


更新时间:2024-06-24 11:44:15

  • 1、Arran became increasinglyestranged from the mainstream of Hollywood.(阿伦变得越来越脱离好莱坞主流了。)
  • 2、China and Africa Have Neverestranged Each Other.(中国与非洲从来没有疏远过。)
  • 3、They were notestranged from their lust. But while their meat was yet in their mouths.(他们贪而无厌,食物还在他们口中的时候。)
  • 4、She feltestranged from her former existence.(她感到自己已脱离了过去的生活方式。)
  • 5、And this is no dysfunctional family, with family membersestranged from one another.(而这个家庭并不是什么支离破碎的地方,家庭成员之间也不会彼此疏远。)
  • 6、Historicallyestranged, the two secular democracies have enjoyed warming relations in the past decade.(历史上虽有疏远,但两个民族国家在过去十年的关系回暖。)
  • 7、One of the side effects of chasing happiness is you becomeestranged from yourself.(追逐幸福的其中一个副作用就是你变得和自己疏离。)
  • 8、Callie Thorne, Detective Laura Ballard in the later "Homicide" years, playsMcNulty'sestranged wife.(考利·索恩在《情理法》的后几季里扮演侦探劳拉·巴拉德,在本剧中成了麦克纳提的离异妻子。)
  • 9、Unlike with herestranged husband who possessed a grave, Mark lay buried under tons of Pyrenean snow thirty miles to the south.(不同于她那疏远了的丈夫,至少还有个坟墓,马克被压在了比利牛斯山脉南边三十英里的几吨雪下。)
  • 10、But then he receives an unexpected gift from hisestranged father that resets that compass: six gentoo penguins.(然后当他在分居的父亲那里收到一件意想不到的礼物:六只微型企鹅之后,才改过自新。)
  • 11、The romantic town of Rovinj a former Venetian vassal state rises from the Adriatic like anestranged island of Venice.(浪漫的罗维尼镇,前威尼斯的附属国,从亚得里亚海升起,就像一个疏远的威尼斯岛。)
  • 12、The two becameestranged over the years, and there were reports of infidelities from both parties.(两人多年来变得疏远,双方都有外遇的传闻。)
  • 13、Hisestranged wife had taken out a restraining order against him.(与他分居的妻子已经获得了针对他的限制令。)
  • 14、He hath put my brethren far from me, and mine acquaintance are verilyestranged from me.(他把我的弟兄隔在远处,使我所认识的,全然与我生疏。)
  • 15、The allegation, made by hisestranged wife, is denied by Mr Huhne.(这一指控由与他分居的妻子提出,但是休恩本人拒绝承认这一指控。)
  • 16、It tells a divorced middle aged man who takes hisestranged son to watch a football game.(它讲述了一个离婚的中年男人带着他那疏远的儿子去看足球比赛的故事。)
  • 17、But for some reason Mr.Brick had beenestranged from all his relatives for decades.(但为了某些原因,布瑞克先生和亲人疏远了几十年。)
  • 18、Joanna spent most of her twenties virtuallyestranged from her father.(乔安娜在20多岁的大部分时间和她爸爸几乎不来往。)
  • 19、He could still see hisestranged wife's face the day after he made the call to Copenhagen.(在他打电话到哥本哈根的第二天后,他还能看到他那已经疏远的妻子的脸。)
  • 20、The Prince of Wales and the Duke of York followed, theirestranged wives the only noticeable absentees.(紧随其后的是威尔士王子(PrinceofWales)和约克公爵(DukeofYork),他们的分居妻子是唯一显而易见的缺席者。)
  • 21、He becameestranged from his family after the argument.(那场争吵后他便与家人疏远了。)
  • 22、When a father can't provide monetarily for his offspring, he often becomesestranged.(当一个父亲无力养育自己的子女时,他们的关系往往会变得疏远。)
  • 23、Their quarrelestranged the two friends.(他们的争吵使两个朋友失和。)
  • 24、They are ratherestranged from each other.(他们之间有些隔膜。)
  • 25、A quarrel hadestranged him from his family.(一场争吵使他与家人疏远了。)
  • 26、She now has to hand the reins to long-estranged daughter Francoise Bettencourt-Meyer and two grandsons.(如今,她不得不将控制权交给已疏离很久的女儿弗朗索瓦·贝当古-梅耶(FrancoiseBettencourt-Meyer)以及两个孙子。)


英 [ɪˈstreɪndʒd] [iˈstreindʒd] 


