


更新时间:2024-08-28 12:08:37

  • 1、Peter should have a good chance of winning but his Achilles' heel is hiscarelessness.(彼得有很好的机会取胜,但他的致命弱点就是太粗心大意。)
  • 2、He was beginning to get very annoyed with me about mycarelessness.(因为我粗心大意,他已开始恼火了。)
  • 3、Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others fromcarelessness.(这些死亡事故中至少有半数是酒后开车者造成的,另有许多事故是驾驶员疏忽大意所致。)
  • 4、More civilians could get killed, whether by error,carelessness, or worse.(不论是因为错误还是粗心大意还是什么更糟的情况,更多平民会遇害。)
  • 5、If the consequence is a little morecarelessness, so be it.(如果结果是多了那么点儿粗心,那就随它去吧。)
  • 6、Finally, on June 7th, McLaughlin once again demonstrated hiscarelessness by knocking down several mailboxes near the edge of the company's parking lot.(最后,在6月7日,麦克劳克林再次表现出他的粗心大意,撞倒了公司停车场边上的几个邮箱。)
  • 7、They charged the accident up to mycarelessness.(他们把这次事故的责任归罪于我的疏忽大意。)
  • 8、Teacher twitted me for about mycarelessness.(老师责备我粗心大意。)
  • 9、Hiscarelessness lost him the job.(他粗枝大叶,丢了工作。)
  • 10、The mistake grew out of hercarelessness.(这错误是由于她粗心所致。)
  • 11、I must ask your pardon for mycarelessness.(请宽恕我的粗心。)
  • 12、I have been punished for mycarelessness.(我因粗心而被处罚。)
  • 13、I was rather saddened by what he had said and regretted my owncarelessness.(我听了他的话心里有点难过,只怨自己太粗心大意了。)
  • 14、They imputed the accident to the driver'scarelessness.(他们把这次车祸归咎于驾驶员的疏忽。)
  • 15、The accident was caused bycarelessness.(事故是由于粗心大意而引起的。)
  • 16、His failure in this transaction was due to nothing else than his owncarelessness.(他在这笔交易中的失利完全是由于他自己的粗心大意。)
  • 17、It is easy to chalk that up to simple humancarelessness.(这种现象很容易被归因为简单的疏忽。)
  • 18、carelessness is the root of failure.(粗心是失败的根源。)
  • 19、No matter what type of the reason it was, there was one thing in common:carelessness.(不管是哪种类型的原因,它们都有一个共同点:粗心。)
  • 20、I used this word fromcarelessness.(我使用这个词是出于疏忽。)
  • 21、carelessness deserves the blame for many accidents.(许多事故归咎于粗心大意。)
  • 22、carelessness on the part of the manufacturers that caused the shortage.(是生产商方的粗心导致了短缺。)
  • 23、The pleasures of prosperity backfired. They bredcarelessness and complacency.(繁荣的惬意酝酿了草率和自满,产生了事与愿违的结果。)
  • 24、Most are caused by ignorance,carelessness, neglect, or lack of skill.(大多数是由无知、粗心、疏忽或缺乏技能造成的。)
  • 25、The manager reproached the new salesgirl for hercarelessness.(经理斥责新来的女售货员工作上粗心大意。)
  • 26、She has just lost her job because ofcarelessness.(她刚刚因疏忽大意而丢了工作。)


英 ['keələsnəs] 美 [ ˈkɛrlɪsnəs] 

