
in the balance

in the balance造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:09:58

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的in the balance的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了21条in the balance的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in the balance的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Their Western Conference first-round game against Phoenix was hangingin the balance Saturday afternoon, when the Spurs accidentally turned to Tim Duncan for three.(周六下午,他们季后赛首轮对阵菲尼克斯的第一场,命运悬而未决,只是偶然,现在他们需要TimDuncan的三分球。)
  • 2、The stock of debt that banks and households still carry will take years to pay off. The holein the balance-sheet must be sealed before the economy can regain its bounce.(银行和家庭的债务要花几年的时间才能偿完,资产负债表的大坑也要先填平了,经济才能重归反弹点。)
  • 3、Just six months ago, the real was plunging, blowing huge holesin the balance sheets of blue-chip companies such as pulp maker Aracruz Celulose SA.(仅仅6个月前,雷亚尔还在暴跌,造成纸浆生厂商AracruzCeluloseSA等蓝筹股企业的资产负债表出现了大窟窿。)
  • 4、But there is now "a breakdownin the balance between the generations", thanks to the colossal size of one of them.(但现在,“在代际之间的”均势被打破,这归功于他们中之一的巨大规模。)
  • 5、The other major advantage to FaceTime however, will take much longer to show its effects and, at the moment, its results hangin the balance.(然后苹果的另一个巨大的优势还需要很长的时间才能显现,目前来说,结果还是个未知数。)
  • 6、The fate of Pierre Gadonneix, EDF’s departing boss, had hungin the balance for many months.(EDF即将离任的老板皮埃尔.加多内的宝座在过去几个月里已是岌岌可危。)
  • 7、Both Citigroup and HSBC have tilted away from the rich world but their direction-consumer or corporate, China or the entire emerging world-remainsin the balance.(花旗集团和汇丰都已撇开富裕国家。但是他们的意向——客户还是企业、中国还是整个新兴市场——依旧没有确定。)
  • 8、Worldin the balance: The Historic Quest for a Universal System of Measurement. By Robert Crease.(《变化中的世界:通用计量制度的历史追寻》,作者罗伯特•克利斯•W•W•诺顿,共288页,定价:26.95美元;20英镑。)
  • 9、Overall, the outcome of what has become a civil war is stillin the balance.(总之,这场内战的结果仍然势均力敌。)
  • 10、This marks an extraordinary changein the balance of power.(这标志这军事力量平衡的一个显著改变。)
  • 11、The long-term future of the space programme hangsin the balance.(航天计划的长远前景尚未明朗。)
  • 12、China's outward march certainly argues for vigilance, for it is the consequence of a huge shiftin the balance of power, and change always involves risk.(中国的向外进军必然引发警惕,因为它是权力平衡巨大改变的结果,而且变化往往与风险同行。)
  • 13、I have referred to real but unpredictable risks. Much hangsin the balance.(我在前面提到了真实而不可测的风险。)
  • 14、We had arrived in brilliant sunshine, but the following morning the city was wrapped in fog and our onward journey by helicopter hungin the balance.(我们到达勘察加的时候阳光灿烂,但第二天上午整个城市被浓雾笼罩,我们接下来的直升飞机行程被暂缓了。)
  • 15、Italy is one country where it is really good-by to the boom, at least until the chronic weaknessin the balance of payments is cured, and the 17% inflation is reduced.(意大利是一个真正与经济繁荣告别了的国家,至少,在国际收支方面的长期困境得以改善,以及每年17%的通货膨胀有所抑制之前,情况难以好转。这里的告别一词,既good-bye,通俗易懂。)
  • 16、The change in tone also reflects an upheavalin the balance of power between companies.(这种状况的变化,也反映了公司与公司之间权力平衡的剧烈变化。)
  • 17、Hangingin the balance are the basic features of a mortgage loan: the interest rate and repayment period.(抵押贷款的基本特征是:利率和偿还期互相平衡。)
  • 18、Victory hangsin the balance.(胜负未定。)
  • 19、Those traits made him indispensable during those autumn days, when the future of Serbia hungin the balance.(在塞尔维亚前途未卜的那些秋日,这些特点让他成为一个不可缺少的人物。)
  • 20、The account for net profitin the balance sheet (equity specification) is 2099525.(资产负债表(权益规范)中的净利润为2099525。)
  • 21、As we open this World Conference, much hangsin the balance.(在我们召开本次世界大会之际,仍有许多不稳因素。)
in the balance基本释义

in the balance

(生命等)在危急状态中; (命运等)未定
