


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:30:46

  • 1、affirmative, sir, I will be at work on time.(当然,先生,我会准时来上班的。)
  • 2、Sites should not collect, use, or share personal data without the a user's specificaffirmative consent.(未经用户明确同意,网站不得收集、使用或与第三方共同使用个人资料。)
  • 3、All these intentions areaffirmative and hardly bar the licensor or licensee from imposing additional terms.(所有这些意图都是肯定的,不会阻止许可方或被许可方强加附加的条款。) (好工具
  • 4、We could even haveaffirmative action for the ugly.(我们甚至可以向丑陋人群实行平权法案。)
  • 5、After changes have occurred this same wish could be answered in theaffirmative.(在做出改变之后同样的愿望才可以得到肯定的回答。)
  • 6、She opposes all forms ofaffirmative action for women.(她反对所有形式的女性反歧视行动。)
  • 7、It also counts as a form ofaffirmative action, since a disproportionate amount goes to blacker Brazilians.(这也被看做反歧视的活动的一部分,因为这个计划在黑巴西人方面做的不足够。)
  • 8、affirmative answers to these questions may indicate a need to structure the initiative as a program.(这些问题的答案如果是肯定的,那也许暗示着应该将工作以规划的形式开始进行建构。)
  • 9、Don't we needaffirmative action to keep bigoted employers from refusing to.(我们不需要平权法案以使偏执的(bigoted)雇主无法拒绝聘用少数族群和妇女吗?)
  • 10、He asked me if I was ready. I answered in theaffirmative.(他问我是否准备好了。我肯定地回答了。)
  • 11、He might at any moment respond in theaffirmative to his fellow mortals' calls to run.(如果他地上的同伴召唤他竞选,那么他在任何时刻都会有肯定的反应。)
  • 12、The era ofaffirmative action, or preferential treatment for blacks, seems to be drawing to a close.(对于黑人来说,“反歧视行动”[6]或者说“从优对待”的时代似乎将要一去不复返。)
  • 13、In the big University of Michiganaffirmative action case of 2003, the court again only released audiotapes.(在零三年密歇根大学平权措施大案中,最高院同样只愿提供录音带。)
  • 14、All these intentions areaffirmative; none prevents the licensor or licensee from imposing additional terms.(所有这些意图都是肯定的,都不会阻止许可方或被许可方强加附加的条款。)
  • 15、Yes, act - show that you are interested withaffirmative facial expressions and engaged body language.(是的,让对方看到你对此很有兴趣,露出肯定的面部表情和身体语言。)
  • 16、Universities have taken seriously calls for inclusiveness andaffirmative action.(大学已经很郑重地呼吁要拥有包容性和平权法案。)
  • 17、She fancied she heard answers in theaffirmative, and then again she wasn't sure.(她以为自己听到的回答是肯定的,但又不敢肯定。)
  • 18、Asked if he was all right, the man gave a slurred butaffirmative response.(我朋友问他怎么样,那男子含糊而肯定地回答说没问题。)
  • 19、Haig was desperately eager for anaffirmative answer.(黑格极渴望得到一个肯定的回答。)
  • 20、Her answer is in theaffirmative.(她的回答是肯定的。)
  • 21、Some critics blameaffirmative action—students admitted with lower test scores and grades from shaky high schools often struggle at elite schools.(一些批评人士将此归咎于平权行动——那些来自问题高中的学生,以较低的考试分数和成绩被录取,往往在精英学校里很吃力。)
  • 22、But he has never, Professor Chemerinsky noted in an interview, voted to uphold anaffirmative action program.(不过,切穆任斯基教授在一次访谈中指出,他从来没有投票支持过平权措施。)
  • 23、Nearly 30 percent of students in Paris similarly responded in theaffirmative.(在巴黎,有将近30%的学生对这类问题给出了肯定答案。)


英 [əˈfɜ:mətɪv] 美 [əˈfɜ:rmətɪv] 

副词: affirmatively


