- 1、It has become the symbol for all that is transient andevanescent in life.(它已成为所有的符号和人生短暂逝。)
- 2、The disturbances advances in the X - direction as a so - called surface orevanescent wave.(这个扰动作为一个所谓表面波或倏逝波沿着x方向行进。)
- 3、We present a method to measure theevanescent field by Michelson interferometer.(提出了一种用迈克尔逊干涉仪探测隐失场的方法。)
- 4、The slenderevanescent clock was designed to compliment society's linear understanding of the briefness as well as the permanence of time.(瞬息即逝的纤细的时钟,旨在表达对简约和永恒时间的线形理解。)
- 5、After that,evanescent wave coupling, diffraction coupling, interferometer coupling are analyzed in mathematics in detail.(之后,从数学上对倏逝波耦合,衍射耦合,干涉仪耦合的原理进行了详细的分析。)
- 6、Moreover, the partly uncomprehended properties of theevanescent waves in the LHM slab are also disclosed.(此外,还揭露了倏逝波在左手平板透镜中部分未被理解的性质。)
- 7、The joy and the moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase ofevanescent profits .(在疯狂地追逐那些转瞬即逝的利润后,千万不能忘记劳动带来的喜悦和激励。)
- 8、Her anger was asevanescent as it had been abrupt.(她愤怒的消逝,因为它已被突然。)
- 9、Rather, it is a roiling, seething cauldron ofevanescent particles.(相反,它是一个不断翻滚、剧烈沸腾的大锅,内有逐渐消失的粒子。)
- 10、But the ironic wink comes to a halt with the whiskey, which is serious: vibrant with theevanescent slap of corn.(但这讽刺性的情况随着这么一种烈性威士忌:在拍碎玉米的瞬间即充满活力,而停止了。) haO86.com
- 11、At multiple depths, as far as I could see, there wereevanescent trails of phosphorescent green bubbles, the wake of speeding fish.(视力所及,在不同的深度可以看到转瞬即逝的绿色磷光轨迹,鱼苏醒过来,飞速游动着。)
- 12、An experimental setup is established to demonstrateevanescent wave of total internal reflection.(建立了一套演示光全内反射产生的消逝波的实验装置。)
- 13、A tiny few have accumulated vast wealth but even that has anevanescent, almost ghostly quality.(积少能成巨大的财富,但是那也会瞬息即逝,化为无形无质。)
- 14、According to quantum mechanics, empty space is anything but empty. Rather, it is a roiling, seething cauldron ofevanescent particles.(根据量子力学的原理,真空里绝非空无一物,它更有点像是一个滚动的、沸腾的以及由逐渐消散的粒子组成的大气锅。)
- 15、Soevanescent and unstable are men's works in this world!(在这个世界上,人的工作是这样的短暂和不稳定!)
- 16、Why fashion things of beauty when beauty isevanescent ?(为什么明知美是短暂的还要去创造美好?)
- 17、The nightevanescent?(黑夜是不是转瞬即逝?)
- 18、The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase ofevanescent profits.(务必不能再忘记劳动带来的喜悦和激励,而去疯狂追逐那转瞬即逝的利润。)
- 19、Leading toevanescent musical notes as bubbles.(惹得音符像气泡一样消散。)
- 20、In that Shallow Sleep, I watched you becomingevanescent from the Other Side of Oasis.(迷眠中,我看见你逐渐消失在绿洲的另一端。)
- 21、An optical fiberevanescent wave methane gas sensor based on core diameter mismatch is reported.(提出一种基于纤芯失配的光纤倏逝波甲烷传感器。)
- 22、The joy, the moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase ofevanescent profits.(这种喜悦,这种工作的精神催化剂,不再应该在疯狂追逐短暂利润的过程中被遗忘。)
- 23、Instead, their role was played byevanescent photons continually popping into existence around the strong pulse.(相反,它们的角色是由在强脉冲周围不间断冒出然后逐渐消失的光量子来扮演的。)