
on the grounds of

on the grounds of造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 08:52:38

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的on the grounds of的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了22条on the grounds of的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了on the grounds of的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Mr Palocci refuses to give details of who paid him, or for what,on the grounds of client confidentiality.(帕洛奇以替客户保密的理由拒绝透露是谁、由于什么原因付钱给他。)
  • 2、He was found not guilty of murderon the grounds of diminished responsibility.(他未被判谋杀罪是基于精神失常而减轻了刑事责任。)
  • 3、Owen was against it,on the grounds of expense.(欧文因费用问题对此表示反对。。)
  • 4、The general's lawyer said he would appeal against the decision on Mondayon the grounds of his client's poor health.(这位前将军的律师表示,基于他的当事人的健康状况不佳,他将在周一对该决定提起上诉。)
  • 5、His former chauffeur is claiming unfair dismissalon the grounds of racial discrimination.(他以前的司机以种族歧视为不公平解雇的理由提出诉讼。)
  • 6、She was granted a divorceon the grounds of unreasonable behavior by her husband.(基于丈夫的无理行为,她被允许离婚。)
  • 7、It's not necessity, dependson the grounds of countries of the accusation or principles of the accusation.(公诉裁量权并非是必然就有的,其取决于各国在公诉问题上所持的立场,也即所实行的起诉原则。)
  • 8、The new projects will add more than 83, 000 solar panelson the grounds of the five prisons with construction expected to begin in 2012.(该项目将在上述五所监狱的空地上安装超过83,000套太阳能电池板,工程预计在2012年启动。)
  • 9、He qualifies for helpon the grounds of disability.(他因身有残疾有资格得到帮助。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 10、He denies murderon the grounds of provocation.(他以受到了挑衅为理由而否认谋杀。)
  • 11、Nine thousand people are crowded the campon the grounds of a damaged school.(一个被地震损毁的校园布满了各家临时搭建的帐篷,有9千人在这里居住。)
  • 12、They would ask for compensationon the grounds of faulty packing.(他们会以包装有瑕疵而要求赔偿。)
  • 13、However, the country's Justice Ministry today approved their conditional releaseon the grounds of good behaviour.(然而,这个国家的主持正义的机关部门今天一致通过有条件释放她们,只要她们在外表现良好。)
  • 14、The proposal was rejectedon the grounds of cost.(由于成本的原因,这项提议没有被采纳。)
  • 15、This is because, even were it not cheap and plentiful, gas would be attractive simplyon the grounds of cleanliness.(这是因为即使天然气还不够廉价和丰富,它也会仅由于“清洁”的特点而具备强大吸引力。)
  • 16、on the grounds of the Adirondack Museum and along the highway leading to Blue Mountain Lake, crafts and antiques are being set out.(在阿迪朗达克博物馆的地面上,还有沿着去蓝山湖的高速公路上,有工艺品和古董展出。)
  • 17、He was dismissedon the grounds of negligence.(他因渎职而遭解雇。)
  • 18、I filed for divorceon the grounds of adultery a few months later.(,我几个月后以通奸为由提起了离婚。)
  • 19、The prisons wereon the grounds of SACO's headquarters in walking distance from the training sites and residences.(两所监狱都建在中美合作所总部的区域内,距离他们的训练和居住区只有步行距离。)
  • 20、The decision was takenon the grounds of new intelligence, cost and technical feasibility, he said.(他称这一决定是根据新的情报、成本和技术可行性的理由采取的。)
  • 21、She is going to divorce himon the grounds of adultery.(她打算以通奸为由与他离婚。)
  • 22、The author felt abused by his agenton the grounds of neglect and indifference.(作者觉得经纪人薄待他,因为经纪人对他漠不关心。)
on the grounds of基本释义