


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:31:08

  • 1、Thelandlord smiled and immediately went out.(酒店老板笑了笑,马上走了出去。)
  • 2、Regulations placed clear obligations on thelandlord for the benefit of the tenant.(为了租户的利益,条列给房东规定了明确的义务。)
  • 3、Hislandlord doubled the rent.(他的房东把房租提高了一倍。)
  • 4、Thelandlord or the person who owns the house or apartment wants to kick them out.(房东或者房子的主人想赶他们出去。)
  • 5、They took theirlandlord to court for breaking the contract.(因为房东毁约,他们把他告上了法庭。)
  • 6、Larry'slandlord threatened not to renew his lease.(拉里的房东威胁说不再让他续租。)
  • 7、Thelandlord has put the rent up again.(房东又提高房租了。)
  • 8、She has now settled with herlandlord.(她现在已经和她的房东算清了。)
  • 9、He decided to ask thelandlord about it the next day.(他打算第二天问问旅馆老板这事儿。)
  • 10、Thelandlord is a very kind person.(店主是个很和善的人。)
  • 11、Thelandlord gave a written undertaking that the repairs would be carried out.(房东书面保证将进行维修。)
  • 12、Thelandlord pays cleaners who come daily, and there is a dingy shared washroom where residents can clean their belongings.(房东雇了清洁工每天来打扫,还有一个昏暗的公用盥洗室,供住户们洗自己的东西。)
  • 13、Mr. Mail Man, Mr. Insurance Man, Mr. White and Chocolate Milk Man, Mr.landlord Man, Mr. Policewe: we called white people by their trade, like characters in a mystery play.(邮差先生、保险先生、卖巧克力牛奶的白人先生、地主先生、警察先生:我们用他们的职业来称呼白人,就像神秘剧里的角色一样。)
  • 14、Thelandlord had let the building fall into decay.(房东不管,房子已经破烂不堪。)
  • 15、For instance, one student took the lead in dealing with a difficultlandlord and so demonstrated negotiation skills.(例如,一名学生带头与一个难相处的房东交涉,这样就展示了他的谈判技巧。)
  • 16、Hislandlord collected the tenant's rent monthly.(他的房东每个月收房客的房租。)
  • 17、The heating isn't working; I'll get on to thelandlord about it.(暖气不热,我得与房东联系一下。)
  • 18、Mylandlord is my boyfriend. FML(好吧我承认,我的房东就是我男朋友。)
  • 19、That holds double for thelandlord or developer, who won't actually see a penny of the savings his investment in better insulation or a better heating system might generate.(这对房东或开发商来说是双倍的好处,因为他们实际上会看到,自己在更好的隔热或更好的供暖系统上的投资不会节省一分钱。)
  • 20、Because these centers have a singlelandlord and they get a good mix of tenants.(因为这些中心只有一个房东,并且房客们能够很好的相处。)
  • 21、If you do not pay the rent, thelandlord will kick you out.(如果你不付房租,房东就会把你撵出去。)
  • 22、"Liu was a greatlandlord," she says.(“刘是个很好的地主,”她说。)
  • 23、One day, thelandlord lost his stakes in the horse race.(一天,地主在赛马里失去了他的赌注。)
  • 24、Thelandlord was willing to accept us as tenants.(房东愿意把房子租给我们住。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 25、He left what little furniture he owned to hislandlord in lieu of rent.(他把他仅有的几件家具给了房东以抵房租。)
  • 26、I have just returned from a visit to mylandlord--the solitary neighbour that I shall be troubled with.(我刚刚拜访过我的房东回来——就是那个将要给我惹麻烦的孤独的邻居。)
  • 27、Thelandlord gave them all notice to quit.(房东通知他们都搬出去。)
  • 28、The rent is a matter for negotiation between thelandlord and the tenant.(租金可以由房东和租户协商确定。)


英 [ˈlændlɔ:d] 美 [ˈlændlɔ:rd] 


