


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:30:51

  • 1、Some species of Arctic birds are threatened by recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese, which breed in the Arctic and are displacing birds of lessvigorous species.(某些种类的北极鸟受到近来雪雁数量急剧增加的威胁,这些雪雁在北极繁殖,并且正在取代生命力较弱的鸟类。)
  • 2、She had avigorous opponent.(她遇到一个劲敌。)
  • 3、She was a veryvigorous sort of person.(她是那种精力非常旺盛的人。)
  • 4、His calligraphy isvigorous and forceful.(他的书法苍劲有力。)
  • 5、Another experiment demonstrated that physical exercise, which was sufficientlyvigorous to double the rate of breathing, had no effect on the frequency of yawning.(另一项实验表明,体育运动——尤其是剧烈的运动——可以使呼吸频率增加一倍,但这对打哈欠的频率没有影响。)
  • 6、Veryvigorous exercise can increase the risk of heart attacks.(耗费大量体力的运动会增加心脏病发作的风险。)
  • 7、It is difficult to conceive ofvigorous economic growth without an efficient transport system.(如果没有高效的交通系统,很难想象会有强劲的经济增长。)
  • 8、This plant is avigorous grower.(这种植物生长起来茂盛茁壮。)
  • 9、He isvigorous and unrestrained in behaviour.(他这个人做事豪放不羁。)
  • 10、Vita was a trailblazer, avigorous independent.(维塔是一位开拓者,一个精力充沛的独立派。)
  • 11、Though nearly 50, he is exceptionallyvigorous in work.(别看他快50岁了,工作却是雷厉风行。)
  • 12、From the more relaxed to the morevigorous levels, sensitivity to novelty is increased.(从比较放松的阶段来到比较活跃的阶段,对新奇事物的敏感度有所提高。)
  • 13、Stretching out our arms and legs before doing avigorous exercise can prevent us from getting injured.(在做剧烈运动之前伸展胳膊和腿可以防止我们受伤。)
  • 14、You will probably be asked about whether you partake in veryvigorous sports.(你可能会被问到是否参加非常剧烈的体育运动。)
  • 15、African dance isvigorous, but full of subtlety, requiring great strength and control.(非洲舞蹈很有活力,但充满微妙性,需要很大的力量和很强的控制力。)
  • 16、They think they're okay because they can get by on 6.5 hours, when they really need 7.5, eight, or even more to feel ideallyvigorous.(他们认为自己的状态还可以,因为他们可以睡六个半小时来过活,即使实际上,他们需要七个半小时、八个小时甚至更长的时间,才能达到精力充沛的状态。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 17、That 70-year-old man walked into the park withvigorous strides.(那位七旬老人健步走进公园。)
  • 18、We also see some unsurprising overlap with national stereotypes and self-stereotypes: French,vigorous; German, logical; English, playful.(我们也看到了一些与民族刻板印象和自我刻板印象的重叠,这并不令人感到奇怪:精力充沛的法国人、有逻辑的德国人、爱玩的英国人。)
  • 19、Duringvigorous exercise, our muscles tire as they run out of fuel and build up waste products.(在剧烈运动时,我们的肌肉会因为耗尽能量和产生废物累积而疲劳。)
  • 20、He is none the lessvigorous for his years.(他虽年老而依然健壮。)
  • 21、The black market trade in exotic carnivorous plants is sovigorous now that botanists are keeping the location of some rare species a secret.(现在,外来食肉植物的黑市交易非常活跃,以至于植物学家一直对某些稀有物种的位置三缄其口。)
  • 22、He found a towel and gave his body avigorous rubdown.(他找到一条毛巾,并使劲地擦拭了他的身体。)
  • 23、The economy needsvigorous resuscitation.(该经济需要强劲的复兴。)
  • 24、If parent birds use begging intensity to direct food to healthy offspring capable ofvigorous begging, then parents should make food delivery decisions on the basis of their offsprings' calls.(如果雏鸟双亲是根据雏鸟乞食的叫声响亮程度来把食物分给叫声响亮的健康雏鸟的话,那么鸟类双亲就是根据雏鸟乞食声音来决定如何分配食物的。)
  • 25、In many of these cities such as Denver, a diverse andvigorous economy attracted to the urban core has offered stable employment for residents.(在丹佛等许多城市,城市核心吸引的多样化和充满活力的经济为居民提供了稳定的就业机会。)
  • 26、The more they liked their nest, the morevigorous and lengthy their waggle dance and the more bees will choose to visit it.(它们越喜欢自己的巢,它们的摆尾舞就跳得越有活力而且时间也更长,这样就会有更多的蜜蜂来光顾。)
  • 27、He collapsed following avigorous exercise session at his home.(他在家中进行了一段时间的剧烈运动后倒下了。)


英 [ˈvɪgərəs] 美 [ˈvɪɡərəs] 

副词: vigorously 名词: vigorousness

