好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的face paint的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了14条face paint的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了face paint的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、By using water-based Halloweenface paint, she created images of chameleons, crabs, foxes, pandas, cat, bee and even Pikachu on her lips.(她在自己的嘴唇上用水性万圣节涂料画了,螃蟹,狐狸,熊猫,猫,蜜蜂甚至还有皮卡丘。)
- 2、The paper introduces the rust preventing primer,face paint and fire-retarding paint for building steel structure.(简单介绍了建筑钢结构的特点和类型,并主要对建筑钢结构的防护涂装设计做了阐述。)
- 3、Hishorrific wounds and demonic face all paint and fakery for the sake ofthe show, a performer belonging to the Bahurupi nomad communityprepares to entertain villagers in the state of Maharashtra.(在马哈拉施特拉邦的一个村子里,巴呼卢比游牧部落的一位表演者为了演出需要而在身上画了让人觉得恐怖的伤痕,将脸化成魔鬼状。)
- 4、The many visitors to Madurai have spawned a vibrant tourist trade among the locals, including this child inface paint.(众多造访马杜赖的游客已经引发当地活跃的旅游生意,图中这名脸上涂满颜料的小孩便是一例。)
- 5、The tribe knows that if you dig up a particular root and mash it up, it will produce the appropriate shade of yellowface paint.(部落清楚如果去挖掘一种特殊的根捣碎,它能够作为黄色涂脸颜料。)
- 6、People there reported seeing men wearingface paint and acting strangely.(这里的人们报告称看到有男子画着脸并且行为怪异。)
- 7、I would sit and play with lipsticks, foundations, and eye shadows; and every now and then Amanda [Knight] would let me do the extras'face paint for the Quidditch matches.(她也谈及了自己对化妆品的热爱,这源自于哈利波特电影拍摄现场的化妆间,她说:“那是我的游乐场,我会坐在那里玩唇膏、粉底霜和眼影,而且时不时AmandaKnight会让我给魁地奇比赛的临时演员化妆。”)
- 8、She was crying, the tears carving streaks in her thickface paint.(她一直大哭着,泪水在她脸上涂的厚厚的脂粉上留下道道泪痕。)
- 9、Saraswati also recreated Harley Quinn from the Suicide Squad movie, where she used black and redface paint to perfectly draw on the villain's clown-inspired look.(萨拉·瓦蒂也重塑了《自杀小队》里哈莉·奎茵的形象,这一反派角色是受了小丑形象的启发,萨拉·瓦蒂也沿用了红黑油彩。)
- 10、The oldest hell-born brother of three, the Violator is a demon sent to Earth in disguise as an overweight, balding clown with a menacingface paint.(Violator是地狱之子三人中最大的一个,他是被送到地球上的魔鬼,他乔装成一个肥胖且秃顶的,有着一张骇人面孔的人。)
- 11、The Residence team, clad in red clothing andface paint, excitedly formed a ring and broke into synchronized jumping jacks.(住宿部联队,穿着红色衣服,涂着红色油彩,环绕成一个兴奋的大圈圈,闯入了整齐跳跃着的伙计们之中。)
- 12、This has become a much needed top ten brandsface paint and think of the topic.(这成为了良多十大涂料品牌企业必需面临和思索的题目。) haO86.com
- 13、With her Cheshire cat look, Saraswati used an app to edit her eyes and an impressive amount of make up andface paint to complete the rest of the look, including the cat's signature toothy grin.(柴郡猫的猫咪形象装扮好后,萨拉瓦蒂用应用编辑了眼睛,脸部施以重彩浓墨,完成剩余包括猫咪露齿而笑在内的妆容。)
- 14、On June 25th more than 4,000 people across the world embraced blueface paint and turned themselves into the Belgian cartoon characters in honour of Global Smurfs Day.(25日,世界各地超过4千人装扮成这一比利时卡通形象来庆祝“蓝精灵全球欢度日”。)