好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的count against的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条count against的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了count against的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、While there is no disputing Andersson's ability, he won't get to try the Fiesta rs WRC in final trim until four days before the start of the rally, which couldcount against him.(虽然安德森的水平毫无争议,但是直到瑞典站开赛前四天,他都不会有机会对自己的嘉年华rs拉力赛车进行最后的调整,这对他很不利。)
- 2、Still, the limitations of EXML's XML support and the restricted license, along with the relatively poor performance for larger files, have tocount against it in many applications.(但是,EXML的XML支持的局限性和受限的许可证,以及在较大文件上所表现出的相对拙劣的性能,不得不在许多应用程序中放弃使用它。)
- 3、Most of these "studies" are the same standardized test that the kids are told don'tcount against them.(大部分“研究”都是标准化的测试,孩子们被事先告知了不算分。)
- 4、DAOS objectscount against quota and are reported as part of the file size.(DAOS对象计入配额,并作为文件大小的一部分。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 5、Messages stored in dead-letter queuescount against the size quota for the computer where the queue resides.(存储在死信队列中的消息算在队列所驻留的计算机的大小配额内。)
- 6、This does notcount against the running time.(这并不会影响运行时间。)
- 7、Sushi Bond A Eurobond that is issued by a Japanese issuer and does notcount against a Japanese institution's limits on the holdings of foreign securities.(寿司债券日本发行人发行的欧洲债券,这类债券不计入日本机构持有国外证券的最高限额。)
- 8、If you are over 50% drawn against your available credit, this willcount against you.(如果你是一位年逾50%得出对贵国提供信贷,这将罪名指控你。)
- 9、Do you think my age willcount against me?(你认为我的年龄对我是不利的因素吗?)
- 10、I don't mean tocount against you, but you should have finished the design by now.(我不想和你过不去,但是现在你真该完成设计了。)
- 11、Previously caught targets can remain caught day after day and do notcount against this daily limit on attempts.(一个晶锚每天最多可以捕获5名目标,以前捕获的目标不计算在这个数量上限内。)
- 12、This attack does not in any way hinder the wearer,count against her total actions for round, or provoke attack of opportunity.(该攻击不会阻碍穿戴者行动,不计入穿戴者的本轮行动,也不引发借机攻击。)
- 13、SOAP sessions do notcount against the maximum connections count for the server.(SOAP会话不对服务器的最大连接数进行计数。)
- 14、Last year doesn'tcount against the coach.(去年我们不应该责怪教练。)
- 15、Essentially, this feature is Google's way of saving you from downloading large files that willcount against your data limit.(从根本上说,这项功能是谷歌的方式为你节省从下载大的文件,将计入您的数据限制。)
- 16、If you have a problem, an emotional appeal willcount against you.(如果你遇到麻烦,诉诸于情感上的帮助将对你不利。)
- 17、Failed views do notcount against your remaining views and you are not paid for them.(失败的意见并不对您的剩余意见,而你不为他们支付。)
- 18、Those wouldcount against the overall value of your life.(它们降低了你生命的总价值。)
- 19、Most importantly, we are strongly inclined to "confirmation-bias" : we systematically focus on data that support a view we hold and ignore data thatcount against it.(更要紧的是,我们总带有强烈的“确认偏见”:在我们的认知及思维系统中,往往只关注支持我们观点的资料,对不利于我们观点的资料则视而不见。)
- 20、These indexes allcount against the total number of indexes allowed for a table.(所有这些索引均根据表所允许的索引总数来计数。)
- 21、For that job her lack of experience maycount against her.(她缺乏经验可能对她申请那份工作不利。)
- 22、Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will nevercount against him.(主不算为有罪的,这人是有福的。)
- 23、The way patronage and promotion work within the corporate world maycount against women.(企业界任免和晋升的工作方式或许会对女性不利。)
- 24、Methods invoked from within managed code do notcount against this limit.(从托管代码内部调用的方法不根据此限制进行计数。)
- 25、He is highly regarded, but his youth mightcount against him.(他受人尊敬,但他很年轻这点可能对他不利。)
- 26、Easter filled the post in the championship finale against Ireland, but the grim defeat in Dublin couldcount against him.(复活节充满后,在对爱尔兰锦标赛压轴,但在都柏林的严峻失利对他可以指望。)
- 27、And if in the past you have given this woman positive appraisals then that willcount against you too.(而且,如果过去你曾给过这个女人某些积极的评价,也会成为对你不利的证据。)