好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的changing room的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条changing room的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了changing room的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、And a fifth (22 percent) of women will only allow close friends and family to see them try on clothes in achanging room.(五分之一(22%)的女性只允许好友和家人看她们在试衣间里试穿衣服。)
- 2、It should be noted that access to the packaging area is via achanging room.(值得注意的是,对包装的区域的通入是通过一间更衣室。)
- 3、I was back in thechanging room wolfing tea and sandwiches.(我回到更衣室,狼吞虎咽地喝茶、吃三明治。)
- 4、Light refreshment kiosk, BBQ area,changing room, shower facilities, toilet, raft, playground, car park, obstacle golf course.(小食亭,烧烤区,更衣室,淋浴设备,洗手间,浮台,游乐场,停车场,障碍高尔夫球场。)
- 5、Could you show me thechanging room?(告诉我更衣室在哪好吗?)
- 6、May I use thechanging room?(我能用一下更衣室吗?)
- 7、Yes, follow me to thechanging room and stand in front of the mirror.(好,请跟我去更衣室在镜子前面站着。)
- 8、There are following facilities on the beach: a shower, a restroom, and achanging room.(这些就是沙滩上仅有的一些设施:冲浴室,洗手间,还有一个更衣室。)
- 9、"It's an earthquake, a big one," I said, urging Ben on to thechanging room next door.(我一边说:“是地震,很大的地震。”一边敦促本到隔壁的更衣室。)
- 10、I was really quiet, as you would be walking into thechanging room with Thierry Henry, Robert pires and Freddie Ljungberg there.(我事实上很安静,因为你是在与亨利、皮雷和永贝里一起走进更衣室。)
- 11、Are there lockers in thechanging room?(更衣室里有衣物柜吗?)
- 12、He said to me, 'you won't believe the great atmosphere in thechanging room, I've rarely experienced anything like this'.(他跟我说,‘你不会相信更衣室里的伟大气氛,我还没经历过这样的事。’)
- 13、Can you tell me where thechanging room is?(你能告诉我更衣室在哪里吗?)
- 14、I wonder whose shirt this is? It's been kicking about thechanging room for months.(我不知道这是谁的衬衫,它被丢在更衣室里已有好几个月了。)
- 15、I feel more relaxed walking into thechanging room.(走近更衣室时,我觉得更轻松了。)
- 16、I was in thechanging room putting on a shirt and my mom said, 'Alexander, I'm going to put you on speaker phone.(我在更衣室里穿一件衬衫,我的妈妈说,“亚力山大,我要把你的手机扬声器打开。”)
- 17、I heard screams from the women'schanging room and eventually Ben's wife, Liz, appeared, supported by my wife.(我听到了更衣室里妇女们的尖叫声,本的妻子利兹在我妻子的安慰下,终于露面了。)
- 18、Shoes can be hired inchanging room for 10 dollars per pair, and clubs can be hired in addy master for 20 dollars per set.(球鞋在更衣室可以租到,10美元一双;租球杆请到出发台,20美元一套。)
- 19、I have a combination lock on my locker in thechanging room.(我的更衣室的柜子上装着一把号码锁。) hao86.com
- 20、He's still learning English but he's full part of the banter and everyone loves him in thechanging room.(他还在学习英语,但是他是每个人喜欢开玩笑的对象,更衣室里人人都爱他。)
- 21、Next, I proceed to the towel counter and then went to the malechanging room.(接著,我的毛巾进行反,然后前往男更衣室。)
- 22、British company has developed a 'smart'changing room that tells clothes shoppers what not to wear.(英国一家公司发明了“智能”更衣室,可以告诉购买衣服的顾客,他们正在试穿的衣服到底合不合适。)
- 23、Colourful tiles added to thechanging room zones mark them out as one of the new interventions made to the interior.(彩色瓷砖添加到更衣室区域,把它们标记出来作为室内新的干预之一。)
- 24、'I was in thechanging room and I wanted to run and jump on as well.(我当时在更衣室里简直想跳起来冲进场去!)