, by which students were able to choose their own courses of study.(哈佛大学的校长率先推出选课制度,这样学生们就能选择自己的专业。主修领域的概念也出现了。)
  • 8、There's a long road to establish the PE courses module system, graded teaching and flexibleelective system.(体育课程模块设计、分级教学、弹性选修都有待建立和完善。)
  • 9、Credits system is an advanced teaching administration system. The essence of credits system is "the system of elective course".(学分制是一种先进的教学管理制度,其核心是选课制。)
  • 10、Theelective system is the core of academic credit and the flexible system. only with full implementation of theelective system, we could better cultivate individual talents.(选课制是学分制与弹性学制的核心,只有充分实施选课制,才能更好地培养个性化人才。)
  • 11、He used anelective system, replacing the stereotype of classical courses, students can pursue their professional interest.(他采用选修制,取代了刻板的古典课程,学生们可以攻读他们感兴趣的专业。)
  • 12、The whole system is elective, the complete sovereignty being in the people.(整个体制以选举为基础,主权彻底属于人民。)
  • 13、Elective regulation is the precondition and foundation of the credit system, and is also the elementary character in the teaching supervisal of the credit system.(选课制是学分制的前提和基础,是学分制教学管理体系在运行中的最基本的特征。)
  • 14、The elective courses system and tutor system are established and perfected.(建立和完善选课制和导师制。)
  • 15、The Conservatives would give GPs much more of a say by reviving the 1990s system of fund-holding in which many GP practices had their own budgets for elective care done by hospitals.(保守党将通过恢复1990年代的资金持有制度给予普通开业医生更多的发言权,在这个制度中,许多开业医生可以拥有自己的预算来做曾由医院完成的非急需护理。)
  • 16、In this paper we deal with some security techniques applied to networkelective system and the construction of an elective database.(介绍了一种可行的网上选课系统的规划、流程以及所采取的安全技术。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 17、Conbined level-teaching method with "flexibly study system" together, take elective course, it will increase the elasticity of education.(将分层教学和“弹性学习制度”结合起来,开展选修教育,增加教育的弹性。)
  • 18、The quality ofelective system is made up of the operational research orderliness, organizing information and interface design etc.(计算机选课系统的质量由学分制选课的运筹规律,信息组织及界面设计等方面因素构成。)
  • 19、Before entering theelective system need to authenticate that user login authentication.(进入选课系统之前需进行身份验证,即实现用户登录认证。)
  • 20、NET technology, simply describes an online elective function of the system and related technology.(NET技术的网络选课系统的开发过程,简述网上选课系统的功能和相关的技术实现。)
  • 21、The elective courses undergoing experiment in China are characterized with module, diversity, elasticity and credit system.(我国正在实验的高中选修课具有模块化、多样化、层次化、弹性化、学分制等特点。)
elective system基本释义