好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的in harmony with的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条in harmony with的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in harmony with的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Bothin harmony with nature, and to experience the design of compact.(既有与自然相融的乐趣,又能体验到设计的精巧。)
- 2、We must never lose sight of the fact that man must workin harmony with nature.(我们绝不能忘记这一点——人类必须与大自然和谐共处。)
- 3、His tastes arein harmony with mine.(他的爱好与我的相反。)
- 4、Almost unconsciously she dressedin harmony with this note of simplicity.(她简直不自觉的打扮得跟这朴素的调子很调和。)
- 5、The only way for us to survive is to livein harmony with nature.(我们生存的唯一途径就是与自然和谐相处。)
- 6、Selfish people will not livein harmony with each other.(自私的人不可能和睦相处。)
- 7、I am speaking, of course, of men inclined to bein harmony with themselves.(当然,我说的是那些倾向于与自身和睦相处的人。)
- 8、When man is happy, he isin harmony with himself and his environment.(当人高兴时,他自身是和谐的,与四周的环境也是和谐的。)
- 9、The only thing that matters in your life is to bein harmony with God.(在你们生活中最重要的事情就是和上帝保持和谐一致。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 10、Balance means'in harmony with the water.(平衡意味着和水和谐相处。)
- 11、The color of the sofa isin harmony with the sitting room.(沙发的颜色与起居室很相配。)
- 12、The conversation should bein harmony with the surroundings.(谈话应该与环境协调一致。)
- 13、Happy people are peaceful people and they livein harmony with others.(快乐的人是爱好和平的人,他们和别人和睦相处。)
- 14、Thus, when you give, you arein harmony with the Nature of the Universe.(这样,当你给给予的时候,你就与宇宙精神保持了一致。)
- 15、If so, I believe we can livein harmony with others.(如果是这样,我相信我们可以与他人和睦相处。)
- 16、He found himselfin harmony with his new workmates.(他很快发现自己与新同事能和睦相处。)
- 17、He who livesin harmony with himself livesin harmony with the world.(内心和谐的人才能与世界和谐相处。)
- 18、With better education, people will be able to build a better societyin harmony with nature.(有了更好的教育,人们能够建立一个与自然和谐相处的更美好的社会。)
- 19、Obviously, rules help us to livein harmony with one another.(显然的,条规帮助我们与别人和谐共处。)
- 20、"Great achievements can be donein harmony with nature," Schworer said.(在与自然和谐的情况下是可以有伟大的成就的。)
- 21、Livein harmony with others is very important.(与他人相处融洽是很重要的。)
- 22、We need to learn to live nowin harmony with our Creator.(现在我们需要学会与造物主和谐生活。)
- 23、His tastes werein harmony with hers, which brought them into harmony.(他的爱好同她的爱好协调,这使得他们很融洽。)
- 24、Can the "little deer" dancein harmony with the "giant elephant"?(“小鹿”与“大象”,能否和谐共舞?)