
Lantern Festival

Lantern Festival造句

更新时间:2024-07-01 11:48:50

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的Lantern Festival的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条Lantern Festival的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了Lantern Festival的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、In theLantern Festival, people would usually go to the night fair where thousands of lanterns light the night up.(在元宵节,人们通常会去逛夜市,也是上许许多多的灯笼将夜晚点亮。)
  • 2、Tomorrow is theLantern Festival!(明天是元宵节!)
  • 3、Please tell me something about theLantern Festival.(请告诉我一些关于元宵节的事情。)
  • 4、On the eve ofLantern Festival, all the lanterns are hung up.(在元宵节前夜,所有的灯笼都被挂起来。)
  • 5、There are many legends concerning the origins ofLantern Festival.(关于元宵节的来历有很多传说。)
  • 6、How was your night on theLantern Festival?(你元宵节晚上过得如何?)
  • 7、Lantern FestivalLantern Festival is a China's traditional festival.(元宵节是中国的传统节日。)
  • 8、Thinking of you and wish you a HappyLantern Festival.(快乐的元宵之际,谨致我的想念与祝福。)
  • 9、We had a happyLantern Festival together.(我们在一起过了一个愉快的元宵。)
  • 10、Why do people go to big parks on the evening of theLantern Festival?(为什么人们在元宵节晚上会去大型的公园里?)
  • 11、Warm greetings and best wishes forLantern Festival!(致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,元宵节快乐!)
  • 12、We will send lanterns in theLantern Festival.(我们会在元宵节送花灯。)
  • 13、Any special food for theLantern Festival?(元宵节有什么特别的食物吗?)
  • 14、Eating yuanxiao (sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour) is one of the special traditions of theLantern Festival.(吃元宵(用糯米粉制成的甜汤圆)是元宵节特别传统之一。)
  • 15、I will always remember theLantern Festival.(我永远都会记住元宵节的。)
  • 16、When is theLantern Festival?(什么时候是元宵节?)
  • 17、TheLantern Festival parade will be held tomorrow.(元宵节灯会在明天举行。)
  • 18、TheLantern Festival is coming. Lots of people are now buying sweet dumpling from the supermarket. Sometimes I make sweet dumpling myself at home.(元宵节快到了,大家都到超市买汤圆呢,不过有时候我也在家自己做。)
  • 19、Today is theLantern Festival.(今天是元宵节。)
  • 20、MayLantern Festival be filled with happiness for you.(愿你元宵节幸福无尽。)
  • 21、How do you usually celebrate theLantern Festival?(你通常怎样庆祝元宵节?)
  • 22、Chinese people usually celebrate theLantern Festival with their families.(中国人往往会和家人们一起庆祝元宵节。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 23、On which day does theLantern Festival fall?(元宵节在哪天呢?)
  • 24、Here on this occasion I first wish everyone happyLantern Festival!(在这里先祝各位元宵节快乐喽!)
  • 25、On the night of February 19th, 2019, about 3,000 visitors spent theLantern Festival in the Palace Museum.(2019年2月19日晚,约3000名游客在故宫过元宵。)
Lantern Festival基本释义

Lantern Festival


Lantern Festival相关造句