


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:30:32

  • 1、Disassembly demands a bit offinesse.(拆解需要一点技巧。)
  • 2、Obtained by the traditional and artesian Arab method of copper pot still, Alquitaras, to achieve an eaux-de-vie of uniquefinesse.(经过名为阿尔坤塔拉的阿拉伯铜壶蒸馏,获得极其细腻的生命之水。)
  • 3、Successfully interviewing the individuals who will compose your company’s talent base is a skill that requires practice andfinesse.(成功的应聘者将构成公司的人才基地,此种技能的实现需要运用实践和手腕。)
  • 4、He had strength for the long game,finesse and subtlety for the short game, but also a daring that bordered on recklessness.(他有着长距离球所需的力量,短距离球所需的技巧和敏锐,但是他太大胆,几近鲁莽。)
  • 5、When he first came over, he was afinesse '4,' a pick-and-pop guy playing with Steve Nash.(Nelson说,“当他第一次来到这儿,他是个灵巧的4号位,一个和SteveNash一起玩儿挡拆的家伙。”)
  • 6、But this requires a certain amount offinesse.(但是,这需要相当的技巧。)
  • 7、It's not as easy as it looks. You needfinesse, not strength.(这并不是看上去那么容易。你需要的是技巧,不是力量。)
  • 8、Once, infinesse of fiddles found I ecstasy.(曾经,在小提琴的精妙里我找到狂喜。)
  • 9、"Its vocabulary is contemporary and in line with thefinesse and attention to detail of housing in the neighbourhood," said the architects.(“它运用了当代的建筑语汇,并以一定技巧排列,注重了与邻边住宅的细节”,建筑师说道。)
  • 10、In Italy, you should never underestimate the amount offinesse brought to bear on the most elemental of pleasures.(在意大利,永远不要低估人们在最基本的乐趣中所投入的用心程度。)
  • 11、Storytellers are simply curators of information whofinesse the elements of a yarn into a beginning, middle and end.(说故事的人只不过是信息的调度者,他将故事元素合理安排为开头、中间和结尾。)
  • 12、With it, be was able to control the formaldehyde phenol phenol reaction with morefinesse than had anyone before him.(有了这个容器,他能比所有前人更加细微地控制甲醛-酚的反应。)
  • 13、Paul played the sonata with greatfinesse.(保罗以丰富的技巧弹奏了这部奏鸣曲。)
  • 14、My volleys were clean and controlled, with an excellent balance of power andfinesse.(由于在力量和灵巧方面好的平衡,我的截击可以很干净,具有控制性。)
  • 15、It seems like you can now reallyfinesse the ball and move it from the inside to the outside of the player's foot.(好像你现在还可以把球从球员的脚内侧拨到脚外侧(我估计就是指用内外脚背带球)。)
  • 16、Knowing how to turn down invitations withfinesse and not feel guilty.(知道如何巧妙地拒绝邀请,而且不会感到心中有愧?)
  • 17、The legendary kungfu master can exert tremendous force,finesse and accuracy with his arms because he has learned how to stand.(传奇的武术大师可以爆发出巨大的力量,对手臂的控制无比精确,是因为他的马步。)
  • 18、They offer additional information that can improve your writing techniques and addfinesse to your game.(就像在游乐场里面一样,你可以在游戏的过程中学习更加优美的技巧。)
  • 19、Most common pin and tumbler locks can be picked with a little luck andfinesse—so before you call a locksmith, try this.(用一点运气加上策略,大多普通的弹子锁都能被打开——所有在你请锁匠之前,尝试一下这个。)
  • 20、Believe in poise andfinesse.(相信你的稳定和策略。)
  • 21、Unfortunately, this run of animated shorts lacked thefinesse, humor and magic of the original series and was never as popular.(不幸的是,这种跑的愉快短片缺乏手腕、幽默和奇妙的原作系列,也不受欢迎。)
  • 22、This can take somefinesse to get the desired size.(这样可以使一些策略获得理想的大小。)
  • 23、Set plays: use the left analog stick to apply topspin or backspin to the ball for more creative set plays andfinesse shots.(控制:使用左遥杆完成球的上旋和下旋来玩出创造性地控球和舒适的射门。)
  • 24、This was a show that succeeded with volume and scale, notfinesse or detail.(这是场以音量和音阶而不是技巧或细节制胜的表演。)
  • 25、It can be easily recognizable by the extremefinesse of their printing on satin papers.(它可以通过在缎纹纸上印刷的极高技巧来轻松识别。)
  • 26、A shrewd diplomat must be a master offinesse.(一个精明的外交官必定是位手腕高手。)
  • 27、We were able to get to where we did byfinesse and speed and the abilities that we had.(但是我们可以利用我们的技巧和速度,我们多拥有的。)
  • 28、Being discreet when giving tips to relevant service professionals. No one should see the money. This takes somefinesse.(在给相关服务人士小费时要注意,不要让其他人看到你给了多少钱。这需要一些技巧。)


英 [fɪˈnes] 美 [fəˈnɛs] 

过去式: finessed 过去分词: finessed 现在分词: finessing 第三人称单数: finesses


