


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:30:51

  • 1、So maybe your soul is located, more or less, in thevicinity of your body.(因此你的灵魂坐落在,多多少少,离你的身体很近很近。)
  • 2、In thevicinity of the statue are a temple and a vegetarian restaurant.(一座庙和一家素食餐厅在大佛的附近。)
  • 3、Reports indicate outbreaks of avian influenza in poultry in thevicinity.(报道表明在邻近地区家禽中禽流感的暴发。)
  • 4、The other is less destructive, killing only those in the immediatevicinity.(另外一种破坏力要小些,只是将附近的直接目标炸死。)
  • 5、The KTV newly opened in thevicinity of my living area was forced to shut down under pressure coming from every aspect.(在我生活的小区附近的一家KTV因为各方面的压力下被关闭了。)
  • 6、Crowds gathered in thevicinity of Trafalgar Square.(成群结队的人聚集在特拉法尔加广场周围。)
  • 7、The immediatevicinity of the plant, out to 20 kilometres, has been evacuated.(距离核电厂附近20公里以内的人员已被立即疏散。)
  • 8、There's a factory in thevicinity of the school.(学校邻近有个工厂。)
  • 9、Three other types of airspace, Classes D, C and B, govern thevicinity of airports.(其他三种领空,D、C和B类,管理着机场周围地区。)
  • 10、In the warm enclosed waters of farm ponds, conditions are very likely to be lethal for fish when insecticides are applied in thevicinity.(当杀虫剂在农场附近池塘的温暖封闭水域使用时,环境很可能对鱼是致命的。)
  • 11、But now there were no enthusiasts to be seen in hisvicinity.(但现在在他的周围已看不见那些热心的追随者的踪影了。)
  • 12、There is no hospital in the immediatevicinity.(附近没有医院。)
  • 13、They were, at least, agonizingly aware of the easy money in thevicinity.(他们最起码都揪心地意识到,近在眼前就有唾手可得的钱。)
  • 14、One evening, the bad guy lurked in thevicinity of the girl's garden and waited.(一天晚上,坏蛋埋伏在姑娘花园的附近并伺机行动。)
  • 15、Uncontrolled airspace is designated Class F, while controlled airspace below 5,490m above sea level and not in thevicinity of an airport is Class E.(无交通管制的空域被定为等级F,而低于海拔5490米、不在机场附近的管制空域是等级E。)
  • 16、There, as the other corners in thisvicinity, a policeman was stationed.(那儿和这一带其他角落一样,也有一胩警察站岗。)
  • 17、In certain areas, mainly near airports, controlled airspace extends down to 215m above the ground, and, in the immediatevicinity of an airport, all the way down to the surface.(在某些区域(主要是机场附近),受管制的空域一直延伸到距地面215米之上,而且在紧邻机场的区域,控制区域一直延伸到地表。)
  • 18、However, as the climate dried up, the forests retreated from thevicinity of the settlement.(然而由于气候干燥,森林从定居点附近退去。)
  • 19、This earthquake affected several cities in thevicinity.(这次地震波及周围几个城市。)
  • 20、The average density of interstellar material in thevicinity of our Sun is 1,000 to 10,000 times less than the best terrestrial laboratory vacuum.(在我们的太阳附近,星际物质的平均密度比最好的地球实验室真空还要低1000到10000倍。)
  • 21、If your doctor doesn't know of one in thevicinity, flip to page 214.(如果你的医生不知道附近的一家,请翻到214页。)
  • 22、Only a handful had returned to work in the immediatevicinity.(只有少数几个人回到附近地区工作。)
  • 23、Both of these grow in coastal waters, often in thevicinity of coral reefs.(这两种植物都生长在沿海水域,且通常生长在珊瑚礁附近。)
  • 24、There were a hundred or so hotels in thevicinity of the station.(在车站附近有大约一百家左右的旅馆。)
  • 25、If you look at her work, we are talking in thevicinity of thirteen thousand paintings.(如果你看她的作品,我们说的大约是一万三千幅画。)


英 [vəˈsɪnəti] 美 [vɪˈsɪnɪti] 

名词复数: vicinities

