
Sydney Harbour Bridge

Sydney Harbour Bridge造句

更新时间:2025-01-06 07:51:33

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的Sydney Harbour Bridge的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了19条Sydney Harbour Bridge的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了Sydney Harbour Bridge的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、To: Sydney's famous Opera House and theSydney Harbour Bridge.(托:当然是悉尼湾大桥和悉尼歌剧院。)
  • 2、1932 - TheSydney Harbour Bridge opens.(1932年的今天,悉尼海港大桥开通。)
  • 3、Hyde Park, St Mary's Cathedral, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney Opera House,Sydney Harbour Bridge…(海德公园,圣玛丽天主教堂,皇家植物园,悉尼歌剧院,悉尼港大桥…)
  • 4、Sydney, Australia: Breakfast on the bridge, an event onSydney Harbour Bridge in support of Australia's bid to host the 2022 World Cup.(澳大利亚,悉尼:“在桥上早餐”,一项旨在支持澳洲申办2022年世界杯的活动在悉尼港大桥上举行。)
  • 5、Fireworks explode over theSydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House during the New Year's celebrations in Sydney, Australia.(在澳大利亚悉尼的海湾大桥和歌剧院的上空烟花绚丽绽放。)
  • 6、Of course, its location is an enormous help, sitting as it does on a promontory with water on three sides and the famousSydney Harbour Bridge as a picture-postcard backdrop.(当然,这座建筑有着得天独厚的地理位置:它高踞一个呷角,三面环水,背景是著名的悉尼港大桥。)
  • 7、Pearl spent a wonderful time with wise pelican and she couldn't wait to share the story ofSydney Harbour Bridge to her friend wondering wale.(小珍珠和聪聪在一起实在是过的太愉快了,她好想快点见到她的好朋友鲸鱼,和鲸鱼分享她听到的所有故事。)
  • 8、Thousands sat down to breakfast on theSydney Harbour Bridge on Sunday after the iconic structure was closed to traffic and carpeted with grass for the first time for a giant picnic.(上周日,数千人在悉尼海港大桥席地而坐,共进早餐。为举办此次大规模的集体野餐活动,悉尼的这一标志性建筑临时限行,并首次铺上了草坪。)
  • 9、Seduced by the Opera House, Harbour Bridge and lifestyle, Sydney rocked in at number 8 of your top places to see.(被歌剧院,港湾大桥和生活方式所诱惑,悉尼在你的最该要去的地方里面排在第8的位置。)
  • 10、In 2000 an estimated 250,000 people joined a "Sorry" walk across theSydney Harbour Bridge.(2000年,约有250,000人结集参加了一场名为“致歉”的行动,步行穿过悉尼海港大桥。)
  • 11、Locals have named theSydney Harbour Bridge the "coat hanger" because of its arched shape.(悉尼港湾大桥因其弓形结构,被当地人昵称为“衣架”。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 12、Sydney is famous for its Opera House and theSydney Harbour Bridge.(悉尼因悉尼歌剧院和悉尼湾大桥而闻名于世。)
  • 13、With the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge in its backyard, there are few Sydney spots that boast a better view than the Four Seasons Hotel Sydney.(离酒店不远那里有歌剧院和港湾大桥,很少悉尼酒店可以和四季酒店的景观媲美。)
  • 14、The river through the city also has its ownSydney Harbour Bridge, as well as a copy-cat Alexandre III Bridge straight out of the French capital, Paris.(穿城而过的河流也有这它自己的悉尼海港大桥,以及一个盲目复制的横穿法国巴黎的亚历山大三世大桥。)
  • 15、Visitors scale the 440-foot-high steel arch of theSydney Harbour Bridge, which offers unrivaled views of the city skyline.(悉尼生活方式图片。游客攀登440英尺高的钢拱支架的悉尼海港桥,那提供无比的城市天涯的视图。)
  • 16、Thousands sat down to breakfast on theSydney Harbour Bridge Sunday after the iconic structure was carpeted with more than 10000 sqm of turf for the first time for a giant picnic.(25日,6000人在澳大利亚标志性建筑——悉尼港大桥临时铺就的1万平米草坪上举行了早餐会,这是大桥首次举行如此大规模的集体早餐。)
  • 17、A couple from Glasgow becomes the first to get married officially onSydney Harbour Bridge.(从格拉斯哥来的夫妇,成为第一对正式在悉尼海港大桥上结婚的人。)
  • 18、Bursts of vibrant fireworks lit the skies above Australia'sSydney Harbour Bridge at midnight on January 1, as more than a million revelers rang in the New Year.(1月1日凌晨,澳大利亚悉尼的海湾大桥上礼花灿烂,点亮夜空。超过一百万狂欢人群聚集于此辞旧迎新。)
  • 19、On Sydney harbour, the thick red air cut visibility to less than 100 metres and shrouded the city's iconic bridge in a ghostly hue.(在悉尼港,厚重的红色空气使能见度降低到不到100米,掩盖城市标志桥梁于幽影之中。)
Sydney Harbour Bridge基本释义