


更新时间:2024-08-28 12:40:14

  • 1、My younger daughter has just got a place at Oxford which, a generation ago, was afail-safe passport to a decent job.(我的小女儿刚上牛津大学,在上一代,这是获得好工作的保险护照。)
  • 2、Even if this verification fails, the application will usually break due to syntax errors - tokens are usually not valid values - which provides an extra "fail-safe" mechanism.(即使校验失败,应用程序通常因符号的语法错误而终止——符号一般来说不是合法值——这也时额外的安全机制。)
  • 3、Of course, from a developer's perspective thisfail-safe mechanism can be a nuisance, too.(当然,在开发人员来看这种错误保护机制也会是麻烦的。)
  • 4、This electronic module complied with the principle of "fail-safe" either in the hardware or in the software, and embodied reliability and safety.(该电子模块在硬件和软件的设计上都遵循了“故障—安全”的原则,体现了可靠性和安全性。)
  • 5、Most systems operated by control line operate on afail-safe basis.(由控制管线操纵的大多数装置都在故障自动防护的基础上工作。)
  • 6、This configuration will result in afail-safe process mode that will keep the cooling on if the thermocouples fail.(这种组态将导致故障安全过程模式,如果热电偶故障,它将保持冷却。)
  • 7、With a minimum of time and effort, this electronic aid enables a reliable andfail-safe gas supply.(这种电子辅助设备,花费最少的时间和力气,能确保气体供应可靠并且能自动防止故障。)
  • 8、The aim of this thesis is the place optimization of the PCB, based on the thermalfail-safe analysis.(文章以热可靠性分析为基础,对PCB板元器件布局问题进行优化研究。)
  • 9、In this paper, the problem offail-safe technology in the microcomputer count axle set is discussed.(本文讨论了微机计轴装置中的故障一安全技术问题。)
  • 10、Afail-safe backup system ensures reliable operation, even if a fault develops in the main circuit.(一个自动防故障装置的后备系统确保了可靠的运转,即时在主要电路产生了故障。)
  • 11、Or, in the somewhat less coherent words of Margaret Thatcher, "the unexpected happens" and "fail-safe plans are designed to go wrong."(或者,用玛格·丽特·撒切尔那有点逻辑含糊的话来说,“意料之外的事情”以及“应急计划都是被用来应付错误的”。)
  • 12、If a concrete field in a trait does not have a suitable default value, there is no "fail-safe" way to initialize the value.(如果trait的一个具体字段没有合适的默认值,那么就没有一个“万无一失”的方式来初始化这个值了。)
  • 13、The most part of the design in thefail-safe system is to detect and discover faults, and lead the system to output safe information.(故障安全系统中的大部分设计是为了检测和发现故障,引导系统输出安全信息。)
  • 14、I've just unilaterally not addressed it. That's kind of been thefail-safe for me.(所对此我一概都不予回应,这样对我来说是最好的解决办法。)
  • 15、Detecting phoniness this way is far fromfail-safe, but it is a good guide.(通过这种方法来判明真伪还远远达不到万无一失的程度,但它提供了一个不错的方向。)
  • 16、Power words, that work well include: security, safety, guaranteed, reliable, popular, tried and tested,fail-safe, proven.(有说服力的词汇:保障、安全、担保、可靠、广受欢迎、已经测试、自动防故障、经过验证。)
  • 17、Applications for cylinders designed with springs are virtually unlimited, many involving the importantfail-safe function.(弹簧的气缸的应用几乎是无限的,许多涉及到重要的故障防护功能。)
  • 18、In case the execution of either one fails on either platform, you can use the command shown below as afail-safe.(如果任何一个可执行文件在任意平台上执行失败,都可以使用如下所示的命令作为解决方法。)
  • 19、That the gold price has soared for different reasons than predicted is a sign that, in the uncertain times of today, gold is nearly afail-safe asset.(不过,金价飙升的原因与预测的却不同,这显示出在眼下的不确定时期,黄金几乎是万无一失的资产。) (好工具
  • 20、The service must support a minimum of 100 concurrent clients, and shallfail-safe through failures of any underlying datastore.(该服务必须支持最少100个并发客户机,并应该不受任何底层数据存储失败的影响。)
  • 21、"This isn't your average book," said Ron. "it's pure gold: Twelvefail-safe Ways to Charm Witches." Explains everything you need to know about girls.(“这可不是一般的书,”罗恩说,“是沉甸甸的金子啊,《迷倒女巫的十二个制胜法宝》,解释了你需要知道的关于女孩子的所有事情。”)
  • 22、This is achieved by low-level file access which is reliable, robust andfail-safe .(要实现这个目标,低层次的档案存取,这是可靠的,稳健和故障安全。)
  • 23、Afail-safe way to prevent FM access in every scenario is required and described in the remainder of this document.(需要一种能够在每个场景中防止FM访问的可靠方法,本文档余下的部分描述此方法。)


英 [feɪl seɪf] 美 [feɪl seɪf] 

过去式: fail-safed 过去分词: fail-safed 现在分词: fail-safing 第三人称单数: fail-safes


