好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的drag on的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条drag on的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了drag on的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、She took a longdrag on her cigarette.(她长长地抽了一大口烟。)
- 2、He came to be seen as adrag on his own party's prospects.(他逐渐被看成是阻碍自己的党走向未来的绊脚石。)
- 3、The fight maydrag on.(这个战斗可能会拖延下去。)
- 4、Hill added: "it will be a shame if Bernie does let itdrag on."(希尔补充道:“如果伯尼与我们擦肩而过,那将是非常遗憾的。”) (好工具hao86.com)
- 5、Without more action, though, deleveraging coulddrag on for a long time.(可是如果没有更进一步行动,减债就会拖延很长时间。)
- 6、An actually short moment may seem todrag on forever.(其实一个相当短的时刻可能看起来永远拖下去。)
- 7、That seems like a horrible mess that willdrag on for years.(那看来像是一个将要延续多年的糟糕困境。)
- 8、The thirddrag on the Banks will be the impact of regulation.(对银行第三个阻力将是监管的影响。)
- 9、Now they are moving money out again on balance, making them adrag on the market.(如今他们整体上正在再次把资金转移出去,这让个人投资者变成了市场的阻力。)
- 10、Take adrag on a cigarette, and your hunger will likely disappear.(只要吸上一口烟,你的饥饿感就会消失殆尽。)
- 11、This substantially increased thedrag on the ball, which made it slow down even more.(这大幅增加了球的阻力,使它减速更甚。)
- 12、Most trade talksdrag on for years.(大多数贸易谈判会被拖延数年。)
- 13、Both cases maydrag on, with ever more Revelations, until the 2012 election.(随着暴露出来的问题越来越多,这两起案件也许要拖至2012年大选为止。)
- 14、drag on Europe?(欧洲身上的累赘?)
- 15、Proceedings will not start until January 26th and maydrag on for weeks.(但是在1月26日之前,审判程序不会正式启动,到时候还可能会持续几个星期。)
- 16、He took adrag on his cigarette, and exhaled the smoke.(他咂了口烟,然后吐出烟雾。)
- 17、The satellite acts as adrag on the shuttle.(卫星是对航天飞机发展的阻碍。)
- 18、As delaysdrag on, living conditions for the victims is getting worse.(要是如此地拖延下去,恐怕受害者的生存条件会越来越糟糕。)
- 19、There is no crisis, and this coulddrag on.(目前没有出现危机,这种局面可能会拖延下去。)
- 20、The debt problem will act as a permanentdrag on the hopes for recovery.(债务问题将是复苏希望的永久拖累。)
- 21、So this coulddrag on.(因此,这可能会一拖再拖。)
- 22、There is airdrag on that tennis ball.(网球受到空气阻力。)
- 23、The dispute is likely todrag on for several years.(这场争论有可能拖拖拉拉达数年之久。)