
seize up

seize up造句

更新时间:2025-01-06 07:51:11

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的seize up的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条seize up的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了seize up的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Their "value at risk" models first lulled bankers into a false (and perilous) sense of security, but are now causing the financial system toseize up.(他们的“风险价值”模型一开始令银行家产生一种虚假(和危险)的安全感,但如今正引起金融体系失灵。)
  • 2、By raising interest rates into the teeth of the storm last month, Frankfurt has made it that much more likely that parts of Europe's credit system willseize up as defaults snowball next year.(通过上个月提高利率入风暴的牙,法兰克福做了它更多可能欧洲的信用制度的部分将占领和默认雪球明年。)
  • 3、By selling these, Banks have brokered insurance contracts to the new holders of risk that in good times produce steady streams of income, but could require huge payouts if markets everseize up.(通过出售这种产品,银行为那些新的风险持有者促成了保险合约,这在市场状况好的时候可以产生稳定的收益,但一旦市场失灵,便可能要求巨额的支出。)
  • 4、But there still appears to be room for values to rise, provided global credit markets do notseize up.(但是这里仍然有价值升高的空间,前提是没有国际信贷没有崩溃。)
  • 5、In 1998, there was the Russian default crisis and then there was someseize up of that maybe resembles what is happening now.(1998年,俄罗斯发生了债务违约危机,然后出现了一些停顿,可能与现在的情况类似。)
  • 6、Climate change will shift the patterns of circulation in some ways, but there is no strong reason to believe that it will lead them toseize up more often.(在某种程度上,气候在改变这种循环模式,但没有强有力的证据来证明这将致使他们抓住了更大的利润。)
  • 7、It mayseize up and spatter and generally be disagreeable.(糖浆会结块并且飞溅起来,这通常让人恼火。)
  • 8、My jointsseize up in the cold weather.(天气寒冷,我的关节都冻僵了。)
  • 9、Even cash-rich banks will hoard their money if they fear that the interbank market willseize up and cut them off from sources of future supply.(即使是有很多现金的银行也是守着那些钱,如果他们担心银行间市场会停顿,并切断今后的向他们提供款项。)
  • 10、Her shoulders were the first part of her body toseize up.(她身体最先失灵的部位是肩部。) 【好工具】
  • 11、What they're really doing is just we're facing thisseize up of our financial system so we have Banks that we've just seen the failure of Bear Stearns which is actually a broker-dealer.(他们真正在做的只是,我们正处于金融体系失灵的阶段,所以我们有这种银行,我们刚刚目睹了经纪自营商,贝尔斯登的失败。)
  • 12、If you fail to oil the engine regularly, it wouldseize up without warning.(如果你不定期给发动机注油,它不定那天就会突然卡住。)
  • 13、After two days' exertions, it's the arms and hands thatseize up, not the legs.(两天的劳累之后,突然发僵的是胳膊和手,并不是双腿。)
  • 14、If you fail to oil the engine regularly, it couldseize up without warning.(如果你不按时给发动机上油,它就会突然失灵。)
  • 15、Europe's inter-bank market couldseize up, unsure which banks would be hit by sovereign defaults.(由于无法弄清哪些银行会受到主权债务违约的冲击,欧洲银行间市场可能陷入停顿。)
  • 16、The downturn has temporarily eased the traffic on Britain's clogged roads, but they willseize up again as the recovery gathers pace (see article).(经济衰退暂时缓解了英国道路的交通堵塞,不过一旦经济复苏的步伐加快,拥堵的情况将会卷土重来(见文章)。)
  • 17、Cannons willseize up and explode.(大炮将可掳获和爆炸。)
  • 18、It was their sudden withdrawal that caused the market in asset backed commercial paper (ABCP) toseize up.(正是由于他们从短期债券市场的突然撤出才导致了资产支持商业票据的失灵。)
  • 19、You can't fight automaticity, and you wouldn't want to: "living more consciously" might be a new-age cliche, but take it literally and you'd soonseize up.(你不能和自动性斗争,你不能想“更加有意识地生活”只是又一种陈词滥调,只要逐步地做,你很快能掌控全局。)
  • 20、He wouldseize up on any excuse to justify himself.(他会利用任何借口为自己辩解。)
  • 21、She put diesel fuel, instead of petrol, into the tank causing the motor toseize up.(她把柴油代替汽油灌入油箱,造成发动机失灵。)
  • 22、When they start toseize up a lot of non-linear effects-processes in which small causes have disproportionate effects-come into play, making it much harder to see what is going to happen next.(当气流开始运转不畅时,很多非线性效应——在这些效应过程中,细微因素能产生不相称的影响---发挥作用,进而更难以预测接下来会发生何事。)
  • 23、And yet it happens that the machinery jams, the gearsseize up.(然而,所发生的这一切,让司法机器发生了故障,司法的齿轮卡住了。)
  • 24、Perhaps you could engage a taxi driver in a minute of conversation before youseize up.(或许你可以与出租车司机聊上1分钟,然后就张口结舌了。)
seize up基本释义

seize up

英 [si:z ʌp] 美 [siz ʌp] 

(机器等)卡住; 停顿
