
have the making of

have the making of造句

更新时间:2025-03-03 06:19:56

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的have the making of的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条have the making of的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了have the making of的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、They have been added only for the sake of making references to the code.(添加这些行号只是为了能够方便地对代码进行引用。)
  • 2、So opponents of the proposed legislation have to ask themselves whether they’re making the perfect the enemy of the good.(这个提案的反对者应该问问他们自己,是否把一个还不错但并不完美的东西当做成完美东西的敌人了。)
  • 3、Here is what she says about the meaning of work: "If you have a job you like, work means much more than just making money."(关于工作的意义,她是这样说的:“如果你有一份自己喜欢的工作,工作的意义远不止是赚钱。”)
  • 4、Many European countries have been making the shift to electric vehicles and Germany has just stated that they plan to ban the sale of vehicles using gasoline and diesel as fuel by 2030.(许多欧洲国家已经开始转向电动汽车,而德国刚刚宣布他们计划在2030年前禁止销售汽油和柴油燃料的汽车。)
  • 5、Most importantly, the couple feel they know the importance of making the time they have left count.(最重要的是,这对夫妻现在知道要珍惜时间了,要把每分每秒都活出价值。)
  • 6、I really believe the core idea of making is to have an idea within your head—or you just borrow it from someone—and begin to develop it, repeat it and improve it.(我真的相信,制作的核心思想是在你的头脑中有一个想法——或者你只是从别人那里借用它——然后开始开发、重复并改进它。)
  • 7、Such encodings are the staple of what is known as remote procedure call (RPC) systems, which have the common aim of making requests to remote computers look just like local procedure invokations.(这样的编码是被称为远程过程调用(RPC)系统的主要部分,它们有一个共同的目标,就是使对远程计算机发出的请求看起来象是本地过程调用一样。)
  • 8、We 're very honoured to have the opportunity of making this presentation to you, Mr. Sakai.(我们很荣幸有机会向你做这次演示,酒井先生。)
  • 9、Contrary to what you have heard, it's not because jobs making things have somehow been made obsolete, like the jobs of those making buggy whips.(和你过去听到的说法刚好相反,这并不是因为制造东西的工作已经或多或少地过时了,就像是生产马车鞭的工作一样。)
  • 10、In that time, tens of millions of gallons of oil have flowed into the sea, making it one of the largest spills ever.(那时,几百万加仑原油流进海洋里,演变成至今为止最严重的一次漏油事件。)
  • 11、It's worth pointing out that not all groups do polarize in this way and, indeed, a few of the studies have not observed the polarizing effect of groups on decision-making.(值得指出的是,并非所有的群体都会以这种方式极化,而且,事实上有一些研究也并没有观察到群体在决策当中的极化效应。)
  • 12、Among indigo blue, blue, purple and green have the actions of cooling, tranquilizing and making people restrained.(靛蓝色、蓝色、紫色和绿色能使人冷静、镇定、克制。)
  • 13、Trees need more water as temperatures rise, but the prolonged droughts have robbed them of moisture, making whole forests easily cleared of trees and turned into farmland.(随着温度的升高,树木需要更多的水,但是长期的干旱剥夺了它们的水分,使得整片森林很容易被砍伐,变成了农田。)
  • 14、In the extreme, some critics have said that making treatment decisions based on cost is a form of rationing.(在极端情况下,一些批评家说,根据成本做出治疗决定是一种定量配给。)
  • 15、Blind people have been assisting in those tests, making lots of valuable suggestions to the engineers who helped to produce Cyclops.(盲人一直在协助这些测试,他们为帮助生产“独眼巨人”的工程师们提出了许多有价值的建议。)
  • 16、At present, we have accomplished the first step, making of TV programs. We have signed contracts with many TV media and published a set of products that go with the TV programs.(目前,我们已经跨出了第一步,完成了电视节目制作,已与多家电视媒体签约,相配套的产品制作出版完毕。)
  • 17、In the intervening years, researchers have developed methods for making larger quantities of the material, and now they're learning how to use it to make devices.(近年,研究者们开发了各种制备大量石墨烯的方法,现在他们正在学习如何将这新型材料做成仪器。)
  • 18、I've saved the best for last,. If you can keep an attitude of preparation you'll have the best chance of making effective life adjustments.(我把这条最好的建议留到最后说:如果你能保持这种时刻准备的态度你就很有可能做出有效的调整。)
  • 19、Some researchers have argued that speciation rates, both terrestrial and marine, could be much higher in the tropics, making them a "cradle" of biodiversity.(一些专家认为,在热带地区的陆地和海域,物种形成的机率更高,这样就使热带地区成为了生物多样性的摇篮。)
  • 20、When bad boys become good and kind, they have the power of making their homes gay and new with happiness.(当坏孩子变得善良友好时,他们就有能力让自己的家充满幸福,变得欢乐而又焕然一新。)
  • 21、The relatively minor impact of the deadlock on everyday life is probably why Belgians seem to have taken the situation in stride, even making light of it at times.(这些相对小调并没有影响人们的日常生活,这大概就是为什么比利时能够泰然自若地甚至不在乎的原因。)
  • 22、We have been making this same point since the Declaration of Alma-Ata.(从《阿拉木图宣言》开始,我们就将这一点讲得非常清楚。)
  • 23、Living in a glare of our making, we have cut ourselves off from the light of the stars.(我们生活在自己制造的强光下,却把自己与星光隔开。)
  • 24、After a week or so the beans should have shrunk, making room for more of the mixture.(一个星期左右以后,豆子会缩小,于是多出的空间可以放入更多的盐和豆子。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 25、Five years ago the making of such a programme would have been unthinkable.(五年前,制作这种电视节目是难以想象的。)
  • 26、Your fate is in your own hands. Youhave the making of it.(你的命运掌握在你自己的手中,一切由你决定。)
  • 27、The wheels of language run so smoothly that one rarely bothers to stop and think about all the resourcefulness and expertise that must have gone into making it tick.(语言的齿轮运作得如此顺畅,以至于人们几乎从未想过要停下来思考那些能使语言变得更加优美的智慧和专业知识。)
  • 28、Only three employees have seen the whole process of making its new products.(目前,只有三个员工建国新产品制造的整个过程。)
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