好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的centre around的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条centre around的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了centre around的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、The activities in this modulecentre around defining and categorizing the different levels of customer readiness.(本单元主要围绕定义并分类不同层次的“顾客准备度”为核心逐步展开。)
- 2、Microsoft opened a software development centre in Canada in part because Canada's more liberal laws make it easier to recruit qualified people from around the world.(微软在加拿大新建了一个软件开发中心,部分原因便是鉴于加拿大有相对宽松的劳工法律,容许微软更方便地从世界各地招纳合格员工。) haO86.com
- 3、While the moons' rapid rotation would be enough to squash them into a smooth oval it can't explain the rim around the centre of the saucer shape.(卫星的快速转动足以将它们压成一个光滑的椭圆,但是这并不能解释它们碟状中心边缘的情况。)
- 4、Supported by advanced communications technology, the Centre operates around the clock, seven days a week with a staff of up to 15 specialists and veterinarians.(该中心的工作人员由15名专家和兽医组成,在先进的通信技术支持下,每周七天昼夜不停地运转。)
- 5、The European marine-energy research centre is located in the Orkney Islands, and plenty of research and development work is being done around the country.(欧洲海上能源研究中心在爱尔兰,而且大量的研究和开发工作都在这个城市周围进行。)
- 6、Schools were closed and the number of cars permitted to move around the city cut by half, while crop sprayers soared over the city centre in an effort to thin the aerial mush.(学校停课,一半的车辆不允许在城市行驶,城市中心激增了许多农作物喷雾器,为的是驱散弥漫在空中的黑色烟雾。)
- 7、I looked around the Wellness Centre at the patients, scoffing chocolate bars with their parents who, in contrast to their children, had made a great effort to dress well.(我向这康复中心四周的病人望了望,他们那副狼吞虎咽的吃着巧克力的样子和他们父母那身特意干净整齐的穿戴形成了鲜明的对比。)
- 8、Some 70 TV stations reported live from the official announcement at Zurich Exhibition Centre, where around 1,000 reporters from all over the world also covered the event.(在苏黎世会展中心约有70家电视台进行实况报道,在那里大约1000名来自世界各地的记者也对此次盛会进行了报道。)
- 9、If your conversations tend tocentre around the nine-to-five, perhaps it's time you restored some work-life balance.(如果你的谈话趋向于围绕着朝五九晚的生活,那么到了你该休整工作和生活天平的时候了。)
- 10、It promises jobs for around 85 local people, as well as a visitors' centre for the curious.(它为当地大约85人提供工作机会,并成为好奇游客的集中地。)
- 11、This paper puts forward a digging model about relationship rules, which is based on restricted condition and whichcentre around the users.(文章提出了一个基于约束条件、以用户为中心、交互性较强的关联规则挖掘模型。)
- 12、The application of the thought on development system about "face target technique" and "centre around date" was described.(阐述了“面向对象技术”和“以数据为中心”的思想在该系统开发中的应用。)
- 13、It's all about rotational mechanics. When you turn your hands over you're rotating them around their centre point, which is near the middle of your palm.(这是一个力学常识,当你翻转手掌时,手掌是以掌心为中心旋转地。)
- 14、The widespread use of English around the world gives London an edge over Frankfurt, Paris or Milan as Europe's main financial centre.(英语在世界上广泛应用,这让伦敦在成为欧洲主要金融中心上具有相对于法兰克福、巴黎或者米兰的优势。)
- 15、Dealmaking in Dubai centres around the Gate, a cube-shaped structure at the heart of the Dubai International Financial centre (DIFC).(迪拜的市场交易以门户大厦为中心,它是一座位于迪拜国际金融中心(DIFC)核心地带的立方体建筑。)
- 16、We drift around the old centre of Ribadeo with its ornate turn-of-the-20th-century houses, but not for long.(我们在里瓦德奥的老城中心漫步,这里有很多二十世纪初的老房子。)
- 17、A customer sent me some cookies to say thank you for showing them around our Network Operations Centre.(一位客户寄给我一些曲奇以示感谢带他们参观我们的网络运营中心。)
- 18、But not everyone's. Looking around for something to photograph, I walked to a large church in what passes for the town's centre.(但也不是百分之一百,我四处看看,想拍一些照片,走近了镇中心一个很大的教堂。)
- 19、Your child is likely going to come home with activities whichcentre around comprehension and which lead to greater comprehension.(您的孩子更有希望将活动的主旨和其对活动更多的感悟带回家。)
- 20、It revolves around a small centre where new mothers bring their children for pre-school education and information about nutrition and health.(它围绕着一个小的中心区,在这里,母亲可以带着孩子们来接受学前教育,获取营养卫生方面的信息。)
- 21、And most institutes are all located in thecentre around the main building, exclude the natural science institutes.(所有的学院都坐落在主建筑物周围,除了自然科学学院。)
- 22、According to the Belfer Centre at Harvard University, there is around 1.6m kg of highly-enriched uranium and 0.5m kg of weapons-grade plutonium in the world.(据哈佛大学贝尔弗尔科学与国际事务研究中心的估计,全球大约有160万千克的高浓缩铀,以及50万千克的武器级钚。)
- 23、The impulse to acquire knowledge and the activities whichcentre around it constitute what I mean by the life of the mind.(获得知识的冲动和围绕它的一切活动,构成了我所指的思想生活。)
- 24、Even the buildings are not immune; around the country 3,200 courthouses are "physically eroded" and "functionally deficient", says the National Centre for State Courts.(甚至办公大楼都难免遭殃,全国法庭中心说,在全国有大约3200个法院受到腐蚀和功能缺陷的影响。)
- 25、Would businesses be more inclined tocentre around other European tech hubs such as Munich or Paris post Brexit?(英国退欧后,企业会不会更集中在其它欧洲科技中心周围,比如慕尼黑或巴黎?)