
east germany

east germany造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 08:51:04

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的east germany的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条east germany的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了east germany的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Since reunification, hundreds of billions of euros have been pumped into programs to bolster the infrastructure of the formereast germany -- but to what end?(自统一以来已经投入数百万欧元在推动前东德区域的基础建设。这么做到底为了什么?)
  • 2、German designer Didi Senft has unveiled a royal rickshaw in Storkow,east germany, on April 14.(4月14日,德国自行车设计师森福特在德国东部的施托尔科展示他最新设计的皇家三轮车。)
  • 3、With unification,east germany was subsumed by capitalist West Germany.(统一后,东德被归入资本主义的西德。)
  • 4、The agent spied foreast germany for more than twenty years.(该特工为东德从事了二十多年的间谍活动。)
  • 5、east germany snapped its photos on ORWO film, which had drawbacks.(东德则使用缺点多多的ORWO胶卷拍照。)
  • 6、People who tried to escape fromeast germany during the Cold War could be shot, jailed and tortured.(冷战期间,企图逃离东德的人会面临被射杀、监禁的危险,或者将遭受酷刑的折磨。)
  • 7、east germany united with West Germany to form one country.(东德和西德联合为一个国家。)
  • 8、They were left alone with their traumatic pasts — in botheast germany and in West Germany.(他们和他们痛苦的过去一起被这个世界遗忘了,无论是在东德还是西德。)
  • 9、But the textile machinery from the formereast germany looks as if it might even work.(但是前东德的纺织机械看起来似乎还能工作。)
  • 10、east germany released Alan Van Norman, a Minnesota man arrested while trying to smuggle an East German family to the West.(东德则释放了AlanVanNorman,这个明尼苏达人在帮一个东德家庭偷渡到西德时被捕。)
  • 11、After this I traveled overland througheast germany for the first time — in the past I had always flown.(在这以后,我第一次走陆路遍访东德---以往我一直乘飞机旅行。)
  • 12、Like the intricate, fabulously complicated watches made by its skilled artisans, the former mining town of Glashuette ineast germany is a rarity.(就如同出自当地高明工匠之手、密而出奇复杂的腕表,德国东部前矿乡格拉叙提称得上是稀世珍品。)
  • 13、Many streets in the formereast germany were renamed in 1990.(前东德的许多街道在1990年重新命名了。)
  • 14、One day, an officer asked him where he would go if he were released, toeast germany or to the West.(一天,一个军官问他如果你被释放了,你想去哪里,东德还是西德?)
  • 15、"east germany needs its own style of living," she would say.(“东德需要自己的生活方式,”她想必会如是说。)
  • 16、Ineast germany the people were luckier.(不过在当时东德的人更幸运一些。)
  • 17、Her inspiration, she said, came from Käthe Kollwitz, the great radical pacifist painter and print-maker of the Weimar years, venerated in post-wareast germany.(她说她的灵感来源于凯绥·珂勒惠支,魏玛共和国时期杰出的激进和平主义画家和版画复制匠,战后东德备受尊崇的人物。)
  • 18、The standard of living in the formereast germany has improved significantly since the fall of the Wall, though it still trails the west.(尽管仍然落后于西部,但相比于柏林墙倒塌之前,前东德地区现有的生活水平已经有了显著的提高。)
  • 19、Willy Brandt made history by visitingeast germany in 1970.(威利·勃兰特1970年对东德的访问创造了历史。)
  • 20、SIEBEN LINDEN, a Hamlet in formereast germany, half-way between Hamburg and Berlin, looks deceptively normal.(SiebenLinden是前东德一个小村庄,坐落于汉堡和柏林之间,表面看来不过是个普通的村庄。)
  • 21、He did admit thateast germany had proved a "sad reality", but in truth it was far worse than that.(他的确承认了东德的现实十分悲惨,但实际上,东德的现实情况远比他所说的糟糕。)
  • 22、Its leader is an Internet activist whose back story ineast germany reads like a cerebral thriller.(该网站的领导是个网络活动家,他在东德的经历读来就像一部惊悚小说。)
  • 23、It's all music from an archivist we discovered who had a lot of music from postwareast germany, so it's basically old film music that we rearranged.(所有的音乐是从一位档案管理人那里找来的,他保存有很多东德战后时期的音乐,我们对这些老电影音乐进行了编排。)
  • 24、Their hope was that a new and bettereast germany could be born.(他们的希望是一个全新更好的东德能诞生。)
east germany基本释义

east germany

[经] 东德
