好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的had best的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条had best的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了had best的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、That's the best pancake I've ever had in my life!(那是我这辈子吃过的最好的煎饼!)
- 2、She had heard stories of her grandmother's best friend and knew the meaning of the scarf.(她听过祖母最好的朋友的故事,也知道那条围巾的含义。)
- 3、Are rhinitis and pharyngitishad best the most effective treatment method ah?(鼻炎和咽炎有没有最好最有效的治疗方法啊?)
- 4、"This represents the best opportunity we've had yet," says Spriggs, "to find out who the Lapita actually were, where they came from, and who their closest descendants are today."(斯普里格斯说:“这是迄今为止我们最好的机会,我们可以借此了解拉皮塔人究竟是谁,他们来自哪里,以及他们现在最亲近的后代是谁。”)
- 5、Those who had learned the letters by handwriting came out best in all tests.(那些通过手写学习字母的学生在所有测试中成绩最好。)
- 6、Youhad best go at once.(你最好立刻就去。)
- 7、He had been a kind loving father, and left behind his best love.(他是一个慈爱的父亲,把他最好的爱留在了身后。)
- 8、Youhad best get home before midnight.(你最好在午夜前回到家。)
- 9、"Say, you know, this is the best student I've ever had," says Kuheli Dutt, a social scientist and diversity officer at Columbia University's Lamont campus.(“比方说,你知道的,这是我曾经教过的最好的学生。”哥伦比亚大学拉蒙特校区社会科学家和多元化官员库亥里·杜特说道。)
- 10、I don't know if it's the best team I've ever had, but I can tell you this much, they're incredible people to be around.(我不知道这是否是我拥有过的最好的团队,但我可以这么告诉你,他们是非常棒的合作伙伴。)
- 11、He had also planned the content of his speech to focus on the teams with the best records, the ones that had won the most games in the last season.(他还计划了他演讲的内容,将重点放在成绩最好的球队上,也就是上赛季赢得最多比赛的球队。)
- 12、Had the bo'sun good form without knowing it, which is the best form of all?(难道是水手长不知不觉表现得有风度?这可是最有风度的了。)
- 13、In the mean time, our comrade who brought us the good news and I will go and find out the house, that we may consult whathad best be done.(同时,给我们带回好消息的兄弟和我会去找出那个房子,我们会考虑做点什么。)
- 14、Youhad best accept his success.(你最好还是接受他成功的事实。)
- 15、Youhad best set out early.(你们最好早点出发。)
- 16、Whatever the boy had to do, he tried to do his best.(无论这个男孩必须做什么,他都尽力做到最好。)
- 17、Wehad best have his opinion first.(我们最好先听听他的意见。)
- 18、I had a long talk about this with my best friend.(我和我最好的朋友就此进行了长谈。)
- 19、The best part of his expedition had been the rediscovery of his natural passion for making things.(他此次探险最佳环节是,重新发现了自己对制造事物的天生热情。) hao86.com
- 20、Sally had managed to bag the two best seats.(萨莉抢到了那两个最好的位子。)
- 21、As in nature, librarieshad best adapt, change quickly, and build on past successes.(本质上,图书馆是最能适应,变化迅速,并建立在过去成功基础上的。)
- 22、Her children had the best, most elaborate birthday parties in the neighbourhood.(她孩子们的生日聚会是左邻右舍中最好、最精心策划的。)
- 23、I had the best view of the boats.(我这里看到船的角度最好。)
- 24、The margarita was the best I have ever had.(玛格丽塔酒是我至今饮用过的最好的酒了。)
- 25、Now choose how Ihad best remedy this fault.(现在你可以选择让我怎样来弥补自己的过失。)
- 26、Youhad best not accept the offer.(你最好是不要接纳这要求。)
- 27、Shehad best study hard.(她最好努力学习。)
- 28、But tomorrow, in the world to which you go, youhad best not defend errors but learn from them.(但是,到了明天,在你们即将踏入的世界里,你们最好不要为失误辩护,而是从失误中吸取教训。)
- 29、You should never blame the boy for the result of the test, for he had tried his best though all are in vain.(你不该责怪这个男孩成绩不佳,因为尽管一切都是徒劳,他也已经尽了最大努力。)