
cast iron

cast iron造句

更新时间:2025-01-06 07:48:39

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的cast iron的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条cast iron的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了cast iron的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、cast iron fence is long structure.(铸铁围墙是长型构造物。)
  • 2、Thus Ductile iron valves can easily replacecast iron or steel valves.(因此球墨铸铁阀门能够方便的替换铸铁或钢阀门。)
  • 3、You created acast iron orchestration that USES the Invoke service activity to call this Web service, thereby running a map.(您创建了一个CastIron编排,它使用InvokeService活动来调用这个Web服务,进而运行一个数据图。)
  • 4、This machine has many parts made ofcast iron.(这台机器有许多部件是铸铁造的。)
  • 5、Right outside the Saab museum, a giant blackcast iron steam engine stands as a monument to this unsentimental approach.(就在萨博博物馆的门外,伫立着一个巨大的铸铁蒸汽引擎诉说着这近乎不近人情的制度。)
  • 6、You will use WebSpherecast iron to synchronize account data between two endpoints.(您将使用WebSphereCastIron来同步两个端点之间的账户数据。)
  • 7、To ensure that no deformation ofcast iron plate riveting, and use flat no problem.(为确保铸铁铆焊平板不变形,并且在使用时平板不会出现问题。)
  • 8、cast iron is almost as useful as steel.(铸铁差不多与钢一样有作用。)
  • 9、Almost all of the interior detail is ofcast iron or plaster; the use of wood was minimized to insure fire safety.(几乎所有的内部细节都是由铸铁或石膏铸成的;减少木材的使用是出于确保消防安全的考虑。)
  • 10、Any of the following items come in enameledcast iron.(下面要介绍的这些炊具都是用搪瓷铸铁做成的。)
  • 11、The piece consists of three wrought-iron arms, each cut into a silhouette of an elk, with hanging green-glass lights that look like gigantic acorns with "hats" ofcast iron.(它包括三只铁臂,每只切割成麋鹿状,[下]悬几个绿色玻璃灯,这些灯看起来就像头戴生铁“帽”的巨型橡果。)
  • 12、If you do not know your host name, you can find it by looking in thecast iron error log.(如果您不知道自己的主机名,则可以在CastIron错误日志中找到它。)
  • 13、With hemp ropes and bamboo cables reaching deep into the ground, they employedcast iron drills to reach the natural gas they used as a fuel to evaporate water from brine to produce salt.(麻绳和竹管被深入到地下深处,以铸铁深钻直到得到天然气,并以此为燃料将卤水中的水蒸发来生产食盐。)
  • 14、Both steel iron andcast iron have the structures of eutectoid, hypoeutectoid and hypereutectoid.(钢和铸铁都有共析、亚共析和过共析这三种组织。)
  • 15、The lathe bed is made ofcast iron.(车床的床身是用铸铁做的。)
  • 16、Acast iron sizzle plate none-too-subtlely shaped like a cow has a heavy slug of oil applied to it before being placed on a ferocious gas flame.(人们在一个外形像牛一样的铁板上涂上食用油,然后用煤气把它烧得嘶嘶作响。)
  • 17、cast iron is an example.(铸铁就是个例子。)
  • 18、With the exception of heavy copper, the best all-purpose material, in our opinion, is heavy, enameledcast iron.(除了厚实的铜锅之外,我们觉得最棒的万能材料是厚实的搪瓷铸铁。)
  • 19、Russians first discovered thesecast iron balls with single looped handles.(俄罗斯第一次发现这些单环把手铸铁球。)
  • 20、Cooking food incast iron skillets can increase the iron content of foods, and consuming Vitamin C-rich foods along with iron-rich foods can improve iron absorption.(用铸铁煎锅烹调食物可以增加食物中铁的含量,而在吃富含铁食物的同时吃富含维生素c的食物可改善铁的吸收。)
  • 21、All that remains now is to map the variables throughcast iron.(现在只剩下的是通过CastIron映射变量了。)
  • 22、Its ductilecast iron enclosure ensures rugged and reliable performance in the harshest environments.(它的球墨铸铁外壳确保了在恶劣的环境坚固和可靠的性能。)
  • 23、In his capacity as a chemist, he helped devise a hot-blast process for producing high-qualitycast iron.(他还以化学家的身份,帮人设计了一个生产高品质铸铁的热鼓风工序。)
  • 24、Made fromcast iron, it is finished in graphite enamel.(该物由铸铁制成,表面以石墨搪瓷抛光。)
  • 25、Order a hot milk tea or sample the city's hybrid Canto-Western cuisine like Russian Borscht or a steak on a sizzlingcast iron hotplate.(点一杯热奶茶,或者品尝一下融合了粤式和西式烹饪特点的美食,比如罗宋汤,铁板牛排。)
  • 26、The article demonstrated how WebSpherecast iron cloud Integration can empower you to integrate on-premise applications and cloud applications in a matter of days and without coding.(本文阐述了WebSphereCastIronCloudIntegration如何在几天之内,使您不需要编程就可以整合公司内部应用程序和云应用程序。)
  • 27、In the mechanical manufacturing ofcast iron plate is an indispensable basic tool.(在机械制造中铸铁平板也是不可缺少的基本工具。)
cast iron基本释义

cast iron

英 [kɑ:st ˈaiən] 美 [kæst ˈaɪən] 

